General Should Trump voters be held responsible for the collapse of the country?

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Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
Obviously Trump should be brought up on charges but what about his supporters? The guys who knew that Trump would destroy the country yet voted for him anyway?

I was recently in a local Starbucks while an Antifa recruitment meeting was taking place and overhead some interesting stuff that actually had me thinking of joining up for a minute.

Basic reasoning was that its ok to attack the Trump fascists because theyre traitorous and threats to Americas security.

I stared into my cappuccino in deep thought and realized that they were most likely right.

If it was up to me, after Trump is impeached, the voter records would be released and all Trump voters would be denied voting rights for life as well as face jail sentences for collusion and aiding a foreign enemy.

What are your guys thoughts


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
No your fat fucking obesity problem is what's making it collapse.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Obviously Trump should be brought up on charges but what about his supporters? The guys who knew that Trump would destroy the country yet voted for him anyway?

I was recently in a local Starbucks while an Antifa recruitment meeting was taking place and overhead some interesting stuff that actually had me thinking of joining up for a minute.

Basic reasoning was that its ok to attack the Trump fascists because theyre traitorous and threats to Americas security.

I stared into my cappuccino in deep thought and realized that they were most likely right.

If it was up to me, after Trump is impeached, the voter records would be released and all Trump voters would be denied voting rights for life as well as face jail sentences for collusion and aiding a foreign enemy.

What are your guys thoughts
Sure as long as we don't have to pay any taxes to support you Hillary voters


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
Call Hillary what you want but she always put America first and would have never kissed the ring of Putin and other dictators.

member 3289

Zero chance Trump makes it to the end if his first term without being impeached.


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
The thing I don't like about this, besides the fact that it's over two years old, is that they don't take into account federal funding for natural disasters, military spending, retirees, etc. So it's not an honest way to show raw welfare numbers.
Age doesn't diminish the method of deciphering the numbers beyond what was presented in Zeph @Zeph 's was not necessarily disagreeing with what he posted but presented as an insight to showing both sides of a coin.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Age doesn't diminish the method of deciphering the numbers beyond what was presented in Zeph @Zeph 's was not necessarily disagreeing with what he posted but presented as an insight to showing both sides of a coin.
It's definitely more complicated then I made out, but it was really just a jest with a hint of truth to it, in reply to a jest about having to pay for other people.


Nov 15, 2015
Clearly, emotions are too high to realize the brilliance of the OP..... bravo, sir.
Last edited:

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Even odds until you show me a respectable site giving you better odds.

I'm not a sportsbook.

Impeachment is suddenly the buzzword in Washington, with Democrats—and even a Republican—for the first time openly discussing the prospect of removing President Donald Trump from office.

The latest disclosures about the White House have also made their mark on those looking to get rich off the situation. For the first time, bookmakers’ odds suggest it is more likely than not that Trump will be impeached before he sees out his four-year term.

British betting company Ladbrokes has cut the price of a Trump impeachment to odds-on at 4-5 from 11-10. Those new odds equate to a 55.6 percent probability that the Senate will remove the president from office.

“Political punters are wondering how many more scandals can Trump overcome,” Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes said in a statement. “And despite the short price on offer, money has poured in for the president to be impeached, leaving us with little option but to cut the odds.”

The shift comes following the disclosure Tuesday that a memo written by former FBI Director James Comey claimed Trump asked him to drop an investigation into his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. The reports come hot on the heels of Trump’s firing of Comey last week, which the president suggested in an interview with NBC News came as a result of the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Earlier this week, it was also alleged that Trump disclosed classified information on national security during a meeting with Russia’s foreign minister and ambassador to the United States.

Following Tuesday’s reports on the Comey memo, pundits and politicians alike have suggested that Trump’s conduct could constitute an obstruction of justice—an impeachable offense. On Wednesday, Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas appeared on the House floor to call for impeaching Trump.

“I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the president of the United States of America for obstruction of justice,” Green said.

Also on Wednesday, the first Republican raised the prospect of impeachment. Asked whether, if proved accurate, the memo’s account of Trump’s actions would warrant impeachment, Representative Justin Amash of Michigan told The Hill “yes” before adding, “But everybody gets a fair trial in this country.”

Impeaching Trump would require a significant number of Republicans to come around to Amash’s line of thinking. A majority vote in the House and a two-thirds vote in the Senate are required to remove the president. Republicans hold a majority in both chambers.

Donald Trump is now more likely than not to be impeached, according to bookmakers' odds