General Cunts on "The View" are Dipshits Megathread

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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015


Active Member
Jan 17, 2018
Rob is a useless piece of shit that said hed never work with Mel Gibson because of what he said during a drunk rambling.Mel probably doesnt even know who the little weasel is. Rob only got hired as an actor cause hes a jew. Hollywood is pull of subpar actors getting gigs because they are jews. They already ruined Star Wars and the justice league. Anyone that watches the new Star Wars knows that ugly sombitch couldnt be Han and leias son. Hes a jew and so is the shitty director who destroyed Star Wars with his shit. Justice league is directed by a jew too and that weirdo shit stain who played the Flash is one too.
EDIT look at the short little bitch who plays Han in the Solo movie. Yup hes a jew too and about 4 or 5 inches too short.
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