General Anyone know what this is?

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Jun 23, 2015
They aren’t actually that bad aside from their looks. And your right, at least they don’t have wings.

They arent as bad as cockroaches, those nasty fuckers bother me. I seen some of them in Chicago that fly. Yea, flying cockroaches.
First time I saw a roach that wasn't in a tank at the zoo was on my first flight back from the US and it was on my knee. I spazzed out so fucking much they had to move me to another seat. They really are nasty fuckers.

I'm pretty sure now it was a water bug but in the shower a few months ago I saw these gigantic (tentacles?) poking out of the water overflow. It was like a scene out of a horror movie with me screaming and jumping out of the bath. I was throwing whatever I could at it to make it piss off and it did eventually. That water overflow now has duct tape stuck all over it for fear it'll happen again.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
Potato bug.. kill it quickly. Esp if you have pets n children around.


Pro Member
Oct 20, 2015
I don’t know what that is, but I’m pretty sure it’s looking for your family to eat your children. Kill it. Kill it now.