General SNL slams Trump for PR hurricane efforts

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Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Seems like the left expected Trump to have delivered electricity, running water, & clear roads by air transport. Or they're just full of crap, or both

the mayor complaining about lack of aid while surrounded by aid was pretty special, too

member 3289

If Puerto Rico were a country full of WASPs who spoke English as their native tongue, you can best believe that there'd be more help flowing in.

Even Scaramucci said that white nationalist views are largely tolerated by the administration.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
the mayor complaining about lack of aid while surrounded by aid was pretty special, too
She's an opportunist photo-op vulture.

Per ABC:


The Governor is apparently young and woefully unprepared, but his general line is to always tilt towards Washington. So he's just going to keep saying Thank You because he doesn't know what to do on his end.

Truth is simply pragmatically in the middle.
There are 12,000+ federal workers/soldiers already on Puerto Rico. More are needed. More are coming. A thousand arriving every day is huge movement for such a period.
Puerto Rico didn't activate their whole National Guard like Florida and Texas. This is a style and logistics choice as an island territory vs a state.
80% of Puerto Rican truck drivers haven't shown up for work. There are accusation of teamsters, but its not clear that is the true case.
There was fast aid on the ground for PR right after the storm, but its clear that the distribution challenges are just simply huge and more than anyone expected. There isn't damage. The entire power grid, aircraft radar, most southern roads are completely gone. There are no neighboring states for fellow citizens and private contractors to enter the recovery.


Trying to turn this into "Trump's Katrina" has been a political call since day 2 post storm. It's clear that Trump has authorized every office everything they have asked for every time they've asked for it. The same agencies that said what to do in Florida and Texas. Same authorizations. People are whining about him not touring the island, same as waiting in Texas. WaPo wrote about the whitehouse "blocking" officials from visiting. What's the cost of a President visit to Puerto Rico? It shuts down the entire Puerto Rico airport for half a day. That's inexcusable in the middle of this period and makes sense to bar this type of VIP travel at the moment.



Remember...Trump was failing Harvey too with this photo release at Camp David

And Texas was "Trump's Katrina"...

Could Harvey be Trump's Katrina?

Trump's Praise of FEMA Chief Evokes Bush's Katrina Words

The emergency aide will keep flowing until the island is stabilized. I've seen these recoveries personally and professionally. There isn't anything wildly out of order in the federal explanations at the moment. It's simply a huge logistics challenge.

Trump isn't tactful, and his timing is obviously less so, but he's accurate in his assessment of the baseline failures on Puerto Rico setting them up for more harm and more failure than any US state would have. As Geraldo above alludes, the power grid which should be anticipating hurricanes every single year is bankrupt, officials skimming off it like a third world country, and was already a blight on the island prior to two large storms.

The big question will be an extended aide package. How do you get billions into relief to actually work and not just became a Haiti-type NGO/Official enriching process? That will be the true test of the feds.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Updated press conference an hour ago.

FEMA asegura que 51 municipios recogieron suministros ayer

We were able to serve more than 207,000 liters of water and over 40,000 meals in the last 24 hours," De la Campa said.

He added that yesterday they were able to establish direct transportation by land and air for the other municipalities and delivered 451,000 meals and 429,000 bottles of water.

They also delivered fuel to 10 hospitals throughout the island yesterday.

De la Campa said they have a plan to resupply 31 medical facilities in a three-and-a-half day cycle. Under that plan, seven other hospitals will now be refueled.

As for the work of the medical task force, De la Campa reported that they had inspected 64 facilities. Of these facilities, 53 were already operational and had pending activation. There were also 44 out of 48 dialysis centers operating. They also sent four disaster relief teams to four municipalities and hope to send more.

The local chief of FEMA noted that Roosevelt Roads airport in Ceiba is already 100 percent fit to operate, so it will be used as a fulcrum in which supplies will arrive.

Meanwhile, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport is in operation and with capacity to operate more than 250 daily flights.

FEMA maintains the airlift and maritime bridge that opened to bring supplies, and today a barge with 2.4 million liters of water and 1.7 million meals arrived, which will be taken to the regional distribution centers. For tomorrow and the next days the arrival of large quantities of food, water and other resources is expected.

In the next few hours FEMA plans to bring 5,000 meals to the municipalities of Arecibo, Bayamón, Caguas, Fajardo, Guayama, Humacao, Loíza, Mayagüez, Peñuelas, Ponce and San Juan.

De la Campa added that FEMA has received 45,000 requests for assistance and had disbursed $ 6.9 million for families in Puerto Rico who lost their homes or suffered severe damage to their homes. He noted that FEMA continues to receive requests for assistance, and sending staff members to review the claim and be able to process the claim on a regular basis.

Meanwhile, FEMA has provided $ 25 million to municipalities in the past three days for use in emergency operations, a figure they expect to continue to rise in the coming days.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I have a great many wirds, If you are unable to sort out the negroes, I sm going to space. How stupid can you fuckers get>


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Did he just call the president a cracker?
This is OK?
It's total insanity. I'm watching Pittsburgh/Baltimore and they announced a prayer for unity. Everyone cheers the idea. Then the players take a knee for the prayer, and the cheers turned to deafening boos.

Depressing times.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Bottom line, a very large % of our society is made up of entitled losers looking to place blame on someone for their miserable lives. Even pro athletes and actors.


Oct 20, 2015
Imagine Seth Myers calling President Obama something similar to "cracker". Lololol

What a disaster.


Nov 15, 2015
Did he just call the president a cracker?
This is OK?
I think this site should censor that word!

Also, I hope he keeps tweeting in anger.
In between golf rounds of course.....


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Democrats and Puerto Rican teamsters have orchestrated a stand-down of essential supply distribution throughout Puerto Rico in an effort to make President Trump appear ineffective at responding to the humanitarian crisis.

The Puerto Rico teamsters Union called “Frente Amplio,” a group of private contractors working for the federal government, are refusing to distribute key supplies throughout Puerto Rico because they’re seeking revenge over policies they view as hurtful to their industry set by the Puerto Rican governor.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
“It’s just not true,” said Col. Michael Valle, commander of the federal relief effort in Puerto Rico. “As a Puerto Rican, I can tell you that the problem has nothing to do with the U.S. military, FEMA, or the DoD.”

“The aid is getting to Puerto Rico. The problem is distribution. The federal government has sent us a lot of help; moving those supplies, in particular, fuel, is the issue right now.”


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I think this site should censor that word!

Also, I hope he keeps tweeting in anger.
In between golf rounds of course.....
So you think it's OK to call the president a racially charged slur on national tv? Noted.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
There is no question the supplies are on the island but the conditions on the island are dismal. There are two significant factors our media won’t report. In fact, they are lying about them — the roving gangs and the Teamsters demands.

Problems on the island are devastating. The loss of power, shortage of diesel fuel, the collapsed infrastructure, and lack of cell phone service, are monumental, but, on top of that, union drivers are being told by leadership not to drive and there are roving gangs robbing the trucks.

Our media has been telling us that the drivers aren’t driving because they are helping their families. That’s not the overriding problem.

The infamous mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz, has let the desperately needed supplies sit in containers in the port while bashing Donald Trump.

The San Juan mayor is said to be Puerto Rico’s Maxine Waters and has been lashing out at President Trump who is giving it back to her in spades.
Sam Juan Mayor Cruz praised convicted FALN terrorist. Like our New York City council president and Marxist, Melissa Mark-Viverito, she has praised Oscar Lopez-Rivera. That suggests she’s hard-left.

She is currently being accused of not going to any meetings on the relief efforts. President Trump calls her ineffective and the media blasts him for it, but should he let her slide as she shifts blame from where it belongs?

Currently there are 10,000 containers of food, water, medicine and other critical supplies stuck in the port of San Juan with no drivers to transport them.
Shipping terminals appear to be full of containers, but the truck drivers are not coming for the cargo. So what’s going on?
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Colonel Michael A. Valle, Commander of the 101st Air and Space Operations Group, and Director of the Joint Air Component Coordination Element, 1st Air Force, responsible for Hurricane Maria relief efforts, gave the following statement about the state of supplies on the island:

“The aid is getting to Puerto Rico. The problem is distribution. The federal government has sent us a lot of help… Moving those supplies — in particular, fuel — is the issue right now.

They have the generators, water, food, medicine, and fuel on the ground, yet the supplies are not moving across the island as quickly as they’re needed.

It’s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies, backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government.”

Mr. Gonzales claims in his Spanish-language post that Victor Rodriguez, the Puerto Rican Teamsters union president, has given instructions that no trucker should drive from the ports.

Originally, only 10% of the union drivers were showing up to drive the supplies to their destinations. CNN and other news services are reporting that 20% are now coming in.


Nov 15, 2015
Your "LOL". And your sarcasm wasn't too hard to detect regarding the censorship of the word.
Now normally, I'd consider you one of the more level-headed fellas 'round these here parts, but you completely shit the bed on this one. My "LOL" is about the episode in general. Did you watch it? It was funny.
There wasn't any sarcasm in my post - save for what you perhaps imagined. My reference to the word is actually a continuation of a post about this board which I actually tagged Wild and Splinty in. And I was serious about that.
So any conclusion you came to or Sarcasm you detected came from the recesses of your mind. Or perhaps a hangover? It is Sunday day morning afterall, so that would be understandable.
In order to bypass your misunderstanding of my post, I recommend watching the entire episode. Here's a particularly funny. Skit from the same episode that might tickle your fancy:



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Anyone know the specifics of how early the Army could have legally taken over operations?

I know the general legal barriers to deploying them domestically, but not specifics on how to decide that exception.

The total move of management to the Federal General seems the best move so far.

Lots criticizing that we sent in Federal military to Haiti faster. But that's different with domestic deployment limitations.

Looking at job done and timeline, as best I can tell the only real thing that could be done different is the change of management to the US Army. So could that have been done earlier?