Bad neighbors, need help

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Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
Girl i'm friends with is having trouble with shitty neighbors. They have called animal control on her dog for being vicious(not true.. I hate dogs and this one is extremely easygoing), said that the dog tried to attack their children through the fence... And the best of all? Threw rat poison into her yard.

What do? Never had this problem before.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Fuck the husband , don't break eye contact with wife and kids. Then call the cops about the rat poison. Be prepared for cops to raid her house and shoot dog.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
LOL @ RVD galloping in with his shining white armour


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Is a simple conversation possible? Just go over and meet with the neighbors with something like, "Hey, it seems we got off on the wrong foot. Can we discuss the dog issues?"

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
i'd think about putting up a solid fence. then they can't lie and say the dog tried to bite the kids through it.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If you're looking for legal options, try to get them to admit to the rat poison on video. Go confront them with your cell-phone candidly recording and see what you can get. If they do cop to it, press charges.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Really? Thanks for nothing, cunts.
I'll be honest, I don't like you. I blocked you on the OG. I've tried to forget that but you're being a turd on here too.

OK, serious advice, what would you do if a male friend of yours came to you with the same problem? You'd tell him he's an adult, deal with it like one. Tell her the same thing.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Situations like this SUCK. Family that moved in behind me has a German Shepard and a Pug. They also have a doggie door, so they can come outside and bark whenever they want. We both have privacy fences, but if they hear us talk or whatever, they go ballistic. So I simply knocked on their door, and kindly asked them to bring their dogs inside when they begin barking at us, when we're outside trying to enjoy the privacy of our yard. Told them we have two daughters that like to swim, and we'll be outside all the time during the summer, and we would prefer not to have to listen to dogs barking non-stop. They were apologetic, and said they would take care of it....and they have. So we got lucky.

If they wouldn't have? I don't know what we would have done. Video tape it every time we went outside, and take them to court? Maybe, I don't know. Regarding your friend RVD, I would suggest she install some camera's in her the one's hunters use at their deer stands, etc. You can get them at Dick's Sporting Goods, Gander Mountain, etc. So she can capture what is going on, and use that against her neighbors in court.
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Situations like this SUCK. Family that moved in behind me has a German Shepard and a Pug. They also have a doggie door, so they can come outside and bark whenever they want. We both have privacy fences, but if they hear us talk or whatever, they go ballistic. So I simply knocked on their door, and kindly asked them to bring their dogs inside when they begin barking at us, when we're outside trying to enjoy the privacy of our yard. Told them we have two daughters that like to swim, and we'll be outside all the time during the summer, and we would prefer not to have to listen to dogs barking non-stop. They were apologetic, and said they would take care of it....and they have. So we got lucky.

If they wouldn't have? I don't know what we would have done. Video tape it every time we went outside, and take them to court? Maybe, I don't know. Regarding your friend RVD, I would suggest she install some camera's in her the one's hunters use at their deer stands, etc. You can get them at Dick's Sporting Goods, Gander Mountain, etc. So she can capture what is going on, and use that against her neighbors in court.
Way to ruin the thread with actual good advice.

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
I'll be honest, I don't like you. I blocked you on the OG. I've tried to forget that but you're being a turd on here too.

OK, serious advice, what would you do if a male friend of yours came to you with the same problem? You'd tell him he's an adult, deal with it like one. Tell her the same thing.
They tried to murder an innocent dog. If it was a male friend, i'd be asking for advice here too.

She called the cops, they stated they cant prove where it came from. She went to their house to talk to them before the rat poison they tossed into her yard, but they wouldnt come to the door... So what is it she can do to "deal with it like an adult" as you so douchily put it?

And block me here. Fuck if i care you exist or not.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
They tried to murder an innocent dog. If it was a male friend, i'd be asking for advice here too.

She called the cops, they stated they cant prove where it came from. She went to their house to talk to them before the rat poison they tossed into her yard, but they wouldnt come to the door... So what is it she can do to "deal with it like an adult" as you so douchily put it?

And block me here. Fuck if i care you exist or not.
Dont be a hippopotamus man
Feb 28, 2015
First thing I'd do is never let the dog out in the yard unattended. I do not let anything put my dogs at risk so if she knows they are capable of something like that, yeah, no. Once the dog is 100% safe I'd also make sure her dog isn't barking at the fence at all. Let things be quiet for a week or two and then attempt to talk to them again.

It's hard, I have a couple of extremely shit obnoxious neighbors but nothing where they have done anything directly to me (intentionally or no) other than loud music and annoying to look at wrecks of properties but I often think what I'd love to say to them, it's very hard to keep cool when dealing with unreasonable people which sounds like they are.

If she at all thinks they could do something dangerous again or instigate somehow, I would employ some of the things noted above with cameras, etc. But she has to live next door to them so any way she can navigate this and take the high road is best option. Are either of them renting btw? That could mean more suggestions and possible solutions.

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
She's renting and she took her dog out because she figured they would say tje dog was being agressive again and saw the bar bait on their side of her yard.

She is looking at other places now, since all the students left for thr summer.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
She's renting and she took her dog out because she figured they would say tje dog was being agressive again and saw the bar bait on their side of her yard.

She is looking at other places now, since all the students left for thr summer.
Probably best in my opinion. Doesnt sound like her neighbors are willing to listen to reason. Best of luck to she has to be inconvenienced.