Why did Jacob “Stitch” Duran feel compelled to speak out against the UFC’s deal with Reebok, which ultimately prompted the organization to cut ties with the veteran cutman on Tuesday?
According to Duran, it was simply the right thing to do – both for him and his fellow fight-night officials.
Duran, a frequent MMAjunkie Radio guest host, today joined the program in studio to confirmhe’s split with the UFC and to discuss the ensuing blowback from fans and fighters.
“It got to the point where I was trying to speak up for the cutmen, and being the leader and bringing this up and talking to the guys at the UFC, we had no clout whatsoever; we weren’t even in the equation of getting sponsorships, and I personally depend a lot on my sponsors to make it work (financially),” said Duran, who was barred from wearing outside sponsorships on fight night as part of the UFC-Reebok deal that went into effect earlier this month. “So, of all the cutmen, I would have lost more financially.
“But speaking up for the cutmen, I tried to talk to the UFC, and they basically had told us there’s no more money in the kitty.”
Duran subsequently did interviews with MMAjunkie Radio and to voice his frustrations over the new requirements.
It proved to be the nail in his proverbial coffin, and Duran said an unnamed UFC employee told him he’d no longer be used on fight nights because of what he said about Reebok.
For their part, Reebok officials today stated they weren’t involved in the decision (via Twitter):
“I didn’t say anything wrong,” Duran said. “I stated my opinion, and we as cutmen should be compensated for wearing Reebok. How can you wear Reebok and not get paid? To me, that’s just not right, plain and simple.
“But I think the reaction that the fans have done and coming out and creating a firestorm, I don’t think the UFC was equipped to handle that. And I’m the fall guy, man. (I’m) taking a bullet for the team, brother.”
LINK: Cutman ‘Stitch’ Duran explains why he spoke out against UFC-Reebok deal | MMAjunkie