You literally just blamed me not responding to your posts as a reason that you don't cite your posts dude.
While I am flattered, that seems a pretty over-the-top excuse on top of this post.
Wasn't about you so much.
Plenty of good links are ignored if they go against the paradigm or set beliefs.
"Your" was meant to include others here and online discussion in general, some are just not in good faith or even discussions at all
Literally just want you to cite your posts more often than not...or at least not hide behind "now I never read this so don't blame me for perpetuating it without citing" when someone asks where something came from. That's it.
People post stuff without citations all the time. But most people aren't giving a defense after the fact when they post a link abdicating their own connection to the statement they just pushed.
I can do that, and not all that I post is unsourced...Some of it certainly is and often it is a subtle troll on my part.
There is no hiding going on as much as I just don't give a shit about trying to inform or discuss with those who are not willing to consider other angles or sources.
I respect the choice to not engage on things you don't want to engage about or ideas you would rather not entertain.
I just have stopped caring about sources as much because when I do source I only get people asking for cliffs, shooting the messenger instead of addressing the message, or just being a smart ass(dog faced pony soldier) due to previous discussions, labels, or stereotypes about either me or the topic in general.
A decent portion of the responses on this forum aren't really honest and thoughtful, as much as they are vengeful and argumentative...Is what it is and I think you can see it.
Serious enough that criticism over asking for data to be cited and just say what you mean, has you offering to quit the place. That's not my intent of desire. I am just saying like I would anyone...if you're gonna tell people I think X because of Y...but then run away from Y after the fact, it seems pretty slippery and intentionally muddying people trying to figure out reality.
Me quitting the place is a bit of a troll also.
I could take or leave off topic but I do really enjoy the hardcore MMA guys here and the discussions with them +live threads.
I do sense frustration from you and there are a couple unsavory characters that enjoy trolling me for reaction. If me leaving made it a better forum and environment I would absolutely do so. If I left, I suspect my "haters"(who I have absolutely no hard feels for) would just shift their sights elsewhere though and it wouldn't change the environment much at all.
As for muddying waters? Ya, I do that intentionally because I view a lot of the stuff posted as News and even some of what passes for Science as propaganda and divide and conquer tactics.
I do post honesty and thoughtful posts from time to time.
Honestly seems to rub some people the wrong way so I have switched it up and engage in starting shit at at times.
So if I "run away" it may just be me agreeing to disagree and not wanting to engage on the topic any longer as to move on to more productive life and/or internet activities...Some folks here will go on for many pages arguing and I have tried to learn my lesson and avoid those exchanges.
I do completely source and discuss in good faith online...This forum isn't a place that I do that 100% of the time right now, I do that elsewhere.
If you read the first few years of my posts I was doing exactly that.
There are other forums where I will discuss in good faith, here I pick my spots nowadays
I enjoy the forum and many of it's characters
I have my own way of thinking and posting and even inciting
Have a Nice Day and be Happy