General Who's getting into Halloween?

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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
It's 1°c here and still tons of kids
Was raining all day, nearly snow
Yup. My 40 is your 4.
I was surprised to see so many kids out braving the cold. I've been in this house 20+ years. Easily the most kids I've ever had come by.

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016

Made It!

Went in with 108 Skittles/Twix/Kit Kat and 36 Goldfish Cracker Bags for the little ones.

2 bags of fish left and 6 of the big kid candies. I was getting nervous.
Those Twix are calling my name lol

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
not this year I have work tomorrow at 3am and I went to some halloween celebrations on friday.


Jun 2, 2016
Halloween is my Favorite Holiday. Thanksgiving being a close second (Cuz I'm a fat guy in a buff dogs body)

The Fiancé and I will be going with a Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) theme and passing out candy at her Aunts house on the Main Street of Town.

If all goes well I'll post pics.
Wasn't able to go thru with the previous plans.

Switched it up to Bear Costume.

Still passed out Candy to the Kiddos.
Kept it nice for the young ones.

And did this for the 7 and up lil Devils.


Also carried this around.

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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016

Made It!

Went in with 108 Skittles/Twix/Kit Kat and 36 Goldfish Cracker Bags for the little ones.

2 bags of fish left and 6 of the big kid candies. I was getting nervous.
Me, too.

I finished the homework and socks. Then had to iron shirt and pants for my husband. Then I cut his hair and made dinner while he showered. All I have left is to shine my son's shoes for JROTC inspection tomorrow. Oh and I washed my youngest son's bedsheets and made his bed.

I didn't have one trick or treater. However, I forgot to turn my porch light on. :confused:


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
I'd like a beer. But this would be one of those nights where I'd get drunk and everyone would go to bed. Lol

My day just after lunch was pretty awesome though. :cool:


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I get to pick the costumes for the Halloween party at work. The company buys pallets of candy and we fill up buckets in our offices. Then everybody brings their kids in and they 'trick-or-treat' the offices. I like to do a theme for the whole family...this year will be legendary.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
two years ago we did "The Professional".
The theme is always a surprise, and my wife has to decide if she wants to participate before she knows the theme.
She's on the fence for this year, but she's leaning towards 'participate' because I told here the girls were going to need 'tree' costumes. Hoping to lure her in to a false sense of security. BWAAHHHAAAHAA!!!



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I already have my Halloween shit out.
It's the only holiday I'm OK with being early on.