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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Blackwater founder tried to set up backwater channel between Donald Trump, Russia: report
Blackwater founder Erik Prince allegedly set up a secret communications channel between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials, The Washington Post reported Monday.

Prince served as an unofficial representative for the U.S. president at a secret meeting in January in the Seychelles islands that was designed to set up a backwater channel with Russia, Arab, European and U.S. officials told the newspaper.

The meeting, which took place in January, was convened by the United Arab Emirates, NBC News confirmed.

Prince reportedly met with a Russian envoy with ties to Vladimir Putin. The Russian was not identified.

It is not fully clear what the agenda for the meeting was, although the Post reports that the UAE was hoping the Americans would be able persuade Russia to distance itself from Iran, a move that would likely force the U.S. to ease sanctions on Russia.

The meeting reportedly took place in early January, more than a week before the Trump inauguration.

While Prince has no official ties to Trump, he visited the Trump transition office in New York in December and is said to have donated more than US$250,000 to Trump’s campaign last year.

Prince’s sister, Betsy DeVos, is education secretary in the Trump administration.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
President Trump Signs Bill Overturning Internet Privacy Protections
President Donald Trump on Monday signed into law a controversial measure repealing online privacy protections established by the Federal Communications Commission under the Obama Administration.
Donald Trump weighs in on French election result with ominous comment
Donald Trump has warned that “outside distractions” have taken place that have "changed" the French presidential race.

“I don’t know what is going to happen," he told the Financial Times. "I know that some outside distractions have taken place which have changed that race."

The US President added that he thought the election would be "interesting."

Juan Williams: Trump's risk of impeachment rises
Juan Williams: Trump's risk of impeachment rises
Liberal Democrats could yet see their dreams come true.

Last week, a new poll from the liberal outfit Public Policy Polling (PPP) asked Americans if President Trump should resign if evidence emerges that his campaign worked with Russia to help defeat Hillary Clinton. A majority, 53 percent, said he should resign.

That is important because PPP also found that 44 percent of Americans already believe that Trump’s campaign did just that.

It is no fantasy to say the drip-drip-drip of the Trump-Russia investigations is draining this presidency of political capital. The president’s historically high disapproval rating — 51 percent in the latest McClatchy poll — tells the same story.
That’s why astute Republicans are starting to look out for themselves.

The first Republican to begin to run for cover was Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who decided to recuse himself from any role in the investigation. Last week Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser, sought immunity in exchange for his testimony to congressional investigators.

A majority of Americans want a special prosecutor — including 39 percent of Republicans, according to one poll. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has called for Congress to form a bipartisan select committee to probe ties between Russia and the Trump camp.
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Deleted member 1

Posting the Independent over and over is not doing you favors man. It's always wrong, full of innuendo with no substance, and every post of it just increasingly shows the spiraling implosion of the Trump hate.

You might as well just post their RSS feed since its all the same fluff with zero meat.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
You might as well just post their RSS feed since its all the same fluff with zero meat.

Just like all the The_Donald shit that gets re-posted on here throughout the day. Should we just link this thread to Twitter then a few posters can quit posting?

Deleted member 1

Just like all the The_Donald shit that gets re-posted on here throughout the day. Should we just link this thread to Twitter then a few posters can quit posting?

We only speak truth in the language of Donald J Trump. 140 characters of MAGA at a Time.

Deleted member 1

Daddy & God Emperor
If you can find anytime in which I said either of those, I guess you can have my support in more OMINOUS comments!! like “I don’t know what is going to happen," he told the Financial Times. "I know that some outside distractions have taken place which have changed that race."

The US President added that he thought the election would be "interesting."


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
If you can find anytime in which I said either of those

Can you point to any example of me or others in this or other threads supporting ANTIFA? Cuz that doesnt seem to stop you from insinuating people posting supposed anti Trump stuff here do.

I thought we ran on over-exaggerations and stereotypes up in here?

Deleted member 1

Can you point to any example of me or others in this or other threads supporting ANTIFA?

Cuz that doesnt seem to stop you from insinuating people posting supposed anti Trump stuff here do.

I thought we ran on over exaggerations and stereotypes up in here?

I'm not sure what any of this has to do with me skewering that 50% of your headlines are from the independent and every one of the text you take the time to quote doesn't match the headline.

I just want you to really bring the pain here!

Deleted member 1



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I really, REALLY like this one.

Cutting funding slowly for the UN. Hopefully he burns agenda 21 in a coal plant outside Pittsburgh.
If I see a bit more(which HAS to come slowly), I may be convinced that Trump is actually completely anti-new world order/socialist dictatorship.
Which is ironic in ways.
One being that he's being as dictatorial as Obama to get this shit un-done.
The other being the left accusing him of dictatorship, when it's exactly what would end up happening in their utopian socialist fantasy.
Guess it just came in the wrong color?

Hey, we're all for peace right?

"I think you're confusing peace, with quiet"

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
It only works if you start with a predefined conclusion... like an international lizard people conspiracy to cover up child sex trafficking while using a pizza store as a front domestically.

But since #pizzagate is absolutely true, I have to admit you got me a little bruised up on this one.

So share your knowledge, which part of it is untrue?

Paige Carter (former Trump forgein policy advisor) met with a Russian spy.

Besty de Vos's brother - cofounder of Blackwater was hired by the Trump campaign to meet with a Putin associate to set secret communication channel to share information. A meeting is known to have taken place in Africa and we have all heard about the mysterious Trump computer in the middle of butt fuck no where USA that has been in constant contact with a Russian IP address.

In addition, it has been proven their was a constant transfer of information from Spectrum Health to Alpha Bank in Russia via a server connected to the Trump campaign.

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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Former Trump adviser Carter Page met with Russian spy
Victor Podobnyy, the spy, was under cover at Russia's UN office and was later charged, along with two others, with being in a spy ring. He referred to Page as "Male-1" in conversations with another spy and discussed efforts to recruit him, Buzzfeed reports:

"The revelation of Page's connection to Russian intelligence — which occurred more than three years before his association with Trump — is the most clearly documented contact to date between Russian intelligence and someone in Trump's orbit."

Page, an energy consultant, confirmed to Buzzfeed that he was "Male-1". He has repeatedly said he did nothing wrong in his contacts with Russia. He was nixed by the Trump campaign after it emerged that federal investigators were looking into his ties with Russian officials.
Blackwater Founder Repped Trump at Secret Meeting Overseas: Sources
Blackwater founder Erik Prince represented Donald Trump at a secret overseas meeting convened by the United Arab Emirates in early January, two intelligence sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

The meeting was first reported by the Washington Post, which said that Prince met with an unnamed Russian emissary close to Vladimir Putin.
DeVos’ brother tried to open back channel between Trump, Russia: report
The founder of the private military company Blackwater reportedly met with a rep for Russian President Vladimir Putin in an attempt to establish a back channel between the Trump administration and Russia, a report said Monday.

The businessman, Erik Prince — brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos — met with the Russian in the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean at the behest of the United Arab Emirates on Jan. 11, nine days before President Trump’s inauguration, according to The Washington Post.


Deleted member 1

So Trump is being spied on for a long time "incidentally" and colleagues were being "unmasked" left and right.

And yet Trump the incompetent clown was able to evade all detection from his secret ongoing interactions with Russia even until this very day.

Given Hillary Clinton support of Donald Trump's candidacy, I suggest that Democrats and liberals promptly look into her as a suspected a Russian agent.



TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I really, REALLY like this one.

Cutting funding slowly for the UN. Hopefully he burns agenda 21 in a coal plant outside Pittsburgh.
If I see a bit more(which HAS to come slowly), I may be convinced that Trump is actually completely anti-new world order/socialist dictatorship.
Which is ironic in ways.
One being that he's being as dictatorial as Obama to get this shit un-done.
The other being the left accusing him of dictatorship, when it's exactly what would end up happening in their utopian socialist fantasy.
Guess it just came in the wrong color?

Hey, we're all for peace right?

"I think you're confusing peace, with quiet"
And ironically it was Obama who gave Trump this power by increasing the reach of the executive branch.

President Obama never did close Quantanamo Bay, nor did he abandon the concept of indefinite detention, nor did he stop target killings by drone strikes, in fact he increased it. After being critical of Bush's NSA listening program, he did not denounce it, infact it became legal under Obama. Dick pics galore! Obama was going after whistle blowers (people with the interest of informing the public of governmental wrong doing) more than any president before. Obama went after journalists as well, in fact a lot of these questionable procedures were normalized under Obama and even supported now, by a legal platform.

And now, the tables are turned. After complaining about the expansion of ececutive power, I doubt the republicans will take that matter up anytime soon. A democratic whitehouse too arrogant, or maybe a bit too greedy, but with dire consequences now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Let the Trump administration be a good lesson for the next president to come.