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  1. sparkuri

    General Apple, Facebook, Spotify and Google/Youtube BAN Infowars Alex Jones

    It begins. Russian meddling? How bout Deep State meddling. This will not end well, I expect a lot of violence in the coming months. Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars' Alex Jones Crackdown on US conspiracy theorist for promoting violence and hate speech All but one of the major...
  2. jimmy boogaloo

    just ban blubba that complete sissy

    lol @ mr spambot he has ulterior motives, or is just a complete dumbass. ban ban ban.
  3. MovinOn

    Sports Some states trying to ban tackle football for kids under 12

    Seeing all these studies on how serious and prevalent CTE is among football players, I can't say I disagree with having little kids with their little peanut brains still forming in their skulls only playing touch or flag football. The first vote in Illinois just squeaked by with a majority...
  4. 1

    General South Carolina introduce bill to ban saggy pants

  5. Filthy

    Society Ban Schools

  6. Haulport

    John Gotti's MMA Fighter Grandson Wants To...

    ...honor his Grandfather at his debut professional fight (on what would have been Gotti's 77th birthday). Grandson of mob boss John Gotti to debut as MMA fighter | Daily Mail Online Unbelievable. No one should sign this guy....