Bad neighbors, need help

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Feb 16, 2015
The best option is to get an IP camera and make sure it's hidden but is able to record everything. Maybe get several.

You WILL catch them doing something. You can't do anything with no proof.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Dude, you've got to follow that motherfucker to the store where he is not on his own property, stop him in the parking lot and tell him straight up that you are a member of the MMA Community, and if he continues with these shenanigans over the dog there will be retribution............then show him a picture of his kids playing out front of his house and tell him you know where he lives. Even though you are clearly in conflict with him from right next door, this will unnerve him! There will be a for sale sign up within a week!

Also, I didn't see anywhere indicating what kind of dog it is. Please tell me this is a kind hearted, misunderstood game pit?


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
Probably best in my opinion. Doesnt sound like her neighbors are willing to listen to reason. Best of luck to she has to be inconvenienced.
For real. I'm pessimistic about how productive reasonable discussion can be with sick people who would try to poison a dog. I'd never relax. Then I'd end up in jail.

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
For real. I'm pessimistic about how productive reasonable discussion can be with sick people who would try to poison a dog. I'd never relax. Then I'd end up in jail.
exactly. The dog's a mutt, has some pitbull in her but is pretty much terrified of everything as her former owners beat her a lot. I hate dogs, but like this one.