General Corona virus updates

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@Splinty If common cold and flu are viruses, and belong to Corona family. We know they effect you once every season or twice every year.
I am thinking Corona may not effect those who already had cold or flu this season.

In general...
Viruses infect you. When they do they trigger an immune response. This first response is generic. This is fever and some other parts of your immune system cells attacking the invader. Some hand off happens and your body figures out the exact protein and we actually develop antibodies to attack this specific virus. It's kind of cool how complicated it is and how often it usually works pretty well.
In the case of Corona viruses that cause our common colds some people in part lifelong immunity. That is you see it once you make these antibodies and if you ever see that guy again your body will ramp up the special forces specifically for that virus really quickly and you essentially will never get a full infection for the rest of your life.
Other people this doesn't seem to be the case. Some people seem to have antibodies, that is immunity to that specific virus, for 5 or 10 years but then these antibodies kind of fade away. It's like your body sort of forgets it seen it before and just decides not to spend energy creating those antibodies for the guy it hasn't seen for so long. So those people can get infected with the same virus that got them as a kid.

Each virus has different protein structures let alone what's inside of those protein structures. because of this you can be infected with multiple different coronaviruses and it's usually unlikely that your existing antibodies will be good for the next virus even though they're in the same family.

Because of that this current Corona virus that has never been seen by any human on the planet and all of human history is going into a population that has no special forces antibodies. We only have our generic immune response of fever and generalized cells. We then have to build our special forces to kill it. Some people tend to do this very well. We see children do this very well. Others do not. This new organism kicks off a chain of events that makes us go a little bit overboard and trying to fight it and that overboard fight kicks off a chain reaction cascade that gets us pretty sick.

so no I don't think there's any evidence right now nor I think you would expect that being infected with Corona viruses as a kid, as All of us have been, will give us immunity to this new Corona virus.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Alright, everybody throw your animals away.
I'll see you in another hundred pages driving my war wagon.



Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
But the weak positive results show the dog had low levels of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19.
"Officials said on March 12 blood tests that came back were negative, which means no coronavirus-related antibodies were found in the dog’s system."

"The dog was reportedly the first known case of human-to-human animal transmission of the virus, although officials believed the owner only passed “low levels” of the virus onto the pet."


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
In general...
Viruses infect you. When they do they trigger an immune response. This first response is generic. This is fever and some other parts of your immune system cells attacking the invader. Some hand off happens and your body figures out the exact protein and we actually develop antibodies to attack this specific virus. It's kind of cool how complicated it is and how often it usually works pretty well.
In the case of Corona viruses that cause our common colds some people in part lifelong immunity. That is you see it once you make these antibodies and if you ever see that guy again your body will ramp up the special forces specifically for that virus really quickly and you essentially will never get a full infection for the rest of your life.
Other people this doesn't seem to be the case. Some people seem to have antibodies, that is immunity to that specific virus, for 5 or 10 years but then these antibodies kind of fade away. It's like your body sort of forgets it seen it before and just decides not to spend energy creating those antibodies for the guy it hasn't seen for so long. So those people can get infected with the same virus that got them as a kid.

Each virus has different protein structures let alone what's inside of those protein structures. because of this you can be infected with multiple different coronaviruses and it's usually unlikely that your existing antibodies will be good for the next virus even though they're in the same family.

Because of that this current Corona virus that has never been seen by any human on the planet and all of human history is going into a population that has no special forces antibodies. We only have our generic immune response of fever and generalized cells. We then have to build our special forces to kill it. Some people tend to do this very well. We see children do this very well. Others do not. This new organism kicks off a chain of events that makes us go a little bit overboard and trying to fight it and that overboard fight kicks off a chain reaction cascade that gets us pretty sick.

so no I don't think there's any evidence right now nor I think you would expect that being infected with Corona viruses as a kid, as All of us have been, will give us immunity to this new Corona virus.
OK this makes it clear.
Thank you


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
"Officials said on March 12 blood tests that came back were negative, which means no coronavirus-related antibodies were found in the dog’s system."

"The dog was reportedly the first known case of human-to-human animal transmission of the virus, although officials believed the owner only passed “low levels” of the virus onto the pet."
So, despite low-levels, it still tested positive.
And that's one case.
You know what I'm not seeing?
Further study.
Bat soup, check.
Live mammals.....nah!



Nov 14, 2019
There are some conspiracy theories running around.
China's wuhan province gets effected but the virus doesn't spread in any other province in China.
Chinese president had minimal safety gear. Disposable mask, no gloves and visted wuhan and nothing happened to him.
There was a building where they kept pakistani students and infected Chinese and virus didn't travel through duct to infect those students.
Stock markets are crashing and China didn't have a crash.
Oil prices fell down and biggest importer is China.

Thanks Obama