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Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
hey man, where did my Rand Paul thread go?

seems to have disappeared/been removed...


Deleted member 1

hey man, where did my Rand Paul thread go?
Fuck me.
That might have been me. Hang on

EDIT - god fuck Daglord @Daglord I think that was me.

I was just looking at that thread (I had posted there too and was looking for overlying Trump/Rand positions). I either grabbed it when deleted some news articles we didn't want to post or I dunno. Fucking hell. Let me see if I have a way to restore (I perm delete the news)


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
When you are done letting us know you don't like Trump, get on the train or be prepared for another generation of Libertarian irrelevance.

Scott Adams' Blog
Libertarians will be more popular than ever after Clinton (or Trump). don't kid yourself.

people are pissed @ the establishment, it won't be long before the realize Trump is one of them.

Deleted member 1

no worries. it was dead anyway, just had to say something ;)
Yeah, but we don't delete dead stuff either. That way we can go back reference, bump, etc. I had posted in there quite a bit too including my praise of Rand that I was going to rub in your face :eek:

Normally this is simple. We only remove threads from public view, but we perm. delete news articles we have collected but don't want to post so I don't have a ton of extra orphans in the database.

Edit- Well bad for you, but good for site. I know it's just one old thread current quick process for catastrophe repair works. but in the process I've locked myself into a way that would require a fairly substantial pause of the forum to get the thread back. Probably not worth it if you are comfortable with that and now I know I need to adjust my backup scheme.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
So does anyone know if O'Keefe will be supplying the full unedited footage to police/relevant authorities? Surely that's the next step to disprove the accusations of biased editing, right?

Deleted member 1

Libertarians will be more popular than ever after Clinton (or Trump). don't kid yourself.

people are pissed @ the establishment, it won't be long before the realize Trump is one of them.

There will be no agent for change via Clinton. The calm coma of disenfranchisement and lobbying will set in. We will continue down the road of two party suppression and the GOP will never allow an internal threat after this once they rewrite the primary rules to better give themselves control. Th external libertarians will hit the Ron Paul wall. All the internal excitement, never able to translate into bigger movement, and undercut by the big parties anytime there is a threat.

Deleted member 1


Deleted member 1


Yikes. I'm telling you, something is going on with her! People act like its just us being funny or something. If my mother or sister acted the way she does, has "spells", the way she does, etc. I would be hunting for a diagnosis and pneumonia isn't one of them.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Yikes. I'm telling you, something is going on with her! People act like its just us being funny or something. If my mother or sister acted the way she does, has "spells", the way she does, etc. I would be hunting for a diagnosis and pneumonia isn't one of them.
Wouldn't she still have the clot that was already documented and confirmed? Or is that something that can be taken care of?

Deleted member 1

Wouldn't she still have the clot that was already documented and confirmed? Or is that something that can be taken care of?
"a clot" could be several things. Could be an attempt to downplay an ischemic stroke, could be a sinus clot...
I dunno.
Regardless, clots remodel over time and they aren't their permanently. I also don't know what she was treated with -- intervention to acutely remove the clot such a flouroscopic guided wire? Dunno.

If she had a stroke, this could all be post stroke deficits that are permanent.
Beyond that, she appears to be on life long warfarin therapy, so some neurologist figured out that risk and benefit. If she has a clotting disorder could still be a typical stroke. If it was a sinus thrombosis, that would also justify extended warfarin therapy, though life long is up for debate and based on the neurologist's evaluated risk and benefits.

I am trying to not jump to too many conclusions, but she absolutely has some medical problem going on in those videos.

Deleted member 1

The Weapoized Autism of 4chan has gone too far!

they don't even see code anymore...all they see is blonde, brunette, redhead...