General Google Image Search

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Yuki Nakai's Eye

Slow in the head, Quick in bed
Sep 2, 2015
You know what really grinds my gears. Morons who don't understand that google image search is not infallible. Let's say I'm searching for a hot actress or model and I get a search result of 20, 18 of the pics have a woman who looks the same and 2 pics have a very different looking woman, guess what, those other two pics are NOT the chick you were searching for.

For some reason all critical thinking goes out the window....."durr it came up in Google let me ignore that she looks nothing like the majority of the search results it must be the same chick!"



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Look, I apologized for that Scarlett Johansson post. I kind of knew it wasnt her, but the mystery girl was hot too so I went with it.