Mars... how would you start it?

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First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lets start a Mars habitat (sims style). What would you allow? What would you ban? How do you punish? Type of rule (democracy, dictatorship, communism)? How do you keep the peace? What to do with criminals? Healthcare? Education? Food?

Remember that there is no survivable atmosphere outside of shelter.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
How big is this habitat? How stable is it? Does it require constant maintenance? Is it self-sufficient? Does it have a larger mission, like terraforming the rest of the planet? Male, female divide, even? Contact with earth/other humans? What technology level are we? Do we need to make everything ourselves?

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I would initiate a Mars universal income where all citizens receive a monthly stipend plus whatever they earn from there respective employment, no person would be below the poverty line. Equality is a vital component of life on Mars.

I would follow a restricted free market idea with Healthcare & Education under the control of the Mars State.

- Free Healthcare for all, through general taxation. similar to the NHS in the UK.
- Mental Healthcare receives the same amount of state funding and support.
- Free Education for all up until end of 1st bachelors degree.
- Cannabis and most low class drugs are legalised and taxed heavily, with high focus within education on drug abuse.
- All alcohol is legalised and taxed heavily, with a high focus within education on alcohol abuse.
- Tobacco is highly taxed and with a high focus within education on health issues surrounded addiction.

All companies on Mars have a social responsibility to set aside an agreed amount of profit to the upkeep of the Mars Habitat.

National and local sports team are a vital component to the Mars community.

Sports and leisure, cultural centres such as museums and galleries are an important part of the Mars Habitat.

The State is secular, no religion will impact the social policies and law on Mars, though all religions are welcome. Extremist views which are seen as a threat to wider society and the state will be dealt with severely such as deportation from the planet.

Welcome to Mars. :D


I would initiate a Mars universal income where all citizens receive a monthly stipend plus whatever they earn from there respective employment, no person would be below the poverty line. Equality is a vital component of life on Mars.

I would follow a restricted free market idea with Healthcare & Education under the control of the Mars State.

- Free Healthcare for all, through general taxation. similar to the NHS in the UK.
- Mental Healthcare receives the same amount of state funding and support.
- Free Education for all up until end of 1st bachelors degree.
- Cannabis and most low class drugs are legalised and taxed heavily, with high focus within education on drug abuse.
- All alcohol is legalised and taxed heavily, with a high focus within education on alcohol abuse.
- Tobacco is highly taxed and with a high focus within education on health issues surrounded addiction.

All companies on Mars have a social responsibility to set aside an agreed amount of profit to the upkeep of the Mars Habitat.

National and local sports team are a vital component to the Mars community.

Sports and leisure, cultural centres such as museums and galleries are an important part of the Mars Habitat.

The State is secular, no religion will impact the social policies and law on Mars, though all religions are welcome. Extremist views which are seen as a threat to wider society and the state will be dealt with severely such as deportation from the planet.

Welcome to Mars. :D


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I would initiate a Mars universal income where all citizens receive a monthly stipend plus whatever they earn from there respective employment, no person would be below the poverty line. Equality is a vital component of life on Mars.

I would follow a restricted free market idea with Healthcare & Education under the control of the Mars State.

- Free Healthcare for all, through general taxation. similar to the NHS in the UK.
- Mental Healthcare receives the same amount of state funding and support.
- Free Education for all up until end of 1st bachelors degree.
- Cannabis and most low class drugs are legalised and taxed heavily, with high focus within education on drug abuse.
- All alcohol is legalised and taxed heavily, with a high focus within education on alcohol abuse.
- Tobacco is highly taxed and with a high focus within education on health issues surrounded addiction.

All companies on Mars have a social responsibility to set aside an agreed amount of profit to the upkeep of the Mars Habitat.

National and local sports team are a vital component to the Mars community.

Sports and leisure, cultural centres such as museums and galleries are an important part of the Mars Habitat.

The State is secular, no religion will impact the social policies and law on Mars, though all religions are welcome. Extremist views which are seen as a threat to wider society and the state will be dealt with severely such as deportation from the planet.

Welcome to Mars. :D
A Benevolent Father Knows Best state?


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
It is interesting how many people choose a dictatorship, when they get to make the rules.

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It is interesting how many people choose a dictatorship, when they get to make the rules.
Tbh, I only really outlined the social policies I would put in place if I did have 'dictatorship' regards to the type of rule...well...I imagine it would lean heavily on socialism , but political theory is not my strong suit, but I have come to recognise the vast inequality present in todays climate. I have no answers, but it's an intriguing question.


Active Member
May 15, 2015
I would do exactly the opposite of Gilbosh, assuming it's a relatively small community.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'd let everyone do their own shit and see if it could come together organically. Then I'd take it over, crush the resistance, and enslave them all to grow some out of this world weed. All while ruling with an iron fist. OhWhopDaChamp @MelE5150 and girlandcoconut @girlandcoconut would be my warrior Queens though.

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I would do exactly the opposite of Gilbosh, assuming it's a relatively small community.
So you'd promote inequality, healthcare would cost, education would cost and there be no social responsibility on companies nor any sports teams or museums or centres for culture. Damn dude....are you Hitler?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
So you'd promote inequality, healthcare would cost, education would cost and there be no social responsibility on companies nor any sports teams or museums or centres for culture. Damn dude....are you Hitler?
How dare you! I'm the only motherfuckin Hitler on this board!


Active Member
May 15, 2015
So you'd promote inequality, healthcare would cost, education would cost and there be no social responsibility on companies nor any sports teams or museums or centres for culture. Damn dude....are you Hitler?
Actually, the medical system under that regime was far closer to what you suggest than what I suggest.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I may be confused but from the OP i was looking at it as a video game. Are y'all looking at it as real life?
Sorry, I meant it as real life. I say we start it from the beginning of maybe 1000 (?) people with an emphasis of continuing a whole new society.

All of the original supplies would be imported from earth. So we could not allow whatever we want or allow whatever we want. Our supplies are enough that we could essentially live on our own without being resupplied. We have newer technologies that will allow for 100% solar power and small to mid-sized 3-d printers. Earth can be used for emergencies and larger items.

I would ban tobacco. As far as I know there is no medical benefit to using it.

I would allow religion with an emphasis that it has no power in politics but politics has no power on it.

MJ would be allowed BUT (heres where some will not be happy) it would have to be in a controlled environment aka a pot bar. I would do this for production purposes. How many people would still be working towards the goals if they were able to get high 24/7. Of course it is Mars so I think they have shorter days.


MJ would be allowed BUT (heres where some will not be happy) it would have to be in a controlled environment aka a pot bar. I would do this for production purposes. How many people would still be working towards the goals if they were able to get high 24/7.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Sorry, I meant it as real life. I say we start it from the beginning of maybe 1000 (?) people with an emphasis of continuing a whole new society.

All of the original supplies would be imported from earth. So we could not allow whatever we want or allow whatever we want. Our supplies are enough that we could essentially live on our own without being resupplied. We have newer technologies that will allow for 100% solar power and small to mid-sized 3-d printers. Earth can be used for emergencies and larger items.

I would ban tobacco. As far as I know there is no medical benefit to using it.

I would allow religion with an emphasis that it has no power in politics but politics has no power on it.

MJ would be allowed BUT (heres where some will not be happy) it would have to be in a controlled environment aka a pot bar. I would do this for production purposes. How many people would still be working towards the goals if they were able to get high 24/7. Of course it is Mars so I think they have shorter days.
You sound like a commy bastard. I don't want to live on your Mars.


So there we are, my harem of 999 ladies and myself, growing copious amounts of ganja...

Ok i totally lost my train of thought...