Im voting for Hillary

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The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
Edited because Leigh hates honesty.
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Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
trump supported the gulf war.. also.. he dodged the Vietnam war draft..


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
trump supported the gulf war.. also.. he dodged the Vietnam war draft..
For the Gulf War, I believe he said "Yeah, I guess so..." when asked if he supported the looming invasion. Hardly a ringing endorsement. Then he said this at an Academy Awards after-party one week after the invasion:

"the war’s a mess," according to the Washington Post. He told Fox News that because of the war, "The market’s going to go up like a rocket."

Then a year into the war he said this...

"Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the country? C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have.

"What was the purpose of this whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and legs? Not to mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing!"

He told CNN's Larry King in November 2004, "I do not believe that we made the right decision going into Iraq, but, you know, hopefully, we'll be getting out."

So Libs and the media take the "Yeah, I guess so" statement but ignore everything else. Convenient.

As for "dodging" the Vietnam War. C'mon. If you know anything about the draft in Vietnam, you know that folks selected were largely poor people from working class families. Trump was neither. He registered for the draft in 1964 but was granted educational deferments - not uncommon at all. After he graduated in 1968, he was reclassified as 1-Y, which means he was eligible for draft status during times of war - but due to a minor medical deferment (bone spurs) he was given a very high number (356 out of 365). In 1971, the 1-Y classification was eliminated and his status was flipped to 4-F (not qualified for military service). So "draft dodger" might be a little strong. Most people that had the means to do so used their resources to have their status listed as ineligible which is why the vast majority of young men selected were from poorer, working class families. A disgusting fact of American history - as these people were viewed upon as more expendable than their more well-to-do counterparts. But when it comes to Trump's history in Vietnam - how does the saying go..."Don't hate the player. Hate the game."

And for the record, I'm not exactly a Trump supporter. I think it's a joke that these 2 are what the voting public is left with as viable options.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Is this a troll thread, a TQN imposter, or do I just completely misremember TQN as a poster?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Is this a troll thread, a TQN imposter, or do I just completely misremember TQN as a poster?
I haven't figured it out yet. He hasn't wavered off his support for her - so if he is trolling, he's dedicated to the game.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Yeah Hillary would be thrown on her head. Donald would grab a single leg and elevate Putin 6 feet above the ground and slam him back into the cold war. Donald doesn't fall for that pussy judo shit.

His neck is also uncuttable. ISIS would be helpless.
Do you think Donald would get as many shots in as possible before the ref had a chance to stop the fight, or would he show mercy knowing he had already destroyed his opponent?

The same question doesn't apply to Hillary, because I think she would fake an injury leading up to the fight and she'd pull out.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
She better stay busy next 48 hours...

Clinton, Obama rush to defend Michigan as blue state turns battleground

Michigan emerged as the unlikely final battleground of the presidential race, as Hillary Clinton hurried to defend the traditionally blue state from Donald Trump’s do-or-die appeal to disaffected working-class voters while making her own pitch Sunday in Ohio with the help of King James.

On the last day before voters go to the polls, Mrs. Clinton and her top surrogate, President Obama, will head to separate rallies in Michigan, which hasn’t voted Republican for president since 1988 but this year is in the sights of Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, held a rally Sunday in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

“We will make Michigan into the manufacturing hub of the world once again, and no politician will do that. They don’t have a clue,” he said.

Mrs. Clinton made a last-ditch effort in the key battleground state of Ohio, calling on Cleveland Cavaliers star and Buckeye State native LeBron James to urge voters to choose her over Mr. Trump.

Appearing alongside Mr. James at a campaign rally in Cleveland, Mrs. Clinton told Ohioans to reject the “dark and divisive” vision of her Republican opponent’s America, vowing that as president she would raise taxes on the rich to fund debt-free college for most Americans, more affordable child care, and massive spending on clean energy such as wind and solar power.

In Ohio — where polls have consistently shown Mr. Trump with a narrow lead — the former first lady is counting on Mr. James to help pull undecided voters off the fence and to whip up enthusiasm for her candidacy.

Hillary Clinton, Obama rush to defend Michigan as blue state becomes battleground


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Interesting. So following this, she became SoS.

So, since 2008, Trump and Obama looked at foreign policy objectives that include the destabilization of the middle East, a failed reset with Russia, Benghazi disaster, flagrant refusal to protect state secrets, the raping of Haiti, etc. and Trump determined that was shitty judgment while Obama determined that sounds great!

Tells me all I need to know. ;)


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
“We will make Michigan into the manufacturing hub of the world once again, and no politician will do that. They don’t have a clue,” he said.

Mrs. Clinton made a last-ditch effort in the key battleground state of Ohio, calling on Cleveland Cavaliers star and Buckeye State native LeBron James to urge voters to choose her over Mr. Trump.
All people have to do in Michigan and Northern Ohio is drive around and look at all the abandoned warehouses. I'm not surprised at all that Hillary has lost a grip in those areas - people are out of work and they are pissed. The last thing those areas need is a retread politician.
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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Mrs. Clinton made a last-ditch effort in the key battleground state of Ohio, calling on Cleveland Cavaliers star and Buckeye State native LeBron James to urge voters to choose her over Mr. Trump.
This act is played out and I think people are on to the Democrat's game plan. The politicians show them love once every 4 years looking for the minority vote - and for the most part they get it. Then they get in there and NOTHING changes.


The Other White Meat
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Do you think Donald would get as many shots in as possible before the ref had a chance to stop the fight, or would he show mercy knowing he had already destroyed his opponent?

The same question doesn't apply to Hillary, because I think she would fake an injury leading up to the fight and she'd pull out.
I think The Donald would revert back to his pro wrestling days and cut a sweet promo, then do a running clothesline, then do about 50 of those super fast and super short punches before Putin grabs the bottom rope and the ref breaks it up.

Then a Beyonce and Jay-Z song will start playing and Hillary will start sprinting down to the ring and everyone will know it's what America needs but no one will be enthusiastic about her. The NWO of "Punchable" Ted Cruz, Mitch "The Man-Turtle" McConnell and "Little" Marco Rubio will then get on the mic and accuse her of being the Adolf Hitler of email. Then the FBI will stop her. Then they will let her go. Then Julian Assange will hit her with a chair. Then the FBI will stop her again. Then they will let her go. Then Anthony Weiner will show up and fondle himself like Val Venus. Then the FBI will stop her. Then they will let her go.

When she gets to the ring she will be incapacitated because blood will start coming from her "wherever" and Trump and Putin will laugh at her and high-five. Then they laugh a bit too long with each other and start staring into each other's eyes. Everything turns to an awkward silence. Then a romantic silence. Then they embrace in a passionate kiss. Then Putin pushes him away and the remember that they are supposed to be fighting. Trump kicks him in the nuts and a single tear rolls down his cheek, collecting spray-tan along the way and exposing his pale, lifeless skin beneath. Then Putin goes for the throw and Trump does the aforementioned slam. The the peoples elbow. The crowd goes wild.

Then Obama and Biden come running down toward the ring. Someone gets ahold of a microphone and says "nigger" over the stadium's sound system. The crowd goes wild and Obama, dissappointed in his own people shouts, "fine, have fun with the apocalypse." and turns around and walks backstage and catches a plane back to Kenya.... I mean Hawaii.

Biden grabs Trump by whatever that is on the top of his head and drags him behind the gym. He then begins to try to rape The Donald. Then The Donald feels the white working class rage of the crowd and turns it around on him and starts raping him. Then another awkward silence and they stare into each other's eyes. Then the silence turns romantic. Then they embrace in a passionate kiss. Then Anthony Weiner shows up and starts touching himself again like Val Venus. Then Putin shows up and beats every one with brush like Fedor in a Russian bath house. The camera pans to the ring card girl and Roger Ailes gives her $50 and starts finger blasting her. The rednecks in the crowd are both enraged and strangely aroused. The entire crowd turns into an orgy. 20,000 backwoods hillbillies going at it and the arena gets steamy with the smell of sex and motor oil lubricant.

Then a bunch of celebrities show up and remind us to vote. Everyone takes 5 minutes to vote. The black people aren't allowed somehow.

Everyone lives happily ever after.

The end.

Oh and Hillary won but because she's a woman she couldn't govern effectively.

The end.
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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Good news Hillary has a chance of winning...
Bad news, shes Satan!