I took her outside alone a few times, she had nothing to say. She asked to call me when he wasn't there and this is what the result was. Yes she has issues. I didn't completely snap on him because of her. I gave her 2 years to wallow in the sticker bullshit which she'd bring up while talking to me when he wasn't at home. I invited her to a girls weekend a year later without him but she went to mental health treatment instead.
I would've still kept her around but I'm not going to let you shit on me constantly while I'm trying to be there for you. When I told her it's enough she went screeching, full on crazy as a shithouse rat mode.
Fuck her. I got my own problems.
You dudes have your hearts in the right place, and it's nice to think that people don't automatically conclude someone's a writeoff, that they could be going through a terrible and scary time and need support. This forum has an abnormally high incidence of decency and that's part of why it rules.
But sometimes the way it goes down between female friends-- I've been there too-- is that one will treat the other like offal on the cue of her man, meanwhile expecting her mistreated friend to understand and be there because...I gotta keep my man, and men have more status. So then it becomes not one female in the abusive grip of some ball-less jackhole but two. It's control by proxy. Mel's gotta draw that line there for her own sense of self-respect and sanity. Not to be too harsh but even if the friend comes back and says sorry, wasn't he was horrible, I'm single now let's hang...how do you get past how she herself betrayed confidences?
Sorry for frat! Ah fuck it, I'm a natural frat writer.