Horror Villain Semi Final 2: Freddy Krueger vs Jason Voorhees

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Freddy vs Jason

  • Freddy Krueger

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Jason Voorhees

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Semi Final 2, an interesting rematch:

Freddy Krueger - Kingtony87 @Homiesauce vs Jason Voorhees - @Alienator

Arena: The Ocean (LOL).

Combatants have their powers in their ideal settings (eg Superman has been solar charged, Neo is in the Matrix, Namor is fully hydrated etc).

Win is by KO/death. Fleeing the battle is a DQ. Battlefield removal (BFR) is allowed but does not automatically equal a win, eg Goku teleporting Batman to Africa is not a win. Goku throwing Batman into the sun IS a win.

Voting ends Friday.


Teen Gohan

TMMAC Top Team
Oct 19, 2015
LOL Freddy just has to sit back and watch.

Edit: changed my mind to Jason
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2016
Step one: Possess Jaws
Step two: Find Jason who's afraid of water
Step three: Make Chum
Step four: Celebrate
Step five: Move on to finals



Jason is superhumanly strong and durable, casually shrugging off bullets, being burned alive, electrocuted, and even submerged in a flood of toxic waste. In the event that he is injured, he can rapidly regenerate himself, retaining his eyesight despite being stabbed in the eyes, and even regrowing his severed fingers after his battle withFreddy Krueger. He has displayed his incredible strength on several occasions, smashing through solid walls and wooden barriers, lifting adult humans off the ground with one hand, crushing their skulls between his palms, and at one point punching a young manin the face with such force that his head popped off his shoulders.

He can also survive getting blown to pieces, in which his heart can hypnotize anyone into eating it, causing the victim to be possessed by his demonic spirit. While possessing a victim, his reflection in a mirror is that of his true form. After a while, Jason must transfer into someone else's body in the form of a parasitic snake demon, traveling from his current victim's mouth to his next victim's mouth. This will cause the previous victim to gruesomely melt away. He can also leave the victim's body in the form of a Hellbaby. In order to be fully reborn as himself, he must possess the body - whether it be living or dead - of another Voorhees.

Jason is essentially immortal, having survived several apparent deaths, and even being resurrected through various means, such as a bolt of lightning (Jason Lives). Both Freddy Krueger andPamela Voorhees have stated that, no matter what, Jason can never truly die.

Jason appears to be able to breathe underwater and often uses water to his advantage, typically by drowning his victims.


We already know how this fight goes down. Hell, at the end of the movie they disappear into the lake for a long ass time, and we all know Jason came out holding Kruger's head.



Feb 2, 2016
Jason is superhumanly strong and durable, casually shrugging off bullets, being burned alive, electrocuted, and even submerged in a flood of toxic waste. In the event that he is injured, he can rapidly regenerate himself, retaining his eyesight despite being stabbed in the eyes, and even regrowing his severed fingers after his battle withFreddy Krueger. He has displayed his incredible strength on several occasions, smashing through solid walls and wooden barriers, lifting adult humans off the ground with one hand, crushing their skulls between his palms, and at one point punching a young manin the face with such force that his head popped off his shoulders.

He can also survive getting blown to pieces, in which his heart can hypnotize anyone into eating it, causing the victim to be possessed by his demonic spirit. While possessing a victim, his reflection in a mirror is that of his true form. After a while, Jason must transfer into someone else's body in the form of a parasitic snake demon, traveling from his current victim's mouth to his next victim's mouth. This will cause the previous victim to gruesomely melt away. He can also leave the victim's body in the form of a Hellbaby. In order to be fully reborn as himself, he must possess the body - whether it be living or dead - of another Voorhees.

Jason is essentially immortal, having survived several apparent deaths, and even being resurrected through various means, such as a bolt of lightning (Jason Lives). Both Freddy Krueger andPamela Voorhees have stated that, no matter what, Jason can never truly die.

Jason appears to be able to breathe underwater and often uses water to his advantage, typically by drowning his victims.


Feb 2, 2016
So did wrinkleface. No big pharma around to lull the giant into sleep this time. This time Freddy's sushi, with no interruption.
After my head was cut off i was still alive and regenerated outside the dreamworld. You think you won that one homie but not true. I can pull you into the dream world when fully powered and in there i know you're deepest darkest fears. Which is water my friend. See above post.


Feb 2, 2016
They ain't in Dreamland. Freddy's only chance of not becomimg a doorstop again is trying to swim away...

...Jason would still catch him though.

Oh you mean holding the head be didn't even chop off himself. Which still didn't kill freddy. No chance homeslice and being fully powered Freddy can pull you into the dreamland. Where he is God.


Oh you mean holding the head be didn't even chop off himself. Which still didn't kill freddy. No chance homeslice and being fully powered Freddy can pull you into the dreamland. Where he is God.
Frederick tried to do that and couldn't. Jason had to be injected with a powerful tranquilizer, which isn't part of ol' prunehead's standard equipment.


No, the truth is it'd be a long protracted underwater battle with the goliath hockey mask wearing, machete wielding, psychopathic demon coming out on top.


With help, and with the movie with Freddy winking and laughing. That's not winning at best you could say Jason with help tied Freddy in a place where Freddy was his weakest. This time we are fighting where Jason is most afraid
As stated above, he holds no fear of water except in dreamland. They aren't in dreamland.