So.....don't take this the wrong way but all I see is that you're ok with fucking kids.I think we will agree to disagree on the particulars of this but you've put forth a thought-out response so I feel obliged to do the same, if nothing else than to challenge (edit) MY thinking.
"Biology is not the sole determinant or even the primary determinant of anything at this point in our species' life."
I find this notion to be so completely at odds with how I see reality that I am convinced we don't even interpret these words the same way. How is biology NOT the primary determinant of our life? We are biological in our existence. Should a person's hormonal balance change then they will feel be affected and there's no two ways about it, is there? We're basically just chimps that have experienced faster cell division, i.e. our biology is the sole reason we are where we are. And, once a person hits puberty then biologically they are ready and it's not an opinion anyone needs to validate, it's just a fact.
Now, are they ready to give birth or rear offspring? That's something else and I wholeheartedly agree that a child in today's western society is NOT ready to do that.
"And it's also worth reading her interview as it would take something of a leap to say that she is or was ever the best custodian of her emotional health." I think her opinion on her life trumps yours on hers.
"Sometimes people are genuinely okay and honestly I think it's well within the realm of possibility for a 15 year old to have had sex with whomever and not come out terribly scarred."
I think this is where we really differ, I don't see the high likelihood of someone being terribly scarred emotionally from consensual sex in western society. It's sex, it's as natural as breathing and eating....maybe you have a more puritan view on this but to me it's just a weird way to think. Nonetheless, it's interesting to know that some people, maybe even a lot of people on America think this way.
Your primary argument appears to be that they are ready for sex when their body says so, is that right?
I somehow don't think you would make this argument anywhere else but the Internet.
Also, I didn't think this would get so deep about the actual girl, I was just upset the writer started in on Bowie like a day after his death. I didn't think that was in good taste.