General Corona virus updates

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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
CA, AZ, TX all getting lots of new cases.

might have to move the Iowa trip up on the calendar and push the return date out.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Ohio lost 15 citizens to Covid yesterday.
Out of 11.7 million people.

Kentucky lost 8. Population: 4.5 million
Indiana lost 8. Population: 6.7 million

This is comically ridiculous. Lift all restrictions and let's back to living.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
what was dana white going on about in the post fight ufc 250 presser? seem like to me he was implying that things might be really bad in 3 months from now as he said most of the reporters and people in general will be laid off, the economy numbers are worse than being reported, real estate market is yet to crash, ect ect.. isn't dana on trump's economic council? does he know something we don't?? or was it a calculated rant to get jones, masvidal, ect ect back on board by painting a poor economic forecast?


Feb 7, 2020


My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
Well, we've done it.
New Zealand is officially "Covid-19 free" as of today.

Today our Government will signal a shift to "Level 1" which means there are no restrictions in place - except for the border.
The border is set to re-open with Australia in the coming weeks.

Graphs for the two countries below.
Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 1.18.08 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 1.19.52 pm.png

member 3289

You can add our beloved Florida to the list (of course)

We have really ramped up our testing in the past week. Symptoms no longer required to be tested at some locations.

So while the past 5 days for us have seen high numbers of new cases reported, the infection rate has actually gone down from about 5.7% to 3.4%.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
actually an active duty air force sgt ambushed and shot n killed a sheriff over in santa cruz yesterday.. apparently he had some ied's and injured 2 other officers with those.. he may be linked to an earlier murder of a federal agent in oakland too..



Feb 7, 2020

(a) Not a stable perfectly normal individual
(b) Clout chasing for the "Lulz" as the kids say

I'm inclined to vote (b)... with perhaps a little sprinkling of (a).



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
what was dana white going on about in the post fight ufc 250 presser? seem like to me he was implying that things might be really bad in 3 months from now as he said most of the reporters and people in general will be laid off, the economy numbers are worse than being reported, real estate market is yet to crash, ect ect.. isn't dana on trump's economic council? does he know something we don't?? or was it a calculated rant to get jones, masvidal, ect ect back on board by painting a poor economic forecast?
I was casting these pearls awhile ago.
Plandemic to dethrone the U.S>, total globalist takeover.
When you see supply chains purposely destroyed along with crops in the year of a grand solar minimum, well, I guess it takes a genius.
This stuff doesn't just 'happen'.
This was years in the making.
There's a satellite monitoring sunspots and solar winds launched like 4 years ago inside mercury's orbit.

When you pump 6 trillion of digicurrency into the markets, that's a hint your life is about to change forever.
Keep a journal.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
actually an active duty air force sgt ambushed and shot n killed a sheriff over in santa cruz yesterday.. apparently he had some ied's and injured 2 other officers with those.. he may be linked to an earlier murder of a federal agent in oakland too..

Imo, this is better than rioting and destroying innocent peoples lives. Just my hot take.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
I thought they were legit. Like almost SEAL-level legit
I've found that the most 'legit' military service branch depends entirely upon the branch the person making the claim served in.

But seeing as they are all 0-2 against some Vietnamese rice farmers and Afghan goat herders, and have never had to face any developed nation in battle, I can safely claim that all of these groups are filled with a bunch of pussies that I could approach wearing my temporary neck tattoos, tell them 'your mother's meatloaf sucks', and then walk-off KO them with a spinning side check kick.