General Another crisis actor screams at Trump

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Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
You don't just hand a mic to a victim of tragedy to yell at anyone, particularly the President.
CNN is painful.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You don't just hand a mic to a victim of tragedy to yell at anyone, particularly the President.
CNN is painful.

They have their cringe moments, but compared to the shit on FOx news its not even close. Look at the disgusting piece of shit on Fox news, Hannity, Lauran Ingraham, Tucker Carlson etc...about the one decent person on fox news is Cavuto.

Both suck, but Fox news is the worst piece of shit posing as news on the planet

I am trying to listen to more C Span, even though its boring.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Also, I don't blame the woman at all. Trump is a Republican GOP right now and the reason we are in this position is specifically because of the GOP and how they allow the NRA to dictate terms to them.

If the GOP actually had any moral compass and humanity in them, they would have not bent over for the NRA and we would have actually better laws in place.

You know why a 19 year old with a known mental issue can legally buy firearms but not legally buy a beer, it's beauuse the NRA has stood in the way of every God Dam measure that the Dems have tried to pass.

Even the bump stock issue from the LAS shooter has not been resolved yet. You have a guy in San Antonio that had violent arrests, booted form the Air Force, yet still is able to legally buy firearms. The LAS shooter was able to buy assault weaopon and all kinds of weapons, with n olimit, why? Because of the NRA.

No one wants to stop a person's right to defend themselves, or your right to go and hunt a deer or rabbit whatever. But we are in this boat becasue the GOP let's the NRA dicatate terms and the blood of those innocent kids will foreer be on thei rhands and dirty their souls.

Our goverment has failed us 100%.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Crisis actor?
Is that a known thing? Like are you saying that this lady who just buried her child is just acting?

I can't think a single bad thing about her expressing her emotion.

I do find the algorithmic news drama that plays out with each of thesr shootings disgusting.

Breaking news something terrible has happened. Play really scary music like a movie.

Show live exciting footage from the air.

Show grieving families and panicked students afterwards.

Within 6 hours shift to WHO IS THIS GUN MAN?!? WHY DID HE BREAK?!?!

Spend two days analyzing every single thing the gunman ever wanted public. Publicize all of his hurt and he wanted.

If the gunman killed himself, show his social media or family provided pictures as either menacing or smiling and happy....pick the dark vengeful shooter or the once lost potential.

Trigger more copy cat shootings, just like mass grieving after suicide triggers more suicide.

The media should be shutting this deep glorified details down rapidly.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
They have their cringe moments, but compared to the shit on FOx news its not even close. Look at the disgusting piece of shit on Fox news, Hannity, Lauran Ingraham, Tucker Carlson etc...about the one decent person on fox news is Cavuto.

Both suck, but Fox news is the worst piece of shit posing as news on the planet

I am trying to listen to more C Span, even though its boring.

I don't watch either, but saw this posted.
Of the two, the globalist financiers are only paying entities to air CNN at population centers, so it's what I see most.
I see FOX as being the last major flipside station in MSM, so it makes sense that they're comparatively extreme if that's your point.

If you lean democrat/socialist/communist, particularly on the gun debate, we have a fundamental disagreement on governing, however well-intentioned.

I don't see anything wrong with owning a bump stock, nor do I believe the Las Vegas shooter story that bump stocks were the primary culprit, particularly because I own one, know what it sounds like, and the entire LV story stinks to high heaven.

Regarding the NRA, I'm not a member, but thank them for their service.
Without them we'd have had a disarmed society long ago.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
sparkuri @sparkuri

My man, I like you a lot even though we have some differences on this topic. But you see, that is where they fool you and that is why they have such power. You actually believe withuot them we'd have lost our right to bear arms and that is just not true. They where able to con so many people. It's a shame.

Do you think it makes sense that there is no cap on how many weapons and assault weapons you can buy. Does it make sense that someone can buy hundreds of weapons and there is no limit?

Do you think it makes sense that mentally diagnosed people are able to buy firearms?

Do you not realize that it is the NRA that is behind all of this.

How can you fall for the "if we did not have the NRA we would be disarmed"

That is just bullshit I think people like you that say that don't even believe, you just say it to justify shit.

Come on man
Oct 24, 2015
Holy fuck, hope no one losses a loved one ( let alone ones kid) and get called fake or there are actting. Is that where we are at? That people can lose there lives and its okay but have a talk about gun regulation and they lose there shit?
#thier before they say I spelled it wrong and compare it to the gun violence.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Holy fuck, hope no one losses a loved one ( let alone ones kid) and get called fake or there are actting. Is that where we are at?

I was pretty disgusted and how this thinking caught so much traction after Sandy Hook.

I hope Mix6APlix @Mix6APlix will expand on what he means here. If he's actually calling this lady an actor, I'd like to see his evidence or what an absolutely antisocial thing to lob at a grieving mother.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
They have their cringe moments, but compared to the shit on FOx news its not even close. Look at the disgusting piece of shit on Fox news, Hannity, Lauran Ingraham, Tucker Carlson etc...about the one decent person on fox news is Cavuto.

Both suck, but Fox news is the worst piece of shit posing as news on the planet

I am trying to listen to more C Span, even though its boring.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
I was pretty disgusted and how this thinking caught so much traction after Sandy Hook.

I hope Mix6APlix @Mix6APlix will expand on what he means here. If he's actually calling this lady an actor, I'd like to see his evidence or what an absolutely antisocial thing to lob at a grieving mother.
I'll get back to this the second I get home.


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
OK. First and foremost, let me make one thing perfectleigh clear, I am in no way shape or form being disrespectful to anyone who has lost loved ones in any mass shooting. What I was referring to was this:

This was just laughable bullshit, and watch how fast Don Lemon backtracks as soon as he realized he exposed CNN as fraudulent. I posted this on the night the Trump won (Over 20K views - Barry Horrowitz back pat), and I rewatched it a few times in absolute disbelief at how fucking incredibly stupid this was. You have this 'random' guy who is so passionate and outraged that Trump won, and how Hillary was the better choice, at an intersection I walk by 5 days a week... Oh wait, he's a CNN cameraman. That was the moment I lost all faith in CNN.

I'm not going full Ronda Rousey, who I adore, saying that it never happened. but I am saying that the shroud of dishonesty is strong with CNN and I have trouble taking anything they broadcast seriously.

Well give me a fucking wormhole device and I could traverse space time easier.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Crisis actor?
Is that a known thing? Like are you saying that this lady who just buried her child is just acting?

I can't think a single bad thing about her expressing her emotion.

I do find the algorithmic news drama that plays out with each of thesr shootings disgusting.

Breaking news something terrible has happened. Play really scary music like a movie.

Show live exciting footage from the air.

Show grieving families and panicked students afterwards.

Within 6 hours shift to WHO IS THIS GUN MAN?!? WHY DID HE BREAK?!?!

Spend two days analyzing every single thing the gunman ever wanted public. Publicize all of his hurt and he wanted.

If the gunman killed himself, show his social media or family provided pictures as either menacing or smiling and happy....pick the dark vengeful shooter or the once lost potential.

Trigger more copy cat shootings, just like mass grieving after suicide triggers more suicide.

The media should be shutting this deep glorified details down rapidly.
It's not as if people in the mental health field have said that the media should stop publicizing these incidents though, is it?

Oh wait...


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
OK. First and foremost, let me make one thing perfectleigh clear, I am in no way shape or form being disrespectful to anyone who has lost loved ones in any mass shooting. What I was referring to was this:

This was just laughable bullshit, and watch how fast Don Lemon backtracks as soon as he realized he exposed CNN as fraudulent. I posted this on the night the Trump won (Over 20K views - Barry Horrowitz back pat), and I rewatched it a few times in absolute disbelief at how fucking incredibly stupid this was. You have this 'random' guy who is so passionate and outraged that Trump won, and how Hillary was the better choice, at an intersection I walk by 5 days a week... Oh wait, he's a CNN cameraman. That was the moment I lost all faith in CNN.

I'm not going full Ronda Rousey, who I adore, saying that it never happened. but I am saying that the shroud of dishonesty is strong with CNN and I have trouble taking anything they broadcast seriously.

Well give me a fucking wormhole device and I could traverse space time easier.

Good God, I just watched it expecting some hardcore fuck up. Backtrack? LOL, he went out of his way to point out that he knew the guy, something in Africa blah blah. It was no accidental slip in the slightest, holy fuck talk about looking to see what you want to see and what is not actually there.



The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
Personally I think the best thing about this, is that media is finally addressing mental illness and medication for such, which I have been harping on for years.
Oct 24, 2015
Personally I think the best thing about this, is that media is finally addressing mental illness and medication for such, which I have been harping on for years.
So the best thing about people getting killed is the "media" finally addresses something you been harping for years? Guess its a slow day bussing tables. Dont give the wtf rating otfen, but wtf? So what happened with this lady being an actor?


The more you cry, the less I care.
Oct 20, 2015
So the best thing about people getting killed is the "media" finally addresses something you been harping for years? Guess its a slow day bussing tables. Dont give the wtf rating otfen, but wtf? So what happened with this lady being an actor?
Are you fucking retarded? I simply said that I can't believe anything that CNN says. Now put me on ignore and fuck your mother. Cheerio mate.
Oct 24, 2015
Are you fucking retarded? I simply said that I can't believe anything that CNN says. Now put me on ignore and fuck your mother. Cheerio mate.
Lmao. You said that lady was an actor. God forbid anyone go through putting there kids in the ground. Granted CNN runs off on alot of bullshit, but your thread title says crisis actor srceams at trump. Now this lady gets discreidted because of a CNN interview? I dont put people on ignore. Sad state we are in that dialog between people leads to people told to fuck there mothers.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Do you think it makes sense that there is no cap on how many weapons and assault weapons you can buy. Does it make sense that someone can buy hundreds of weapons and there is no limit?
WHOA! First They Bought 1.6 Billion rounds of Ammo, NOW Homeland Security is buying bulk RIOT CONTROL Gear! They know what’s coming! – InvestmentWatch

Considering this, how can it not?

Do you think it makes sense that mentally diagnosed people are able to buy firearms?
What do you mean "mentally diagnosed?"
There are laws all over the country prohibiting firearm sales to mentally ill people.
There are no prosecutions for the tyrannical pharmaceutical industry, or the FDA for approving experiments on the U.S. population.

Do you not realize that it is the NRA that is behind all of this.
All of what?

How can you fall for the "if we did not have the NRA we would be disarmed"
I didn't fall for anything.
I've never even heard that mentioned.
I'm in an organization that monitors munitions legislation countrywide. We see what one side seeks, and how the other counters. The amount of money behind the gun lobby is the sole reason these bills haven't been passed for gun registration starting decades ago.
The NRA is responding to proposals, not making them.

The fact that these things are happening, and will continue to at a steady pace until something is done in regards to the societal onsets are a direct correlation to the spirit of those onsets.
In other words, the gun is the mirror, and the call to cure is breaking of the mirror.

This country needs a wake-up call, and it starts with throwing government-run "healthcare" out the window, and prosecuting traitors to liberty and sanity .


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
sparkuri @sparkuri

I agree with most of what you wrote, but what I hear is that this bastard bought the gun legally, is that not true. He was known to be autistic, and with emotional and social issues on top of that, and was diagnosed as such, and was able to legally buy firearms.

I completely agree with the gun being the mirror analogy, the enforcing of protocols, more funding to have 3 or 4 cops on high school ground, 2 on elementary schools, mental health counseling, these to me are actually higher priorities than the banning of assualt weapons, but I still would like to see some kind of banning. Especially on the amount of guns you can get, even if it's a pistol. Since we know that people can give away items after purchase, no person should be allowed to go in almost every day of the week and buy a pistol legally. At the very least once you get to buying 4 firearms in a year time, you need to then show some compelling reason to some review board on why she would and should be getting more guns. Or something like this, lot of ways I can put nuance in there.

I want a 20 plus point plan covering everything. It has gotten to that point, our society is hurting itself.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
sparkuri @sparkuri

I agree with most of what you wrote, but what I hear is that this bastard bought the gun legally, is that not true. He was known to be autistic, and with emotional and social issues on top of that, and was diagnosed as such, and was able to legally buy firearms.

I completely agree with the gun being the mirror analogy, the enforcing of protocols, more funding to have 3 or 4 cops on high school ground, 2 on elementary schools, mental health counseling, these to me are actually higher priorities than the banning of assualt weapons, but I still would like to see some kind of banning. Especially on the amount of guns you can get, even if it's a pistol. Since we know that people can give away items after purchase, no person should be allowed to go in almost every day of the week and buy a pistol legally. At the very least once you get to buying 4 firearms in a year time, you need to then show some compelling reason to some review board on why she would and should be getting more guns. Or something like this, lot of ways I can put nuance in there.

I want a 20 plus point plan covering everything. It has gotten to that point, our society is hurting itself.

No, people cannot just "give away" guns.
Most states don't even allow family hand-me-downs anymore.

You have to understand this.
The news is NOT reporting hammer deaths, which kill more people a year than "assault rifles".
If a stabbing death sounded like the 4th of July, we'd have been registering knives 50 years ago.

The whole point of guns is a killing tool for the enemy, animal or human.
They are the great equalizer, putting Sgt. Hammerhead on the same footing as Grandma Beals, and giving both an equal vote in the direction of their environment .
When the enemy becomes the innocent, it's not the guns fault.
Cars aren't to blame for drunk drivers.

A great misconception (usually by a non-gunowner), is the *how much is too much* argument, which is ridiculous.
If you're a casual shooter, you can unload a 17 round magazine at a target 10 yards in front of you and miss every single time.
It's WHY there are larger capacity magazines.
And even then, you can only shoot a gun at a time.
Why on earth would we limit the amount of guns 400 million people can buy per year?
There's already 400 million guns in our hands to keep the entire civilized world in check. Controlling someone's right to defend themself is tyranny, and doesn't even address the problem!
I mean, AT ALL!
It's like supergluing your ass shut after stubbing your toe.

People who talk about "gun control" after a mass shooting should really start talking about handing over all our nukes to Iran.
Same thing.