June White(Dana's mom) suing online forum members

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Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Cindy was very cool and went out of her way to help me meet Dana. However if your going to slam people the way she sometimes did you better be ready for what might come your way.


Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I think it's hypocrasy

woman who slanders who own flesh in blood in a book, is suing an online personna for slander on a message board.....

Only in America

D, if she feels she has reason to she's has every right to say what she wants, how does anyone know how valid or invalid her claims are?Plenty of sons and daughters in show business trash their parents for dumb shit they did.

What Cindy did was take an arbitrary position due to a friendship and possibly more in terms of an incentive which would validate this and slander by proxy.

NO ONE but Dana and his mother know to what level and validity her claims are. You can think that a mother trashing her son is some sacred line all you want, she is NOT the first to do it, not even remotely close and if he did the things she claims he did, there is no law real or unwritten one that says she has to keep her mouth shut nor not make a dime off of it either. Do I find it particularly noble? No, I don't, I find that whole family likely out to lunch but this is not some unique pariah, this is a family that money destroyed like the well known cliché it is. It is what it is and Cindy is the sniveling henchwoman that put her nose where it didn't belong many times over on behalf of one side of the issue. Cindy should have kept her yap and fingers to herself.

This is likely not leading anywhere IMO, but the "Jump-in" side on a family issue is the least respectable in the group to me period. TMZ drama is something that drives this sport now, his mother being a part of is not a deal breaker situation on that.

Leaving well enough alone has never been the MO of anyone involved or associated with Dana, eventually it's going to cause multiple shitstorms and make the Chickens come to Roost. Moral of the story? Don't shill unless you can afford it if you legally cross that line.
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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i am divided on the cindy o issue .on one hand she does alot for mma fans and i have read numerous times of the awesome things she has done for ugers.on the other hand she is the shill of all shills. i guess you just have to take the good with the bad and the yin with the yang
Feb 28, 2015
Well that video was certainly informative. Can't say I'm the least bit surprised by anything she said and believe there's probably a lot of truth to it. I heard plennnnnnnnnty of rumors while living in Vegas. There's always two sides to every story but Dana's own public behavior certainly doesn't lend itself to thinking this is all made up.
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Jan 14, 2015
D, if she feels she has reason to she's has every right to say what she wants, how does anyone know how valid or invalid her claims are?Plenty of sons and daughters in show business trash their parents for dumb shit they did.

What Cindy did was take an arbitrary position due to a friendship and possibly more in terms of an incentive which would validate this and slander by proxy.

NO ONE but Dana and his mother know to what level and validity her claims are. You can think that a mother trashing her son is some sacred line all you want, she is NOT the first to do it, not even remotely close and if he did the things she claims he did, there is no law real or unwritten one that says she has to keep her mouth shut nor not make a dime off of it either. Do I find it particularly noble? No, I don't, I find that whole family likely out to lunch but this is not some unique pariah, this is a family that money destroyed like the well known cliché it is. It is what it is and Cindy is the sniveling henchwoman that put her nose where it didn't belong many times over on behalf of one side of the issue. Cindy should have kept her yap and fingers to herself.

This is likely not leading anywhere IMO, but the "Jump-in" side on a family issue is the least respectable in the group to me period. TMZ drama is something that drives this sport now, his mother being a part of is not a deal breaker situation on that.

Leaving well enough alone has never been the MO of anyone involved or associated with Dana, eventually it's going to cause multiple shitstorms and make the Chickens come to Roost. Moral of the story? Don't shill unless you can afford it if you legally cross that line.
not saying one is right one is wrong, both are wrong.

But look at it subjectively.

What would you consider worse, your mother writing a book about you making you look bad, the fact it's from your own mother makes people feel there's legitimacy behind accusations,
have a random person you've never met write comments about you online making you look bad?

That's all I was pointing out brother.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Cindy was very cool and went out of her way to help me meet Dana. However if your going to slam people the way she sometimes did you better be ready for what might come your way.
Well, it is her job


Quod severis metes
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
not saying one is right one is wrong, both are wrong.

But look at it subjectively.

What would you consider worse, your mother writing a book about you making you look bad, the fact it's from your own mother makes people feel there's legitimacy behind accusations,
have a random person you've never met write comments about you online making you look bad?

That's all I was pointing out brother.

Fair enough, of course a mother writing a book is worse in an "all things being equal" context, but it's within a family battle no one has any business trying to officially act in regards to either. Cindy has no business trying to be a debunker and "credibility remover" on say so/personal outrage or incentive from Dana on any issue. People being speculative is one thing, the "paid" shills have no business going into that issue, it has nothing to do with the UFC just it's boss' personal life. I'm surprised a fighter hasn't traced people back and sued them yet for their slander if they ever spoke out and bore the wrath of the shills.

If June thinks her son turned from dear to devil, she can argue for her own leg to stand on for the severity of her actions with regards to it and no matter the "winner" in the end, how she did it will never look good on a mother but it's also a means to an end for attention to something. None of the internet defense team against it were witnesses to debunk her claims, and she would have more or less went away a long time ago if they didn't throw fuel on the issue.

I think it's frivolous, but Cindy's condescension with regards to anyone and anything that doesn't accept and revel in the status quo is her badge to wear. There's no heros in this one. One is calling her son a monster with a list of reasons people can debate the legitimacy of, the other is a non-witness to any fact acting as if it's a job to play internet linebacker without a shred of actual rebuttal.
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Posting Machine
Apr 17, 2015
I'm confused I thought Cindy O was a Zuffa shill that was always backing Dana and the UFC up on another forum. I also thought she was very ill or was that a relative of hers. This all seems very strange.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Not a Cindy O fan. She reaps what she sows
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TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
I'm confused I thought Cindy O was a Zuffa shill that was always backing Dana and the UFC up on another forum. I also thought she was very ill or was that a relative of hers. This all seems very strange.
I have absolutely no idea who this Cindy O person is.