The US, Russia and the UK vaccine shenanigans are already giving a taste of what's in store in general for Europe. You've got European countries bitterly divided over whether to accept vaccines from its two enemies to the east and west, meanwhile its major 'ally' (lol) tells it to go suck a dick.To be fair, South Africa suspended the vaccine over a month ago and it wasn't related to this blood clot issue.
Also, the science seems to indicate that the vaccine is safe. The larger countries (in terms of population) have continued using it. Hell, it isn't even approved in the U.S. yet and we have 10 million vials of it that other countries (including Canada) have asked to purchase from us. We've declined every offer.
Taking precautionary action without a stronger burden of proof risks denting public confidence in vaccines, which would further slow down economic recovery and a return to normality.
But just to be clear, I'm also not saying that Canada's refusal to suspend this vaccine is based on anything other than JT Money being a DNB.
Everyone is going to be feasting on its carcass soon enough.