Cyberpunk 2077 TME

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Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
It sounds shit.

I messaged Galt yesterday, he's gonna play metal gear 5 next.
who is galt and what is metal gear 5? Did you buy zone of the enders only because it included demo of mgs2? Did you buy ground zeroes for 20 euros which was just a short piece of shit demo? I did, so shut the fuck up, I know what I am talking about

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
motherfucker fifteen years ago I was offered to be a moderator of the biggest gaming site in the country. I know my shit

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
with a charm and appearance of prime michael dudikoff.

this aint no joke either, I am from eastern motherfucking europe. We are only allowed to laugh at matrioskas


Land of the Prince Bishops
Oct 18, 2017
Just finished the game on PC. I only had 2 serious bugs, one where I couldn't select any weapon which was fixed by triggering a cutscene and the other where the mission objective didn't update, I had to reload that one.

Its probably the best game I've played this year. Is it better than The Witcher 3 though? Nope.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
Just finished the game on PC. I only had 2 serious bugs, one where I couldn't select any weapon which was fixed by triggering a cutscene and the other where the mission objective didn't update, I had to reload that one.

Its probably the best game I've played this year. Is it better than The Witcher 3 though? Nope.
its better than witcher3 + 2 dlcs imo. And I just recently started story missions


Land of the Prince Bishops
Oct 18, 2017
its better than witcher3 + 2 dlcs imo. And I just recently started story missions
Its subjective but for me The Witcher quests were better, more impactful and has more memorable characters. I also prefer the the world of TW3.

Both games have average combat that becomes to easy as you level up and both games rely on their world and story heavily. I think TW3 edges out CP in these areas.

Not shitting on Cyberpunk though, its the best game I've played since RDR2.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
He's a fucken dipshit who ducked van damme.

Fuck I bet Mr miyagi could whip him
I have seen double impact at least fifty times on a vhs cassete. But only with awful czech dub. I have to see it in original english at least once before I die

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
my friend told me that cyberpunk is also a book. And I saw somewhere that it was a game in 1988. Can these polacks make good games that are not based on books?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I'd love to see someone get this running on the BL6 (Bud Light game console) or for KFC to show it running on their new appliance/system.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
playing borderlands3. Its such a strange feeling when I dont have to constantly think about the game fucking up, playing without the fear that some glitch/bug will suddenly out of nowhere appear and I am forced to fix shit. Also the side quests are not all over the place randomly spread on the map. One or two side missions after completing a part of a few main missions is plenty enough for me

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
I uninstalled re3 because I had already beat it and needed to free some space on hdd and every game for some reason that was on that hdd got deleted as well. I still cant recover from this loss. 40+ hours of borderlands3 down the drain. It apparently erased save files too


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
Santa got me this for xmas, but I haven't played it- I have a PS4. Is it worth it to play?
Oct 24, 2015
I vape. I guess I'll sell it.
If you are into RPGs ps+ has FF7 remake for download. I bought it last year, not to bad. They are also giving games to download without ps+. Ratchet and Clank is on there for free. They'll be giving games till June I believe, part of the Stay and play at home thing they got going.


TMMAC's Most Handsome Artist
Jan 26, 2016
who is galt and what is metal gear 5? Did you buy zone of the enders only because it included demo of mgs2? Did you buy ground zeroes for 20 euros which was just a short piece of shit demo? I did, so shut the fuck up, I know what I am talking about
GALT 7 (2).jpg

galt 16.jpg


TMMAC's Most Handsome Artist
Jan 26, 2016
I have seen double impact at least fifty times on a vhs cassete. But only with awful czech dub. I have to see it in original english at least once before I die
I changed my name to Chad briefly because of that movie :D