General Anyone know what this is?

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Jun 23, 2015
It was about 1.5” long, didn’t look like it had wings even though it looks like a wasp.

@Song2 it didn’t climb out from between my legs before you start. It didn’t look THAT prehistoric.


Jun 23, 2015
The back legs make it look a bit crickety. I've vacated my apartment for a couple of days because there was a tiny lizard got in. If I have those come in I'm moving the fuck back to the UK pronto.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I typed

Looks like ant with cricket legs and stripes on body

Into google and the first answer I got was Jerusalem cricket.


Jun 23, 2015
I typed

Looks like ant with cricket legs and stripes on body

Into google and the first answer I got was Jerusalem cricket.
Thanks, that makes sense.

I had camel crickets in Virginia. Got the exterminators out in both houses there scared shitless they were cockroaches. Ugh, can't stand bugs. Cannot fucking stand them.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
They arent that bad. They are pretty common in Cali. I don’t think ive ever seen inside a home, or ever hear of anyone being bitten by one.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I don't even mind bugs but this thing would make me shit my pants.
I saw this on Reddit

So, I was out tending to my crops (lettuce, pumpkin, and mint) on the hill behind my mom's backyard. I was just minding my own business, checking the plants for evidence of caterpillars, when it appeared.

I don't have much of a fear of bugs, except for poisonous spiders, whiptail scorpions, camel spiders, and of course, it. 2 inches long, yellow and black, like a warning pattern, the most terrifying insect on the fucking planet, the potato bug. The jerusalem cricket. Stenopelmatus Fuscus.

I had a trowel, it had its horrifying, vicious, death-mandibles. I tried to swat it, though my instincts were screaming at me to get the fuck out of there and return with a pulaski tool and a can of gas. I struck out with my trowel, my desperate hope, but I failed. God, I failed. I don't know how, but it dodged my desperate attack. My shorts were of no use against his jaws. My unprotected shins were, at that moment, a target.

I nearly shat myself when this fucking monstrosity climbed up my leg and bit me. I struck out again with my trowel, cleaving it in two. But the head was still hanging on. This unholy beast, sent by satan himself to terrorize californians, was imbedded in my shin. I took a deep breath, and pulled the mandibles out.

I nearly vomited from the disgusting experience of grabbing the business ends of my worst nightmare, and pulling them both out of my skin. Now, my hands were dirty from leaning in the dirt all day, and, in the heat of the moment, I forgot to wash the wound with rubbing alcohol. I just put a bandaid on it, went online and tried to forget about my encounter with this pint-sized lovecraftian horror.

A few days later, I started feeling pain in my shin. I rolled up my nice cotton pants,tore off the band aid, and vomited all over my pyjamas. The first thing that hit me was the smell. I had smelled something funky even with the bandaid, but I assumed it was coming from somewhere else. I also had a bit of a stuffy nose at that time, which can't have helped.

After the smell and the vomit, I saw what had caused all this. That fucking potato bug's bite had festered, and was leaking pus everywhere. My mom came in, and told me to get in the car. We raced to the local urgent care, me vomiting out the window several times.

We pulled up, side of the car covered in drying, strawberry smoothie flavored, chunky stomach dip. The urgent care got me some antibiotics on there almost as soon as we came in, and then referred us to the ER. They cleaned the wound, sedated me, and when I woke up, I had a dressing wrapped around my shin. Apparently it had started to necrotize, and that they needed to remove a small amount of my tissue. They fixed me up the best they could, but I'm gonna have a pretty gnarly scar to add to my collection.

TL;DR Encounter the insect from hell, get horrible infected wound like a sissy khal drogo

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
the feet on that thing have tiny feet/legs coming off of it


Lot of great inventions can be made by imitating the structures of insect bodies

They are like highly advanced tiny robots IMO


Jun 23, 2015
It says they are native to western United States.
Jerusalem cricket - Wikipedia

It also says they emit foul odor and their bite is painful. I hope they are not in your house.:eek:
I'd be legging it to stay elsewhere again.
They arent that bad. They are pretty common in Cali. I don’t think ive ever seen inside a home, or ever hear of anyone being bitten by one.
I've been here nearly a year now. I'm surprised that's the first one I've seen.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
I'd be legging it to stay elsewhere again.

I've been here nearly a year now. I'm surprised that's the first one I've seen.

They are everywhere outside if you look hard enough. Usually in gardens and even in the ground. Im originally from Napa and can recall them appearing after digging holes in the garden.


Jun 23, 2015
They are everywhere outside if you look hard enough. Usually in gardens and even in the ground. Im originally from Napa and can recall them appearing after digging holes in the garden.
Yeah i’m NorCal too. I’m going to be
Looking out for them for sure from now on. Thank fuck they don’t have wings.


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Yeah i’m NorCal too. I’m going to be
Looking out for them for sure from now on. Thank fuck they don’t have wings.

They aren’t actually that bad aside from their looks. And your right, at least they don’t have wings.

They arent as bad as cockroaches, those nasty fuckers bother me. I seen some of them in Chicago that fly. Yea, flying cockroaches.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
They aren’t actually that bad aside from their looks. And your right, at least they don’t have wings.

They arent as bad as cockroaches, those nasty fuckers bother me. I seen some of them in Chicago that fly. Yea, flying cockroaches.
Will those flying ones infest houses?


Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Will those flying ones infest houses?

That area of the Country is infested with the nasty fuckers. So is Phoenix. I installed natural gas line there when I was a teenager and its when I started having a problem with them. We would dig a trench or hole and they would just be coming out of the ground. Gives me the heebie jeebies. Theres not much that bothers me but those roaches sure do.

So the ones in Phoenix were relatively small. The ones in chicago get well over 1 inch long and when they get to a certain size, they fly. I was in the Navy at the time and living in some really old barracks, they were all over the place in the summer months.