General law and order president everyone - trump pardons joe arpaio

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
I agree, a pardon is inexcusable for a misdemenor. Hang him!
I win!! It was hard convincing a kkk lynching, nazi sympathizing, constitution hating, russian loving, trump worshiper of the truth but I did it!! Maybe Conor will win after all, anything is possible!

On second thought, this pardon ain't no big deal.


Apr 25, 2016
They're non-violent offenders because weren't charged with violence. We can make assumptions but these people still do have rights.
dude, they were PROBABLY violent tho!

arpaio is a gigantic piece of shit, he is no patriotic american, anyone pretending that this pardon isnt different from almost all other controversial presidential pardons just isnt paying attention. the fact that it was only a misdemeanor that he had not even been sentenced for is PRECISELY the point.

green light for all law enforcement to just police how they feel they should and ignore the law - trump has your back boys.
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Apr 25, 2016
an extraordinarily huge piece of unamerican garbage...

The Worst of Maricopa County's Sheriff Joe Arpaio - America's Voice

"what's that? child rape? ok i'll get someone on it whenever we run out of people to harass because they look like they might be illegal, sure we falsely imprison a lot of american citizens along the way but more often than not we make a few hundred bucks a pop from bribes so it all works out in the end... oh yeah the child rape thing, idk just close the case i guess."
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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I disagree with non-violent for the harder drugs in reference to distribution and trafficking, but let's just say they they were choir boys. The sheriff was non-violent. Is that a problem now, or is that an issue?
The issue revolves around societies current views towards the 'crimes'.

It is clear society is much, much less concerned with punishing drug offenders now than say 5-10 years go. As I previously mentioned, it is no longer even a crime to do or possess what some of those people were still sitting in jail for.

As for the crimes committed by the ex-sheriff, societal views have not changed. It is still just as offensive, if not more so, to violate ones rights and illegally detain them. The crimes Joe committed are still illegal acts in the majority of American's views. No states have decriminalized those acts and the sheriff was not granted powers that allowed him to break those laws.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
You must produce ID or documents when asked by law enforcement, when traveling in the united states. Democrats lime to post videos of themselves not speaking to and not producing documents at government checkpoints. Please refer me to a link where it shows documents were provided to the sheriff's staff, and then they were detained or arrested based on illegal immigration charges.

Curious (honest question here), is there 'stop and frisk' laws in Arizona? Do police have the right to stop and card anyone they want without a violation to have been committed?

If so, then yes, they have the right to stop and demand ID. If not, well then it a violation of those citizen's rights.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I don't think we should be pardoning law enforcement officials who violate the constitutional rights of its citizens, then blatantly disregard a court order to stop doing do so.
What I dont think some people understand is their rights and freedoms are there to protect them from the govt.

Law enforcement officials are held to a higher standard when it comes to following these guaranteed rights of every citizen.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Damn, that's quite the list:

April 2008: Over 40,000 Un-Served Felony Warrants
In an interview with Arpaio, an Arizona Republic reporter pointed out that the county had over 40,000 unserved felony warrants, and quoted Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon saying that Arpaio had created “a sanctuary county” for felons.

June 2008: 2,700 Lawsuits Filed Against Arpaio
Between 2004 and 2007, 2,700 lawsuits were filed against Sheriff Joe Arpaio in federal and county courts – 50 times the number of suits filed in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston combined.

October 2008: Arpaio Stages Phony Murder Plot Against Himself, Accused Released for Wrongful Imprisonment, County Pays Over $1 Million to Settle
In 2004 a man was released from prison after being wrongly accused of plotting to kill Arpaio. Evidence suggested that Arpaio’s office staged the plot and the County agreed to pay over $1 million to settle the case. The County’s insurance policy paid an additional un-released amount.

October 2008: Judge Says Conditions in Arpaio’s Jails “Violate the Constitution”
A federal judge ruled in October 2008 that Sheriff Arpaio and county health officials “violated the Constitution by depriving jail inmates of adequate medical screening and care, feeding them unhealthy food and housing them in unsanitary conditions.”

Furthermore, the 2012 DOJ lawsuit against Arpaio found evidence of an endemic culture of hostility and discrimination against Latino inmates: MCSO jail employees frequently refer to Latinos as “wetbacks,” “Mexican bitches,” and “stupid Mexicans.” Whole areas of a jail have been put into lockdown because of a single inmate who could not understand English—thereby inciting hostility toward the inmate—and Latino prisoners have been put into solitary confinement simply because they could not understand English.

May 2009: Arpaio Stalks Arizona Attorney General Terry GoddardOn the day the Arizona Republic ran an article about an FBI investigation of Arpaio’s office that quoted Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, Arpaio’s deputies went to Goddard’s home. They sat in a squad car watching the house for ninety minutes before leaving.

November 2009: Arpaio Forces Mother to Give Birth while Handcuffed to Bed
In a story reported by Telemundo in 2009, Sheriff Arpaio forced Alma Minerva Chacon to give birth while she was in shackles. Following the birth, Chacon was told that unless someone came to pick up the newborn in 72 hours, her child would be turned over to state custody.

Other cases of inhumanity toward Latina women include the story of an MCSO officer who stopped a Latina woman — a citizen of the United States and five months pregnant at the time – as she pulled into her driveway. When he asked her to sit on the hood of her car and she refused, the officer grabbed her arms, pulled them behind her back, and slammed her, stomach first, into the vehicle three times. MCSO has also been known to deny immigrant women detainees basic sanitary items, forcing them to remain with sheets or pants soiled from menstruation.

December 2009: Arpaio Comes Under FBI Investigation for Using his Power to Intimidate Political Opponents
After Arpaio and a political ally, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, attempted to indict local officials they saw as enemies, the FBI launched an investigation into whether Arpaio was abusing his position to target his opponents. Arpaio and his allies were found to have filed complaints against judges who either made public statements critical of MCSO or had issued decisions that Arpaio / MCSO disliked. The 2012 DOJ lawsuit against Arpaio further found that he once arrested a critic for engaging in protected speech and that retaliation, rather than legitimate law enforcement, motivated the action. Andrew Thomas was disbarred in April 2012 for ethical violations.

October 2010: Violent Crime Rates Rise Under Arpaio, Fall in Rest of Arizona
From 2002 to 2009, the rate of violent crime across the state of Arizona fell by 12%, and cities within Maricopa County saw significant decreases as well. Areas policed by Arpaio’s sheriff’s office, however, increased by 58% during this time. Meanwhile, 911 response times in Maricopa County increased significantly.

March 2011: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Blames School and Parents of Hispanic Children For Cancelled Event
After Sheriff Joe Arpaio was uninvited from reading to sixth-graders at an elementary school in Phoenix, he blasted out a nasty press release blaming “parents of Hispanic students,” as well as the school’s administration.

April 2011: Arpaio Suspected of Misspending $100M in Taxpayer Funds, Refuses to Turn Over Records
An investigation into the Maricopa County sheriff’s office discovered that Arpaio, the Bull Connor reincarnate of immigration enforcement, inappropriately spent $99.5 million from two jail funds over the last eight years to pay for other law enforcement operations—including immigration patrols. When the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors met to discuss the investigation, Arpaio didn’t attend–he was busy leading an immigration raid on a dry cleaners in Mesa.

May 2011: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Too Busy Chasing Immigrants to Investigate 400 Sex Crime CasesABC 12 News in Arizona reported that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) failed to adequately investigate more than 400 sex-crime cases over a two-year period, many of which involved children from 2 to 16 years old. Many of these victims were the children of undocumented immigrants. Perhaps it’s unsurprising that Arpaio was so uninterested in investigating cases when immigrants were the victims instead of the perpetrators: as Arpaio once told Larry King, his deputies arrest “very few” non-Hispanics.

July 2011: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Settles $200k in Racial Profiling CaseArpaio paid $200,000 in a settlement to Julian and Julio Mora, a father and son who his agents zip-tied and held for three hours during a 2009 raid of the Phoenix landscaping firm Handyman Maintenance Inc., where the father worked.

This is only one example of the extreme form of racial profiling that Arpaio and MCSO regularly indulge in. A 2011 study found that Latino drivers are up to nine times more likely to be stopped by MCSO officers than non-Latino drivers engaged in similar conduct. In determining which cars to pull over, MCSO officers regularly use metrics like whether passengers look “disheveled” or like they don’t speak English – insufficient grounds for reasonable suspicion.

MCSO also has a track record of assuming guilt by proximity – they have been known to detain Latino persons who have been near worksites they were raiding. MCSO has also raided—without warrant or consent—homes adjacent to homes they suspect of criminal activity. On one such occasion, MCSO forcibly entered one such adjacent home—without any probable cause or reasonable suspicion—found no evidence of criminal activity, and still proceeded to zip-tie the residents and force them to sit on the sidewalk for more than an hour.

September 2011: Sheriff Arpaio Comes Out as Birther, Assigned “Cold Case Posse” to Obama Birth Certificate Case
As World Net Daily reported: “Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio told WND [World Net Daily] he has assigned a five-member ‘Cold Case Posse’ to investigate the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”

September 2011: Arpaio’s Department Sued for Killing Puppy in Raid Conducted for Steven Seagal’s Reality Show
During filming of his reality show Steven Seagal: Lawman, actor Steven Seagal went with Arpaio’s deputies to film an anti-animal cruelty raid on a cockfighting facility. Ironically, the raid resulted in the deaths of one dog and over 100 roosters, and the owner sued the sheriff’s office and Seagal.

April 2012: Top Sheriff Arpaio Ally, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, is Disbarred for Ethical Violations
Beginning in 2008, Thomas and Arpaio began using their offices to target officials who disagreed with them, or posed problems for their practices. The two launched criminal investigations against at least 14 county officials, including all five members of the Board of Supervisors, four judges, the county’s top two appointed officials, a high-ranking attorney for the county and two private lawyers. Evidence promised for the cases never materialized, and eventually all of the cases were dismissed. A disciplinary panel convened by the state Supreme Court disbarred Thomas for ethical misconduct and abuse of power.

May 2012: Department of Justice Sues Sheriff Arpaio for Refusing to Reform Enforcement Practices
Following the results of an investigation that found Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office guilty of “a pattern or practice of unconstitutional policing” and “a chronic culture of disregard for basic legal and constitutional obligations,” the Justice Department sued Sheriff Arpaio for refusing to reform his enforcement practices and for refusing to accept the independent oversight of an outside monitor. The broad outlines of the charges being filed are: 1) discriminatory and unconstitutional law enforcement actions against Latinos who are frequently stopped, detained, and arrested; 2) discriminatory jail practices against Latino inmates with limited English skills; and 3) illegal retaliation against perceived critics, subjecting them to unfounded lawsuits or accusations of criminal actions.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Presidential Pardon for Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio Is Unconscionable Assault on Our Democracy and Rule of Law
August 25, 2017

Amanda Bosquez,
(202) 546-2536, (361) 548-6989 (cell)

Presidential Pardon for Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio
Is Unconscionable Assault on Our Democracy and Rule of Law

A pardon undermines the public’s trust in the justice system by excusing flagrant
violations of the law by an individual who was elected to uphold it

Excusing illegal behavior by Arpaio sends message to Americans that racial targeting and discriminatory behavior by law enforcement and other officials is acceptable

Washington, D.C. – The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) today issued the following statement in strong opposition to President Donald J. Trump’s presidential pardon of former Maricopa County (Ariz.) Sheriff Joseph Arpaio:

“The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) strongly opposes President Donald Trump’s presidential pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.

“A pardon for Arpaio is an endorsement of racism from the highest office in the land—signaling to Americans that discriminatory behavior and a blatant disregard for the judicial process is acceptable. This kind of act is an extraordinary intervention in our justice system that threatens the public’s faith in law enforcement and the rule of law.

“Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to obey a federal judge’s order to cease unconstitutional immigration enforcement actions that resulted in the racial profiling of Latinos by his department. These actions are among Arpaio’s long-standing history of targeting the Latino community throughout his career. Under Arpaio’s leadership, his department was found to have systematically violated the rights of Latinos in Maricopa County by both the U.S. Justice Department in 2011 and a federal court in 2013.

“As a leadership organization that represents the nation’s more than 6,100 Latino elected and appointed officials, we know firsthand how important it is that Americans have trust in our judicial system, the rule of law, and the individuals tasked with enforcing them.

“By pardoning Arpaio, President Trump is turning his back on the values we hold dear as a nation and continuing a pattern of behavior that demonstrates a profound disrespect for the significant contributions Latinos and immigrants make to this country every day.

“This attack on our democracy and values will not be tolerated. We call on elected and appointed officials from across the country to join us by voicing their opposition to this presidential pardon that will grant Arpaio immunity from facing any penalties dictated by the court for his illegal actions during his time in office.

“NALEO and its Latino leadership will not stay silent as our community is attacked and the foundation of our democracy is undermined through this executive intervention. We will continue to stand up for the rights of Latinos and all Americans, and to combat any policies and actions that aim to divide instead of unite the nation.”


The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials is the non-partisan leadership organization of the nation’s more than 6,100 Latino elected and appointed officials.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
What To Know About Donald Trump's Pardon Of Joe Arpaio
Arpaio Was First Charged In 2007 For Using Racial Profiling Practices, Especially Against The Latino Community
The case that led to former Sheriff Joe Arpaio's criminal conviction last month, and his pardon by President Trump Friday night, began in 2007 with a traffic stop in Maricopa County, Ariz., and the wrongful nine-hour detention of a Mexican man holding a valid tourist's visa.

[The Washington Post]

Even After A Federal Court Ruled Arpaio's Practices As Unconstitutional, He Ignored The Order
After the first order in 2011, Arpaio told various television reporters that he would "never give in to control by the federal government," that he would not "back down" and "if they don't like what I'm doing get the laws changed in Washington."


A Month Ago, Arpaio Was Found Guilty Of Criminal Contempt
In her written opinion, [Judge Susan] Bolton said the evidence showed "flagrant disregard" for the court order and that Arpaio had "willfully violated" it. She also said Arpaio had failed to ensure his department complied with the order by directing his deputies to "continue to detain" people.

[Los Angeles Times]

In His Phoenix Rally Speech, Trump Was Already Dropping Hints That He Would Pardon Arpaio
"Do the people in this room like Sheriff Joe? So, was Sheriff Joe convicted for doing his job? That's why... He should have had a jury, but you know what? I'll make a prediction. I think he's going to be just fine, OK?"


Trump's Pardon Is Lawful, Although Not Uncontroversial
While the move may have been unusual, there is nothing in the text of the Constitution's pardons clause to suggest that he [Trump] exceeded his authority. The president, the clause says, "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

[The New York Times]

His Decision Can Be Read As An Attack On The Constitution

An Arpaio pardon would express presidential contempt for the Constitution. Arpaio didn't just violate a law passed by Congress. His actions defied the Constitution itself, the bedrock of the entire system of government. For Trump to say that this violation is excusable would threaten the very structure on which is right to pardon is based.

[Bloomberg View]

Some Believe It Doesn't Fit The Public Rationale For Pardons

[P]ardons are granted for two reasons: either to provide mercy or correct a miscarriage of justice, in an individual case; or on more general grounds based on public policy. Trump's pardon of Arpaio does not fit either category very well.

[The Washington Post]

Human Rights Groups See It As A Condonation Of Illegal Racial Targeting

"Pardoning him encourages every other police office and sheriff to racially profile and to abuse their power, and there’ll be no consequences," Carlos Garcia [executive director of Puente, an Arizona-based human-rights organization] said.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
What To Know About Donald Trump's Pardon Of Joe Arpaio
Arpaio Was First Charged In 2007 For Using Racial Profiling Practices, Especially Against The Latino Community
began in 2007 with a traffic stop in Maricopa County, Ariz., and the wrongful nine-hour detention of a Mexican man holding a valid tourist's visa

that is really fucked up depriving that guy of his freedom for no reason and joe got away with it, hopefully arpaio can be sued you can't go around kidnapping people and using the law as a shield.


Nov 15, 2015
Birthers of a feather stick together...

member 3289

Paul Ryan and both Republican senators from Arizona (McCain and some other dude) have condemned the pardon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Curious (honest question here), is there 'stop and frisk' laws in Arizona? Do police have the right to stop and card anyone they want without a violation to have been committed?

If so, then yes, they have the right to stop and demand ID. If not, well then it a violation of those citizen's rights.
It is a clear violation of the 4th amendment

Stop and identify statutes - Wikipedia

Stop and identify" statutes are statutory laws in the United States that authorize police[1] to legally obtain the identification of someone whom they reasonably suspect of having committed a crime. If there is no reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed, an individual is not required to provide identification, even in "Stop and ID" states. In the case of Utah v. Strieff (2016), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an officer's stop of Edward Strieff and his demand for identification from Strieff was unlawful under Utah state law, but that the evidence collected pursuant to the stop was admissible due to the determination that Strieff was subject to a pre-existing arrest warrant. Therefore, the pre-existing warrant "attenuated" the unlawful stop-and-identify.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
You must produce ID or documents when asked by law enforcement, when traveling in the united states. Democrats lime to post videos of themselves not speaking to and not producing documents at government checkpoints. Please refer me to a link where it shows documents were provided to the sheriff's staff, and then they were detained or arrested based on illegal immigration charges.

Are you American? Your incorrect statements can be refuted with 10 seconds of 'Google research'

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Trump asked Sessions to consider dropping Arpaio prosecution, official says - CNNPolitics
President Donald Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions this past spring whether it would be possible to drop the federal case against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but was rebuffed at the time, a White House official has confirmed

Trump Arpaio: Top Republican Paul Ryan condemns pardon for sheriff - BBC News
US President Donald Trump should not have pardoned a former Arizona sheriff who took a hard line on immigrants, the top Republican in Congress has said.





"You're not even training are you Frenchy?"
Jan 2, 2017
an extraordinarily huge piece of unamerican garbage...

The Worst of Maricopa County's Sheriff Joe Arpaio - America's Voice

"what's that? child rape? ok i'll get someone on it whenever we run out of people to harass because they look like they might be illegal, sure we falsely imprison a lot of american citizens along the way but more often than not we make a few hundred bucks a pop from bribes so it all works out in the end... oh yeah the child rape thing, idk just close the case i guess."
I don't understand how anyone can support someone with this kind of track record. It defies so many of conservative and liberal values alike.