Listen Appears that Diddy is fucked

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
If he had a million followers maybe I could see it. This feels like a guy faking a video to try and up his amount of followers.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The guy in the video sounds very gay, but he mentions his wife, and he says he wishes the private investigators were "two hot ladies." Then he says, "No, you guys are pretty, yourself." WTF. Maybe it's part of his comedy routine?

Also, what kind of straight guy tells two dudes that he's "frightened" and finds it "terrifying", lol.
I think that was Tony Hinchcliffe


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Wait, Diddy is a furry, too. Is there any sexual activity or fetish he doesn't take part in?
Sex addicts get bored with vanilla stuff and just keep pushing the limits to get that next high.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019

"Bill Cosby went to jail not for molesting white women, him and his wife didn't want to let the second largest oil company in the world drill under their home for oil."

Er, no.

A bit of Google-fu tells me that some years back the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company (not exactly the "second largest oil company in the world") was trying to get a venture called the Northeast Energy Direct Project off the ground. The Cosbys owned property (not the home they lived in) near the proposed pipeline route.

The company wanted to use a portion of the driveway of that property as a temporary access road, to which the Cosbys objected. In the end, due to objections from a whole host of people, not just Bill and his wife, the project was scrapped. That was a good two years before the court case against Bill.

There's a saying - "a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing." The guy in the video heard about an oil company wanting to use Cosby's land, put two and two together and came up with approximately seventeen, added in his own victim mentality and made up thar scenario in his head. He then spouts it as "truth."

What an asshole.