Cyborg "I can fight in 3 months"

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Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Never thought I'd say this, but someone should put Cris in charge of matchmaking at Bellator. At least she understands medical suspensions and the severity of concussions...
Yeah I agree the UFC is good in that department. Dropping an H Bomb on Lombard 2 months after Magney beat him into living death is the model we need other organizations to follow.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Well he'd be fighting with a plate in the front of his skull.

I'd say retirement is pretty much obligatory on his part.
I don't know man did you see what Lex Luger did with a metal plate in his forearm?
If that knee didn't put his lights out he`s ready for Hunt with a metal plate in his forehead.



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
Or maybe

Just maybe

Hear me out here


He got caught with a knee to the dome so hard it broke his head and fucked up his train of thought a little.



You are much more accurate than you even realize. I'm retired (well was forced to), for approx ten years now. Normally I never talk about this but this entire scenario scares the crap out of me. Years back I ended up with a brain injury, not one that showed any damage whatsoever. No dizziness, headaches, or any symptoms did I have, I kept telling everyone, (even the Dr's who wanted me to stay in hospital) I was fine. Four days later I woke up with the worst headache anyone could ever possibly imagine, really thought my head was going to explode. Four and a half months later I woke up in the hospital with NO memory of anything that happened after I woke up that morning. Apparently I was acting very odd but saying it was just a bad headache and I'd be fine. Was trying to get dressed and go to work. I couldn't even walk straight, talk right, was slurring like I was drunk. Everyone saw this happening but me, just kept saying I was fine. Even tried to get in my car because i wanted to drive to work, but had no shoes on, couldn't figure out how to unlock the car, but I kept thinking I was just FINE. A very short time after I passed out, was taken to hospital and in a coma. Months after when I woke I was still a mess. Thought everyone was playing a joke on me regarding the time i was out. had crazy thoughts that the staff were trying to kill me, that my wife was in on it. Overall a VERY BAD situation. I had swelling of the brain, it made me do and say crazy shit. To this day the slightest pressure change causes me very very bad headaches. I lost a lot of coordination, still have mini seizures and an entire array of issues.

This entire situation with Cyborg scares the hell out of me. Pressure and head damage don't go well together. Signing himself out of the hospital when it's not advised, not a good move. If he flies the pressure change could harm him greatly and what are they going to be able to do mid air to help? NOTHING!! Someone has to intervene for his own best interest. IF there is a problem he just may not realize it and if he doesn't listen to the Dr's around him, well it could be very very bad. Believe me I know from experience


Nov 3, 2015
Woah guys, I interpreted it as a joke from him to kinda say 'don't worry'.



My name is Mark.
Mar 19, 2016
He also said that this wouldn't be the end of his MMA career, vowing to "return soon." To most fighters, "soon" would be sometime next year; but not to Santos.

Santos' ex-wife Cris Cyborg (the better known Cyborg) says she spoke with Santos and that he said he would be ready to fight before the end of the year.
Woah guys, I interpreted it as a joke from him to kinda say 'don't worry'.

Did you read that or...?