Well I don't think he is a huckster simply because he claims the MRNA thing, it may be exaggeration but I am not dismissing him outright due to that.Don't know. I don't listen to JRE very often anymore. But that is an extremely odd way to pose the question. It's not my "feeling" that he's a huckster. Anyone with a computer can figure that out in seconds. It's in his wikipedia page, lol.
I didn't mean anything disrespectful to you by the way I phrased it, just curious if you would listen or not.
I don't listen to JRE much myself, less than ten episodes since the Spotify deal...mainly because I don't use my phone to listen to podcasts...I might give a listen, will need to download the app again...might also give the Dr.Peter Mcsomthing Podcast a listen, it stirred a lot of debate on OG
Also, Wikipedia isn't always the most amazing source IMO, it has it's price and some of the info it provides is far from the truth.