Family reports a snake in the toilet but then find a really nasty surprise Picture: Big Country Snake Removal
Finding a rattlesnake in your toilet must be nothing short of terrifying so our heart goes out to this family from Texas who were in for a much worse surprise.
What seemed to be one snake, turned out to be 13 more, and then another 10 – half of them babies – when a snake removal service was called in.
Nathan Hawkins, who runs Big Country Snake Removal, was the snake catcher called in to deal with the issue at a home in Buffalo Gap.
He explained the first snake was discovered by young Isac Mcfadden, when he got up to use the bathroom, and the reptile was then killed by his mother with a shovel.
But it was his ‘intuition’ that led him to giving the house a quick inspection.
‘If you do this long enough, you kind of understand snakes and what they do during certain times of the year,’ he told CBS News.
Sure enough a search of a storm cellar found 13 snakes huddled in the corner and an inspection underneath the house found the further 10.
‘With rattlesnakes, western diamondbacks in particular, they’re real communal animals during cooler months, they tend to live together in dens;’ he added. .
The total of 24 snakes were removed by the snake catcher, who, instead of killing the reptiles, either relocates them or donates them to local colleges to study.