General John2054 Syria Megathread - merged

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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
I have just written a long email to mr president, asking him not to go to war with syria. he may not read the email. he may read it, and think, here is the rantings of a mad man, and continue with the policies set by his military policy advisors, and just ignore me completely.

or he may read it, stop, think hold on, maybe attacking syria WILL do more damage then good, and if not cease, than at least partially circumscribe the decision to make another failed basket state. I don't know what is happening on the ground, but at least from how it has filtered down so far, the cards are still up in the air. and there is still time to stop this tragedy, before it collapses.

I hope trump chooses to break from the mould, and listen to my advice, exactly the same as cameron and blair, did not!



The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
Nuke them and be done with it. Follow up with a quarantine and let them starve.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Post your letter here.
sorry it's confidential. and you know by double posting, you jinx stuff. anyway, i didn't save it, just typed it, cut the words down to 2500 characters, and sent. this is the second one ive sent him to be fair. and i sent one to barack and one to michelle. lucky guy

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
sorry it's confidential. and you know by double posting, you jinx stuff. anyway, i didn't save it, just typed it, cut the words down to 2500 characters, and sent. this is the second one ive sent him to be fair. and i sent one to barack and one to michelle. lucky guy

Problem is, the current president only reads 140 characters per sitting. Sadly, I dont know if he will be able to comprehend such a long letter.

You should tweet at him instead.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Problem is, the current president only reads 140 characters per sitting. Sadly, I dont know if he will be able to comprehend such a long letter.

You should tweet at him instead.
come on give him some credit. im not a troll.

if it makes you happy, here is the aftershot recognition page i still have on my screen, after sending the letter to the white house. and no i didn't just quickly do this, to get the screen come up!

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
come on give him some credit. im not a troll.

if it makes you happy, here is the aftershot recognition page i still have on my screen, after sending the letter to the white house. and no i didn't just quickly do this, to get the screen come up!
Whats the Google search tab there at the end - adult what?


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Whats the Google search tab there at the end - adult what?
it's adult work, that's the website where i got charlis number from. i was searching it to see if i could get an address for an image of her, but she has taken down her profile from there, so i couldn't do it.


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
it's in the morning im in the uk, google the time difference between uk and the usa okay mr detective!


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
fine thanks. im a bit hyper, but my breathing is a lot better. A LOT better. also my schizophrenia is a lot better. lying in bed last night i had something of a revelation, of what i can do to get my wife and daughter back. im not going to tell you what this is, cos i don't want to jinx it, and id still say the odds are 60/40 in my favour. But hopefully come this time tomorrow, if my plan works out, i should have massaged these somewhat further in the right direction. i will let you know thanks.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I would love to see John vs jimmy rustler in a troll off death match


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
Green is not a good color on you.

Sorry, inefficient...colour.

thanks splinty, whatever this is meant to mean. actually im not a troll. im not a liar. you will see about syria, possibly anyway....


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
thanks splinty, whatever this is meant to mean. actually im not a troll. im not a liar. you will see about syria, possibly anyway....

I can see you are really a tried and true Trump supporter that just wants the best for Trump and the USA.

Freeloading Rusty @MC Gusto is always trying to sneak in under his refugee status now that Trudeau has turned Canada into a 3rd world banana republic in less than one term.

We won't let him in and he has been jealous of our President ever since then.

He is right about one thing... you should tweet Our Dear Leader