Conor thinks he doesn't get paid to promote?

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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Cocker can say whatever he wants, it was common knowledge at the time that the disastrous Fedor investment put SF far enough into the red the mainstream sports guys unloaded, heck the only reason he had investors that could sell was because SF was weak financially (why he brought them in years prior)

Cocker got in bed with The Fink and lost his company over it
Cocker, that's bias here.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
That was a pretty dismissive reply. I think my post pretty much invalidates that question, unless you're arguing that Zuffa is paying way above market prices just because they're nice. Is that your argument?
My point is more macro, he makes way more than anyone imagined any UFC fighter would make a few years ago, a few years ago GSP made way more than anyone ever imagined any UFC fighter would make a few years before that...

It is a young, unstable industry, improvements are being made - as for Conor specifically, I think he is happy with his pay, he is taking issue with promotional time commitments.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yea, they could basically take their services elsewhere and hold their event in a grassy field in a public park and film it on their phones, I predict eleven buys for UFC 200!
If my choice is either

1 a grassy field with the best fighters putting on a show

2 a stadium with 12000 people watching nothing

I'm getting my lawn chair and finding high ground.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
So what you're saying is one group provides the product, and one group facilitates it being brought to the public? So it's almost as if each group is providing a half. Go figure.
agreed, they both provide half, so the fighters need to step up and start absorbing 50% of losses in failed promotions...

Rothwell needs to paypal Otto & Shamus some $ immediately


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
My point is more macro, he makes way more than anyone imagined any UFC fighter would make a few years ago, a few years ago GSP made way more than anyone ever imagined any UFC fighter would make a few years before that...

It is a young, unstable industry, improvements are being made - as for Conor specifically, I think he is happy with his pay, he is taking issue with promotional time commitments.
All those are probably true. Looks like I have no more further questions your honor.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
agreed, they both provide half, so the fighters need to step up and start absorbing 50% of losses in failed promotions...

Rothwell needs to paypal Otto & Shamus some $ immediately
Can I see your list of the failed promotions? I can't think of any of the top of my head.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Oh my, you're not going to start quoting members join date next are you? Please say no.
Pardon my snark, 'Cocker' was what Michael McDonald called Coker (unintentionally I assume) at a K-1 USA show many years ago (black Canadian guy with cool skirt, not the exciting pimple faced white kid)


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
UFC Promotion made him rich / promoting himself in conjunction with their PR machine, self-promotion made him a Cage Warriors fighter on welfare.

"dance with the one the one that brung ya"
See, this statement is why this is a good thread. Because for as much as I agree with this post, I disagree with the spirit of it.

Essentially what you're saying is: without Zuffa, Conor never would have been who he is today, so therefore Conor shouldn't ask for more.

To which I reply: why not?


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
See, this statement is why this is a good thread. Because for as much as I agree with this post, I disagree with the spirit of it.

Essentially what you're saying is: without Zuffa, Conor never would have been who he is today, so therefore Conor shouldn't ask for more.

To which I reply: why not?
Agreed - fair discusion...

but I do not believe Conor is asking for more $, he is asking for less promotion - but it is not fair to take that stand on Tues (mon?) for a presser today....and for an event 12 weeks out from fight night?

I think press obligations are absurd (volume) on fight week, he should champion that cause but in advance.....calling out of a Friday pressor on a Monday, 12 weeks out from fight night is BULLSHIT

His line about shit radio shows in CT did crack me up


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
Agreed - fair discusion...

but I do not believe Conor is asking for more $, he is asking for less promotion - but it is not fair to take that stand on Tues (mon?) for a presser today....and for an event 12 weeks out from fight night?
Maybe not, but I suspect he's been struggling to make this decision, probably trying to decide whether to take a stand or just do the status quo. It's hard to finally arrive at a point where you break the status quo.

I think press obligations are absurd (volume) on fight week, he should champion that cause but in advance.....calling out of a Friday pressor on a Monday, 12 weeks out from fight night is BULLSHIT
You're right and wrong. It is not fair to UFC to pull that move so soon, but in all fairness he probably enjoyed the hell out of promoting the fights AT FIRST, but over time, his exuberance combined with the volume of work took its toll and that takes energy from you, not only while you're doing it, but while you're rearranging all other parts of your life to CONTINUE doing it. I just say that from experience with other shit.

He had to pull out sometime, and 3 months isn't horrendous.

Good post.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Evidence? That is counter to everything I've ever seen published.
It was a sale of a private company to another private company, no evidence to be had one way or another, I would point to Shannon Knnap's comments (SF VP) on the sale as suggesting it was financial, Josh Thompson also mentioned it (lesser emphasis here as he was just a fighter)....

no doubt they tok a bath with the Fedor contract, that was at least 5 Million with basically zero ROI in the couple years leading to the sale


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Honestly? No.
Sorry for smartassery, in that case...

most high profile:



-Don King w/ Reilly/Dease (not sure what the promotion was called)

Other noteworthy:

-WFA 2.0 ('we takin ovaaa' lol)
-M-1 USA (Monte & The Fink)

*These orgs were bought for contracts & libraries, I am sure many do not consider them to have 'failed'

All that is just from the Zuffa era off the top of my head


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Sorry for smartassery, in that case...

most high profile:



-Don King w/ Reilly/Dease (not sure what the promotion was called)

Other noteworthy:

-WFA 2.0 ('we takin ovaaa' lol)
-M-1 USA (Monte & The Fink)

*These orgs were bought for contracts & libraries, I am sure many do not consider them to have 'failed'

All that is just from the Zuffa era off the top of my head
Forgot about IFL, EliteXC I thought had been bought out my mistake. Having said that, if we're talking about the bigger promotions (which would make the most sense) UFC, Pride, StrikeForce, WEC, Bellator, WSOF, Invicta, all didn't go out of business. That isn't exactly a 95% attrition rate.

If someone really wanted to, they could probably also make the argument that Affliction surrendered to the UFC rather than went bankrupt, but that's a discussion for another thread.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
DFW4L @Big.Thirsty

Its an interesting turn of phrase "due to financial weakness"
It doesn't really mean anything. So I can't tell if I'm arguing for or against your point.

But lets move to facts:

SVSE states:

Although the news is all positive regarding management, Forbes also noted that they weren’t profiting (something very common in the NHL), and were hoping to be doing so by 2012. They also point out that the San Jose Sharks brings them $84 million out of the $155 million total revenue accounted for back in 2009 (compared to the $30 million revenue that Strikeforce brings).

Of SVSE’s revenue of $155 million, NHL hockey brings in $84 million. The rest comes from things like a chain of ice rinks, three professional tennis tournaments, a mixed martial arts circuit and an apparel company. Last year the team’s hockey operations lost $5 million, but the profits from the other businesses cut that loss to an estimated $2 million. Gregory Jamison, a Sharks co-owner who’s in charge of day-to-day operations, sees the combined businesses turning a profit in two to three years.
In May 2008 SVSE acquired a 50% position in cage-fighting outfit Strikeforce. Since then revenue for the fighting operation has shot up tenfold to an estimated $30 million. Thanks to the credibility and broadcast experience of the Sharks’ owners, Strikeforce’s fights will now move from a 2 a.m. time slot on NBC to prime time on CBS and Showtime. The TV deal, signed in February, would not have happened without the Sharks on board, says Strikeforce founder Scott Coker.

no doubt they tok a bath with the Fedor contract, that was at least 5 Million with basically zero ROI in the couple years leading to the sale
Maybe, but I doubt that was a greater issue than simply that a traditional sports franchise simply brings in MUCH greater revenue right away.
Fedor was a bad financial purchase. BUT, I think its a bit presumptive to pin the fall of a 30 million annual revenue org simply on him. The Fedor Rogers fight was a money maker for instance.
Given the focus on CBS, if you want to point fingers, I'd have to wonder if an unnamed brawl losing a TV deal didn't put more drag than anything.

And with that said, I still don't know what "financial weakness" is.
I don't see any innuendo from hunting around that says Strikeforce was weak. Other than compared to a traditional sports team that is less risky. The UFC is in that same boat too as long as MMA remains relatively niche.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Only one way this fiasco ends, with Conor getting punked and hardcore fans getting even madder at Zuffa...

He does not get to outmaneuver Lorenzo & Dana, for them it's not about 200 or Conor, its about the next Conor and the next biggest UFC ever...

'oh, you are bigger than the UFC? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!'


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
'I do not yet get paid to promote.' is something Conor said as part of his explanation for his current situation.

So, is he being intentionally dishonest to attempt to help sway public perception his way or is he an absolute moron?

He gets a % of his events revenue, his promotion directly increases his pay, more promotion = more pay. In the hood it's called 'points on the package', in business world 'commission' or 'incentive compensation'.

A lot of different words have been used to describe his ruthless unabashed promotional work he has done in his UFC run, bottom line is it has been effective, no matter what anyone thinks of his tactics/style. He is either intentionally Lying or horrifically stupid, no other possible explanation for that statement.
I can't tell if you're trolling or not? If his contract is such that there is no monetary compensation for doing media rounds themselves, then he is, 100%, undeniably, not getting paid to promote.

Period. No room for opinions and no debate of semantics.

The point you are making is that he benefits from promoting - thus in the end gets paid more the more effective his promoting is. That's not the point he is making though and you're either misrepresenting his opinions on purpose "or horrifically stupid, no other possible explanation for that statement." as you so eloquently put it.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Period. No room for opinions and no debate of semantics.
Ok then, if you say so, lol

I got no response to what you posted, per you.

You are impossible to have a discussion with, lol


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
agreed, they both provide half, so the fighters need to step up and start absorbing 50% of losses in failed promotions...
You're a real dope aren't you? The fighters absorb damage you egg. When are the promoters going to start absorbing physical damage? That's how it works, promoters put up capital in hopes of a return...and fighters put their health up for hopes of a payday. It's a push.

You talk an awful lot like Tiny Swole, but I'm sure he's got more important shit to be doing on a Friday night than being on a forum... there's got to be a ring girl or two that midget needs to "PM" tonight.


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Ok then, if you say so, lol

I got no response to what you posted, per you.

You are impossible to have a discussion with, lol
There's nothing to discuss. If the UFC does not pay someone X amount of dollars for performing promotional duties (such as, interviews, social media shout outs, live event appearances like media days, etc) then he isn't getting paid to promote. It's just a fact, just like the sky is blue. There's nothing to debate about.

You just simply conflated two entirely different statements with entirely different implications. Either that or are taking liberties with his statement and inferring something he did not directly say.

Statement A: Conor does not get paid to promote
Statement B (your statement): Promoting has potential monetary benefit in the end.