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Deleted member 1

They are talking about his taxes and know how much he paid, when he will release them and why, that is pretty much amazing inside info, no? Also talking about 'we' while making the leaks at certain times to specifically stop the democrats from getting a presidency. That seems at the very least highly biased, and at most directly out of his camp.

That's 4chan who is has a large pro and anti Trump contingent. That's the pro Trump wing talking. And even the anti Trump wing hates Hillary.

Wikileaks just hates Hillary. Maybe because she suggested assange should be assassinated?


Nov 3, 2015
That's 4chan who is has a large pro and anti Trump contingent. That's the pro Trump wing talking. And even the anti Trump wing hates Hillary.

Wikileaks just hates Hillary. Maybe because she suggested assange should be assassinated?
They use the word 'we' a lot tho.
Why even let her become candidate?

Either way, like media shouldn't be biased, wikileaks shouldn't either.

Deleted member 1

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails lol IschKabibble @IschKabibble

Campaign conspiring to leak pieces of wall Street transcripts to obfuscate the damning ones

Following up on the conversation this morning about needing more arrows in > our quiver on Wall Street, I wanted to float one idea. In October 2014, > HRC did a paid speech in NYC for Deutsche Bank. I wrote her a long riff > about economic fairness and how the financial industry has lost its way, > precisely for the purpose of having something we could show people if ever > asked what she was saying behind closed doors for two years to all those > fat cats.
I think we could come up with a vanilla characterization that challenges the idea that she sucked up to these folks in her appearances, but then use AP's raising of this to our advantage to pitch someone to do an exclusive by providing at least the key excerpts from this Deutsche Bank speech. In doing so, we could have the reporting be sourced to a "transcript obtained by [news outlet]" so it is not confirmed as us selectively providing one transcript while refusing to share others.


Canadian Heavyweight Poultry Champion
May 30, 2015
And yet she'll get elected because the corrupt media isn't talking about it, and the American public is too stupid/lazy to research it on their own.
Yeah, the corrupt media isn't.... Oh wait, they are talking about the email leaks... Nevermind.

Maybe you should have researched it on your own so I didn't have to debunk your nonsense.

NY Times article -


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
So wikileaks is working for the Trump-campaign now? They should have hitched their wagon behind a better candidate..

Or no-one at all, for that matter. Get this shit out before Hillary even becomes candidate.
for the record, IIRC, Assange is no fan of Trump. both terrible candidates.

IMHO, this has become more about him now. he is probably shooting for Snowden-type adoration. If he is really sitting on something that will "put Hillary in prison" or "end her campaign" he should release it immediately. I doubt there is anything more shocking than what we have already seen, & honestly, was anyone really shocked by any of his releases yet?


Nov 3, 2015
I'll get right on that decades of government corruption and death from Trump...
If they got a smoking gun on Hillary, fire it when you can. Its not your job to fool around.

No matter which candidate I'd support, if what they write is true, they will create the most chaos, more chaos than any terrorist could hope to create. And if that happens just because they felt the need to play mighty and time it like that, I know I'd be pissed if it were my country.

Its a game they shouldn't play. Two wrongs don't make it right etc etc.
I know that I am getting iffy about them as source because of this.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
for the record, IIRC, Assange is no fan of Trump. both terrible candidates.

IMHO, this has become more about him now. he is probably shooting for Snowden-type adoration. If he is really sitting on something that will "put Hillary in prison" or "end her campaign" he should release it immediately. I doubt there is anything more shocking than what we have already seen, & honestly, was anyone really shocked by any of his releases yet?
I think both sides have a grand finale planned for the opposition that will be released a couple days before the next debate.

Deleted member 1

Rigged primary

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

> The overall goal is to move the IL primary out of mid March, where they are currently a lifeline to a moderate Republican candidate after the mostly southern Super Tuesday. IL was a key early win for Romney in 12. > Our preference would be for them to move all the way to May, but if they at least move to April 12 or April 19 they will have the day to themselves and presumably garner a lot of coverage. They will also be influencing a big northeast primary day on April 26. > They will receive a bonus of 10% extra delegates if they move to April and 20% if they move to May. Mapes has said repeatedly they don't care about that. > As we discussed, they don't really care about being helpful and feel forgotten and neglected by POTUS. The key point is that this is not an Obama ask, but a Hillary ask. And the Clintons won't forget what their friends have done for them.

Deleted member 1

Its not your job to fool around.

Maybe so, but it's too late for that now.
I've got evidence of 4 major news agencies, countless blogs, and government colluding with a campaign.

The delays for Trump attacks are coming coordinated at timed sessions via this machine already. The system is a sham. I'm going to keep enjoying Mr Trump's Wild Ride of 2016.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If he is really sitting on something that will "put Hillary in prison" or "end her campaign" he should release it immediately.
I disagree. The trickle release is brilliant. The news cycle in America moves far too quickly for a single dump to be effective.

Trickle it slowly, and save the juiciest stuff for last!

Deleted member 1


WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

>> [Obama] could well do to Hillary Clinton what he accomplished with Democrats losing control of the House, the Senate, major governorships and state legislatures on his watch.

>>if I seem bitter and angry I am because more terror attacks on American soil are coming: Tonight the president took up space in the Oval Office on national television to say nothing, praised himself for a job well done, promised to stay the course, vowed to do more of the same, was eloquent in saying we can win a war by bombing alone, subcontracted the prevention of any coming terror attacks on American soil to Middle East despots and Vladimir Putin, and to demonstrate the gravity of the situation about which he addressed the nation in the Oval Office, he then proceeded to the Kennedy Center Awards ceremony for his most important business of the evening.

>>Perhaps he should be president of the Kennedy Center?


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
I disagree. The trickle release is brilliant. The news cycle in America moves far too quickly for a single dump to be effective.

Trickle it slowly, and save the juiciest stuff for last!
while Trump continues to sink? I guess it really doesn't matter @ this point for me.

I don't know when he gained possession of this info, but the country would have been better served if he would have dropped it ASAP, preferably before even the nomination process if possible. we are now stuck choosing between the two worst candidates I could possibly imagine.

again though, nothing he dropped yet has surprised me; still waiting for the bombshell & don't think it's coming.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
I don't like Hillary or Gary either. Poor Johnson.
not a fan, maybe should have said 3, but Johnson not on Clinton or Trump's level IMO & no realistic chance of winning.

in Johnson & Stein's defense, there are a few things I do like & Johnson would at least surround himself with people I can support. can't say the same for Trump & Clinton.