Bowie article pissed me off....

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Feb 16, 2015
I think we will agree to disagree on the particulars of this but you've put forth a thought-out response so I feel obliged to do the same, if nothing else than to challenge (edit) MY thinking.

"Biology is not the sole determinant or even the primary determinant of anything at this point in our species' life."

I find this notion to be so completely at odds with how I see reality that I am convinced we don't even interpret these words the same way. How is biology NOT the primary determinant of our life? We are biological in our existence. Should a person's hormonal balance change then they will feel be affected and there's no two ways about it, is there? We're basically just chimps that have experienced faster cell division, i.e. our biology is the sole reason we are where we are. And, once a person hits puberty then biologically they are ready and it's not an opinion anyone needs to validate, it's just a fact.

Now, are they ready to give birth or rear offspring? That's something else and I wholeheartedly agree that a child in today's western society is NOT ready to do that.

"And it's also worth reading her interview as it would take something of a leap to say that she is or was ever the best custodian of her emotional health." I think her opinion on her life trumps yours on hers.

"Sometimes people are genuinely okay and honestly I think it's well within the realm of possibility for a 15 year old to have had sex with whomever and not come out terribly scarred."

I think this is where we really differ, I don't see the high likelihood of someone being terribly scarred emotionally from consensual sex in western society. It's sex, it's as natural as breathing and eating....maybe you have a more puritan view on this but to me it's just a weird way to think. Nonetheless, it's interesting to know that some people, maybe even a lot of people on America think this way.
So.....don't take this the wrong way but all I see is that you're ok with fucking kids.

Your primary argument appears to be that they are ready for sex when their body says so, is that right?

I somehow don't think you would make this argument anywhere else but the Internet.

Also, I didn't think this would get so deep about the actual girl, I was just upset the writer started in on Bowie like a day after his death. I didn't think that was in good taste.


So.....don't take this the wrong way but all I see is that you're ok with fucking kids.

Your primary argument appears to be that they are ready for sex when their body says so, is that right?

I somehow don't think you would make this argument anywhere else but the Internet.

Also, I didn't think this would get so deep about the actual girl, I was just upset the writer started in on Bowie like a day after his death. I didn't think that was in good taste.
Don't take this the wrong way but you're a fucking idiot for thinking that. Where in anything that I wrote did I mention myself being involved? You should edit your post just because the accusation is totally inflammatory.


Feb 16, 2015
Don't take this the wrong way but you're a fucking idiot for thinking that. Where in anything that I wrote did I mention myself being involved? You should edit your post just because the accusation is totally inflammatory.
I didn't take it wrong, fuckface, you simply keep writing the same shit like this goofy tripe....

"And, once a person hits puberty then biologically they are ready and it's not an opinion anyone needs to validate, it's just a fact."

"I don't see the high likelihood of someone being terribly scarred emotionally from consensual sex in western society"

Now if you can tell me how this is different than it's ok to fuck a kid when they hit puberty then reinterpret and rewrite.

If you believe it's NOT ok then tell people how it's not ok, Kneeblock has said multiple times that kids are too young based on mentality and you keep saying they are not.

What EXACTLY do you mean? You can't argue one thing and mean the exact opposite. I didn't accuse you of anything, I'm asking for an honest answer since you keep saying Kneeblock is wrong.


I didn't take it wrong, fuckface, you simply keep writing the same shit like this goofy tripe....

"And, once a person hits puberty then biologically they are ready and it's not an opinion anyone needs to validate, it's just a fact."

Now if you can tell me how this is different than it's ok to fuck a kid when they hit puberty then reinterpret and rewrite.

If you believe it's NOT ok then tell people how it's not ok, Kneeblock has said multiple times that kids are too young based on mentality and you keep saying they are not.

What EXACTLY do you mean? You can't argue one said and mean the exact opposite.
I wrote they are biologically equipped but I don't condone men going out and preying on children; that interpretation came from you and your own desires. That being the case, if people of that age (minors) make conscious choices to pursue and engage in sex with rock stars or their teachers then I am saying they aren't the victims some people are pretending they are.

If they go out and have sex with each other, (maybe you should try getting laid some time) at that age then it's better to be prepared for that to happen than to pretend "it's bad."


Feb 16, 2015
I wrote they are biologically equipped but I don't condone men going out and preying on children; that interpretation came from you and your own desires.
See, THAT is an accusation, but I 'm not the one who wrote:

"Age in and of itself is not the sole determiner of intelligence, experience nor sophistication and portraying the adult in THIS example as a predator is just inaccurate."

So it's much easier to see who's 'desires' are on display here. Kids are too young to have sex. Period.

That being the case, if people of that age (minors) make conscious choices to pursue and engage in sex with rock stars or their teachers then I am saying they aren't the victims some people are pretending they are.
And you STILL haven't told me why it's not ok to have sex with underaged children. You've simply restated your point. You've shifted the blame from the adult to the child.

If they go out and have sex with each other, (maybe you should try getting laid some time) at that age then it's better to be prepared for that to happen than to pretend "it's bad."
We are talking about adults and children, not children and children. I'm married, my suggestion is that you interact with women instead of creating a whole new line of pseudo-psychology about children when you don't know what you're talking about.


We are talking about adults and children, not children and children. I'm married, my suggestion is that you interact with women instead of creating a whole new line of pseudo-psychology about children when you don't know what you're talking about.
I would expect this from members at the other place.

I don't like the slimy way you've tried to make these pathetic accusations, it shows very poor character, but I will try to help you along.
See, THAT is an accusation, but I 'm not the one who wrote:

"Age in and of itself is not the sole determiner of intelligence, experience nor sophistication and portraying the adult in THIS example as a predator is just inaccurate."
Do you notice, in bold, the word "THIS?" It means that those comments are in reference to this case in particular. That's it.

Kids are too young to have sex. Period.
I was 14 and she was 13 when I lost my virginity, if we were too young to have sex then how the fuck did we manage to get it done?
And you STILL haven't told me why it's not ok to have sex with underaged children. You've simply restated your point. You've shifted the blame from the adult to the child.
I didn't write that it's okay for you to have sex with underaged children and if you need me to explain (edit)* that it's not okay for you to have sex with children* then perhaps you should go seek counseling.
I'm going to put you on ignore now cause I see what you're trying to do and it's not why I came to this place.
Last edited by a moderator:


Feb 16, 2015
I would expect this from members at the other place.
What? To question you about slippery statements you've made including trying to tell a survivor reasons why he's wrong?

I don't like the slimy way you've tried to make these pathetic accusations, it shows very poor character, but I will try to help you along.

Do you notice, in bold, the word "THIS?" It means that those comments are in reference to this case in particular. That's it.
Your whole argument and outright dismissal of Kneeblock's explanation on the psychology of children showed poor character. You spent your posts telling him he was wrong, don't make me quote all of the parts where you didn't add 'this'.

I was 14 and she was 13 when I lost my virginity, if we were too young to have sex then how the fuck did we manage to get it done?
Kids shouldn't be having sex but nobody acted like 2 kids was controversial and you know it. You have again shifted the argument.

I didn't write that it's okay for you to have sex with underaged children and if you need me to explain that to you then perhaps you should go seek counseling.
You did everything else but that. You argued how every psychological and biological point equals the child not being the victim. I doubt it's me who needs counseling on this.

I'm going to put you on ignore now cause I see what you're trying to do and it's not why I came to this place.
No problem. I won't be a jilted bitch and follow you around like other people if you don't want to talk to me. I was confused by what you wrote and said so, it went bad. So be it.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
So.....don't take this the wrong way but all I see is that you're ok with fucking kids.

Your primary argument appears to be that they are ready for sex when their body says so, is that right?

I somehow don't think you would make this argument anywhere else but the Internet.

Also, I didn't think this would get so deep about the actual girl, I was just upset the writer started in on Bowie like a day after his death. I didn't think that was in good taste.



TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
And about the age of consent, that differs culturally so much per culture, but also the times have changed now.

As for perspective, in biblical times 13 would be about the normal age (sometimes as young as 8). Pre-20th century it was still common to consider girls that were in puberty, adults. Biological and pyschological knowledge, and shifts in moral ideology have changed our view about the age of adulthood.


Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
I'm amazed that people love their heroes so much that they'd shift the blame of an adult banging a kid to the child. In this case that's what she was. She was 15. I can tell by your callous attitude that you don't have daughters of your own. I'm all for adults doing whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. By the way, when you make excuses for child molesters, you automatically get painted with the pervert brush. There are only 2 camps. In one it's ok, & in the other it's not.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Damn folks, maybe try debating w/out immediately going on the defensive, lashing out, and judging someone's character over the internet? Shit is crazy.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Damn folks, maybe try debating w/out immediately going on the defensive, lashing out, and judging someone's character over the internet? Shit is crazy.

If you guys want another site where you can flame away with nil modding let me know, just understand that it has like 5 posters and nowhere near the functionality of this place (but still better than that OTHER site)

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

If you guys want another site where you can flame away with nil modding let me know, just understand that it has like 5 posters and nowhere near the functionality of this place (but still better than that OTHER site)