This guy is big time against the child trafficking industry and he was in the know. If he could find out how to expose them without getting himself and his family killed it would be a big blow to the industry.
Jimmy Saville was also big time into philanthropy for children. Sometimes the best place to hide is right in the middle of it. Not many actors I'd give the benefit of the doubt to without knowing them personally.This guy is big time against the child trafficking industry and he was in the know. If he could find out how to expose them without getting himself and his family killed it would be a big blow to the industry.
Ha, but i agree with this guy, but not about the end. I think they will scrub everything and only use what they want and protect who they want. But yeah, beating up his chick, passing her around, baby oil and freakoffs? What else we got?
5 best rapers of all time:I still don't know what the case against him is. Is it molesting underage kids like Usher or Beiber, those guys are never gonna talk and I don't blame them. Or are there a bunch of no name victims? Becasue there is nothing illegal about being a gay freak and throwing crazy parties. And we all assume most celebs and artists are depraved freaks anyways. The entire rap genre being filled with fags shouldn't be a surprise, but it's very funny.
You wouldn't believe the amount of black people on Twitter defending him being 'hacked'.
Thanks for sharing. I want to check it out too.I’m looking forward to listening to this tonight
LeBron James Is TOO Quiet About Diddy | Candace Ep 70
LeBron is strangely silent on Diddy, Ice Cube responds to my gangster rap comments, and Janet Jackson is under fire for saying Kamala ain't black. PreBorn!
He's been on everyone's shitlist since he and his girl went full retard...This guy is big time against the child trafficking industry and he was in the know. If he could find out how to expose them without getting himself and his family killed it would be a big blow to the industry.
Jimmy Saville was also big time into philanthropy for children. Sometimes the best place to hide is right in the middle of it. Not many actors I'd give the benefit of the doubt to without knowing them personally.
The GOAT talk radio host Michael Savage used to talk about how it was always creeps and weirdos who play pretend like that online...I've always found it interesting that all of these athletes and celebrities who become reserve and honorary law enforcement officers always gravitate towards fighting child sex crimes. I recall Shaq bragging about pretending to be a 14-year-old girl online to lure predators. That is weird enough if you are an actual cop much less a celebrity playing cop.