Bruce Buffer blasts Nate Diaz over under-promotion claims

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Jul 20, 2016
Pretty cool way to promote a ppv - a beef between a fighter and the ring announcer - tensions all over the place


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Nate played the Conor thing perfectly.
He earned that $10m for the second fight.
But what drives people crazy is, nothing is ever his fault & he is never happy.
Every fight him & Nick lost, they feel they were robbed. He walks out of pressers/interviews if he isn't the center of attention.
I get raging against the machine, but pick the spots.
Not everything & everyone is against him.

But, Buffer should STFU.
This is not his business.
i get he was asked, but just say "Nick is never happy" & laugh & leave it at that.
Feels like they're sending Captain Fake Abs out to the do these TMZ interviews now, for "contract negotiation" purposes. Used to be Dana.


"My balls was hot!"
Aug 13, 2017
Feels like they're sending Captain Fake Abs out to the do these TMZ interviews now, for "contract negotiation" purposes. Used to be Dana.
Nothing he said will have any effect on negotiations.
Barely anything DW says does in the end.
Nate knows what he wants & UFC knows what they will be willing to pay.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
bruce buffer is a cheesy little hobbit .he looks like he valet parks cars in between fights


top korean roofer
Oct 21, 2015
I'm guessing something like this will happen when Diaz and Buffer are in close vicinity


jimmy boogaloo

General Links/Your Account
Nov 15, 2017
Curious as to what Buffer makes per event?
a medium sized seafood dinner with limited access to the salad cart and condiments, $30 in coins to play on the slot machines and a 2-minute dash in the green room, where he gets to fill a plastic bag with the chocolate bars and crisps of his choice
Oct 24, 2015
a medium sized seafood dinner with limited access to the salad cart and condiments, $30 in coins to play on the slot machines and a 2-minute dash in the green room, where he gets to fill a plastic bag with the chocolate bars and crisps of his choice
30 dollars in coins and a 2minute dash in a green room for candy? Are there any Kit Kats? If so, where do I sign?

member 3289

But what drives people crazy is, nothing is ever his fault & he is never happy.
Every fight him & Nick lost, they feel they were robbed. He walks out of pressers/interviews if he isn't the center of attention.
I get raging against the machine, but pick the spots.
Not everything & everyone is against him.
Everyone who beats a Diaz brother is either cheating by using steroids or cheating in some other way.

The Diaz brothers never get enough promotion from the UFC/Danus.

Nate Diaz is upset if he doesn't get $10 million to fight anyone not named Conor McGregor.

Nate Diaz doesn't understand he was always the B side in those fights.

Nick Diaz fights once every 3-4 years and expects a title shot every time he fights.

Nate and Nick are the only clean fighters in the history of the sport.

Somebody call a fukn wambulance for these two.


top korean roofer
Oct 21, 2015
Now that I think about it, Chapelle stepping away is a little like Jimi Hendrix dying.
Chappelle still performs and does stand up, but I know what ur saying.

Just like Chappells’s career, towards the end, everyone was all up in Jimi’s business which some people say he actually wanted to die because he didn’t know how to escape out of all the crazy expectations people had for him
Nov 21, 2015
Bruce Buffer blasts Nate Diaz over under-promotion claims, says he should bow to Dana White

“I love Nate, but he’s always got a bad taste in his mouth,” Buffer said. “Nate, I heard you made $7 (million) or more dollars on your last fight. I don’t want to hear you complaining about being underpromoted by the UFC.

“You should be thanking the UFC and bowing to Dana White every time you see him, (and) Ari Emmanuel, Patrick Whitesell. You’ve got $7 (million) or more dollars gross, before taxes, maybe much more – which I love knowing that you have, Nate. Please – I don’t want to hear any more.”


I understand his thoughts, but it really isn't his place.
I can't wait to see Diaz stare through him at MSG
