Netflix "The OA" Theories (SPOILERS)

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Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
pretty cool show. i made a "things you missed" video, which is basically shit that I missed the first time i watched the series. maybe u didnt

still trying to wrap my arms around the various theories and put together a theory video. i lean heavily towards it all being real, and inter-dimensional travel being real.

anyone else watch this? what're your opinions on the madness?

heres some facts about the show i threw together a couple days ago


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
I liked it.
which way are u leaning?

is she still in a coma?
did she get raped and shit by HAP and is she making up Scott, Renata, and Rachel as a defense mechanism? multiple personality disorder?
Is Rachel a secret spy from FBI?
Did Elias (or whatever his name is) plant the books?
Multidimensions are real?

Yuki Nakai's Eye

Slow in the head, Quick in bed
Sep 2, 2015
You should watch some of Marling's other collaborations with Batmangili. For example The Sound of My Voice.

Yuki Nakai's Eye

Slow in the head, Quick in bed
Sep 2, 2015
Also, can we all just agree that the school cafeteria scene is an homage to the final fight in Karate Kid 3. Daniel doing kata and confusing the shit out of Mike Barnes ("he's hallucinating, Mike!) = the group doing the movements and distracting the shooter


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Still confused as to why the FBI agent was in the house.
I read today that he may be close to the family, so it's not unreasonable to think they asked him to watch over the house while they were gone (they had left town after she was nutty).

But it seems fishy. Those books seem like a plant. Like he was trying to dissuade french from believing OA. And belief is key to the movements working


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
which way are u leaning?

is she still in a coma?
did she get raped and shit by HAP and is she making up Scott, Renata, and Rachel as a defense mechanism? multiple personality disorder?
Is Rachel a secret spy from FBI?
Did Elias (or whatever his name is) plant the books?
Multidimensions are real?
I am hoping that she traveled back to the others. I think she's meant to save them.

Yuki Nakai's Eye

Slow in the head, Quick in bed
Sep 2, 2015
Renata traveled back in time to be a maid/babysitter for Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni's children.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Finished the series tonight and was rather disappointed with all the hype behind it. I like build ups but not an entire season for it to end like that. Pace to slow for to be rating the show any more than 6/10.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Finished the series tonight and was rather disappointed with all the hype behind it. I like build ups but not an entire season for it to end like that. Pace to slow for to be rating the show any more than 6/10.
that ending is very polar

going into the climax, i knew what was going to happen. like all of ya. and i was ready for it to be SUPER corny. but i actually suddenly teared up

im pretty sure the reason is because my mom is a teacher. i love my mom. and the innocence of youth's minds, before they get corrupted/jaded by reality. so the kids standing up to a shooter, and the teacher running back. i dunno. im still half asleep

as the ending started, i expected to be luahging or disappointed. but when it played out, i was surprisingl;y satisfied.

i just joined the OA reddit a couple days ago, and the views are definitely polar. the ending is either loved or hated

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
that ending is very polar

going into the climax, i knew what was going to happen. like all of ya. and i was ready for it to be SUPER corny. but i actually suddenly teared up

im pretty sure the reason is because my mom is a teacher. i love my mom. and the innocence of youth's minds, before they get corrupted/jaded by reality. so the kids standing up to a shooter, and the teacher running back. i dunno. im still half asleep

as the ending started, i expected to be luahging or disappointed. but when it played out, i was surprisingl;y satisfied.

i just joined the OA reddit a couple days ago, and the views are definitely polar. the ending is either loved or hated
I spent an hour last night reading theories and I'm still not loving the show.


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I watched the first episode and decided I didn't want to spend hours of my life watching that dogshit : )


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
dont waste ur time on my behalf if u didnt enjoy it. not sure anyone here really did. i happened to love it tho

finally made some decisions. this is how i see it

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Hey guys. Just a friendly reminder that The OA is shitty.


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
i know why. i actually used to believe in a spiritual multiverse. i was obsessed. i felt like anything u Believe in with a acapital B comes true

so i used to drive at this one light, for example, and not slow down while it was read. bc i believed it would turn green (safe. open area so i can see no one coming from cross road. couldve gotten a ticket tho bc police sit there. that was part of the rush LOL)

did it twice and it worked

anyway, i kinda like viewing the world that way. so that show is close to getting me back to being obsessed with a spiritual multiverse. and i like that!

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
i know why. i actually used to believe in a spiritual multiverse. i was obsessed. i felt like anything u Believe in with a acapital B comes true

so i used to drive at this one light, for example, and not slow down while it was read. bc i believed it would turn green (safe. open area so i can see no one coming from cross road. couldve gotten a ticket tho bc police sit there. that was part of the rush LOL)

did it twice and it worked

anyway, i kinda like viewing the world that way. so that show is close to getting me back to being obsessed with a spiritual multiverse. and i like that!
I feel ya man. Stranger Things got it right. The OA did not.

Oh and running red lights for fun?



Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
whoa. 2was = accident

2was also = twas!

2was the night before christmas anbd all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
i know why. i actually used to believe in a spiritual multiverse. i was obsessed. i felt like anything u Believe in with a acapital B comes true

so i used to drive at this one light, for example, and not slow down while it was read. bc i believed it would turn green (safe. open area so i can see no one coming from cross road. couldve gotten a ticket tho bc police sit there. that was part of the rush LOL)

did it twice and it worked

anyway, i kinda like viewing the world that way. so that show is close to getting me back to being obsessed with a spiritual multiverse. and i like that!
You have been spending too much time worshiping subterranean Spider Goddesses.........


Posting Machine
May 14, 2016
Anyone here actually like the oa? They announced season 2 today!! And I listened to her interview. She said there IS an explanation. They have the full story mapped out in there heads. So if they get the time, we will get answers. It wont always be open ended

I did a game of thrones video yesterday and can't hit 200 views. My OA teaser vid already has 200 lol. Fingers crossed for 10k on this vid!!