General Better Man, a Robbie Williams Biopic

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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
I was actually going to say something about 90s/daughter but I didn't want to bring family into real life
Dude, I don't even want to get into watching grease or little orphan annie 5 times a day as my daughter stood there in her diapers swaying side to side belting out the songs.

Hey baby girl, go grab daddy a beer from the fridge is the only thing that kept me sane.


Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
What is more ridiculous is they could have not used the animation and saved a lot of the budget which was 110 million dollars.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Jesus Christ
They would be better off doing a story on me and how many women I failed to hook up with and years later realized it only to make myself feel like maybe my TBI started way before my accident in Jan 2024


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
What is more ridiculous is they could have not used the animation and saved a lot of the budget which was 110 million dollars.
Whats with the monkey man shit anyway? I tried listening to one of the songs but it was generic 90s lala shit.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
What is more ridiculous is they could have not used the animation and saved a lot of the budget which was 110 million dollars.
Well all we have to do is edit out the last name since you both have Robbie as your first. Million dollar idea here boys!


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Definitely better European artists in the 90s like even jamiroquai was better and I would be more interested in their movie as they are eccentric people.

Lol, I've heard this queeno. He was too weird not to notice on MTV. For awhile I confused them for Chumbawamba cause of the weird names.

I listened to classic rock radio mostly during high-school. Hated when MTV went full on reality TV. Most of my friends would play Sublime, punk(ish) 90s rock or rap so I was pretty much an outcast of the group blasting ACDC. There was only one metalhead in our group of red and brownnecks and he hated ACDC and loved Metallica. We would talk mad shit. Its why I still say the Black album is the greatest hair metal pop rock album of all time. That would really make Rigo's blood boil.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Lol, I've heard this queeno. He was too weird not to notice on MTV. For awhile I confused them for Chumbawamba cause of the weird names.

I listened to classic rock radio mostly during high-school. Hated when MTV went full on reality TV. Most of my friends would play Sublime, punk(ish) 90s rock or rap so I was pretty much an outcast of the group blasting ACDC. There was only one metalhead in our group of red and brownnecks and he hated ACDC and loved Metallica. We would talk mad shit. Its why I still say the Black album is the greatest hair metal pop rock album of all time. That would really make Rigo's blood boil.
Every one and their mom knows acca ⚡ dacca \m/\m/ you can listen to both. I have probably listened to sublime since before they even got famous them being from the beach city.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Every one and their mom knows acca ⚡ dacca \m/\m/ you can listen to both. I have probably listened to sublime since before they even got famous them being from the beach city.