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  1. MovinOn

    NSFW Let's talk about that banner image at the top of the TMMAC page

    That one with the snowman wearing the Tito Ortiz "Team Punishment" cap (or toque). It's pretty cool but it's got a Christmas feel to it. Tomorrow is Jan. 12. Time to change that sucker, @Wild @Splinty How democratic a process is the selection of the next image that will go in that space? How...
  2. Pitbull9

    NEW IMAGE FITNESS CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok boys here we go!!!!!!!!!!! So some people here have expresses interest in doing a nutrition program with me and a couple people have already completed it and literally did an amazing job and come out the other end looking sick!!! So here it is. My New Image Fitness Challenge!!! I have done...
  3. La Paix

    General Hubble image captures hundreds of galaxies 6 billion light-years away

    Abell 370 is one of the first galaxy clusters in which astronomers observed gravitational lensing, the warping of space-time by the cluster’s gravitational field that distorts the light from galaxies far behind it. Arcs and streaks in the picture are the stretched images of background galaxies...
  4. Yuki Nakai's Eye

    General Google Image Search

    You know what really grinds my gears. Morons who don't understand that google image search is not infallible. Let's say I'm searching for a hot actress or model and I get a search result of 20, 18 of the pics have a woman who looks the same and 2 pics have a very different looking woman, guess...
  5. S

    Interested in Image comic books? ACT QUICK!!

    If you don't mind the digital format and are interested in trying some comic books from Image check out the link below. Humble Comics Bundle: Image Comics featuring Creators OWN Worlds (pay what you want and help charity) This should probably go in the marketplace section but it's only for a...