I think the debatable part is in whether or not the threat was justifiable.
If CNN's job is to virtue signal, and to repair their heavily tainted public image, then yes. Everything to distract from the fact they've been on a wild goose chase about Russians and missing air planes. Then yes, it is totally justified.
If not, the best course of action is to notify authorities, if they've found illegal activity to take place against CNN. But being an asshole is not illegal, so they (CNN) want to play the asshole game, which is of course ridiculous for a media outlet to engage in, very unprofessional and damaging to the already tattered credibilty of this "News" outlet.
CNN fan boys try to deny what was out in the open for everybody to see, no amount of discussion is going change that. It's revisionist history in its most pure and delusional form. But I am the one with the lack of information
At least I have common sense.