To isolate for everything seems like a much higher price to pay.
Symptoms can have a wide range as I'm sure you know. So to lock myself into a room for a mild headache is really not the answer imo, and certainly not a wise one.
The scary argument doesn't really work imo. At least not for me.
So let's create a hypothetical situation for ya.
Let's say you have a preggo gf/wife whatever. I think I can safely assume you wouldn't want her to get vaxxed, coz you are scared unsure of what this vax will do to her and the baby. Fine.
But just as much you should be unsure of what this virus or specific variants would do to her and the baby, no? Coz we don't really know yet, do we?
So you not gonna test and have a much higher chance of carrying it to her?
Instead you gonna isolate for every small feeling of unwellness?
Choices, it is.