General Dave Chappelle - Equanimity

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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
can you please create some crib notes to tell us which celebs may have been cloned?

You want me to wipe your ass too?

Look into it my friend, its very real.

We live in a time of great changes.

I wouldn't worry so much about the Clones, I'd focus on the A.I who is nearing singularity.

A.I is learning through all the cameras attached to your phones, those cameras on the corners, those cameras in the drones, the A.I is simply powering up before the great massacre.

Humanity is nearing extinction. 2050...humanity could very well no longer exist.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
You want me to wipe your ass too?

Look into it my friend, its very real.

We live in a time of great changes.

I wouldn't worry so much about the Clones, I'd focus on the A.I who is nearing singularity.

A.I is learning through all the cameras attached to your phones, those cameras on the corners, those cameras in the drones, the A.I is simply powering up before the great massacre.

Humanity is nearing extinction. 2050...humanity could very well no longer exist.
no thanks to your first question. how many people do you think are aware that all these people have been replaced by clones & A.I.?

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
do we have sources more reliable than youtube vids?
Do we need peer reviewed papers by scientists paid off by Government insiders to manipulate the perception of facts to back my position?

lol...come on son!

If that's the case I can hire some college kids to write me up some quick little bullshits to make it as official as what we are being told by the media on a daily basis, the same media bought and owned by the Bilderbergs / Council on Foreign Relations who in turn are controlled by the BIS or the Bank of International Settlements keeping every Nation bound and chained into slavery aka Debt through their Central Banks.

It's all BULLSHIT baby ...Bullshit 24/7 ..drinking Protein Bullshit Shakes in the morning and eating Sauteed Bullshit Brussel Sprouts for Dinner.

Open your mind and understand we are not free, we are slaves, as long as you are in debt you are a slave to the system.

These Entertainers are used to ensure you sit idle and distracted from the real issues at hand...that you are being held captive.

Sit idol and be "programmed" ..


Break Free and Live life to the Fullest!!!

BOB MOTHERFUCKIN MARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Do we need peer reviewed papers by scientists paid off by Government insiders to manipulate the perception of facts to back my position?

lol...come on son!

If that's the case I can hire some college kids to write me up some quick little bullshits to make it as official as what we are being told by the media on a daily basis, the same media bought and owned by the Bilderbergs / Council on Foreign Relations who in turn are controlled by the BIS or the Bank of International Settlements keeping every Nation bound and chained into slavery aka Debt through their Central Banks.

It's all BULLSHIT baby ...Bullshit 24/7 ..drinking Protein Bullshit Shakes in the morning and eating Sauteed Bullshit Brussel Sprouts for Dinner.

Open your mind and understand we are not free, we are slaves, as long as you are in debt you are a slave to the system.

These Entertainers are used to ensure you sit idle and distracted from the real issues at hand...that you are being held captive.

Sit idol and be "programmed" ..


Break Free and Live life to the Fullest!!!

BOB MOTHERFUCKIN MARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the peer review process was already corrupted, so no.

do you feel like a slave to a system? I don't pay much attention to entertainers & I don't feel captive, do you?

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Truck Party @Truck Party

Paul Harvey - If I were the Devil!

George Carlin - Nobody seems to notice, Nobody seems to care

Bill Cooper - Oct. 1996

John Todd - "Occult"

Barry Smith "Politics"

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Back on Topic of Dave Chappelle who fell from grace and was replaced by a Clone.

The first clip in this HL was one of Daves last appearances ....notice what he is talking about:

Dave Chappell was referring to the UF Student who was tasered by campus police for asking John Kerry if he belonged to Skull and Bones the same secret society as George Bush Jr.

Here is the video of that incident -- Student was a bit of a dip shit but asked a legit question:

Not many people are aware of the Democrat John Kerry being a member of Skull and Bones ...but what makes things much more frightening is that the guy he was going up against in the same 2004 U.S Elections also belonged to this very very small secret society known as Skull and Bones and that opponent was (Republican) George Bush Jr.

During the run up to the 2004 Elections one of the last great "real" reporters in the national media Tim Russert asked both candidates about their possible connection to Skull and Bones and the secret number "322".

Point behind this, is that Chappelle was a truther, he knew some shady shit was going down.....when he left his show and took a break and returned to do some local shows he was implementing what he learned into his comedy shows ..he was trying to awaken the public and reveal the secrets. -- that is what got him killed and replaced ...Hollywood - the Gooberment can't afford to have a high profile entertainer like Chappelle going out there speaking truth.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Watch these 2 interviews: I believe these two interviews gives us the greatest insight into Daves mind and thoughts ...the guy in these two interviews is not the same guy prancing around before us today.

Feb 12th (2006)

Feb 3rd (2006)



TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015

Comment from Youtube:

kelly logan 3 months ago
"that's why I said, I don't know who this is. Those who know Dave are well aware of what happened to him during the final season of the Chappelle's show...the threats he received, the pressure to change his show content from the Hollywood Black Elite wasn't simply a joke or a 'conspiracy.' Dave was being visited by strange men showing up at his farm....odd little packages showed up on his doorstep...threatening phone calls in the middle of the night...all because Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan were aligned against Dave's anti-African American content. His life was being threatened. If you know the signs of the FreeMasonic Craft, the symbolism being displayed by this new Dave Chappelle is blatant and obvious. Not to mention he seems to have gained about 50 pounds of pure muscle and about three inches in height. His face is different and his general demeanor, according to his closest friends has completely changed and many of his friends are the ones espousing that this 'person' is NOT Dave Chappelle."

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
He's dead and was cloned.

Dave was trying to break free from his contract and regain his personal freedoms but Hollywood and the Luciferians had other plans for him, his image still had value, they could still use his image to social engineer society while making some profits off his image.

Dave started speaking some serious truth and exposing the game, when this went down they decided to silence his words that was connecting with the kids.

Killed him and replaced him with a Clone that was much more obedient.

This was the interview when he opened up and started dropping truth.

Here is the Clones first appearance.


Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
He's dead and was cloned.

Dave was trying to break free from his contract and regain his personal freedoms but Hollywood and the Luciferians had other plans for him, his image still had value, they could still use his image to social engineer society while making some profits off his image.

Dave started speaking some serious truth and exposing the game, when this went down they decided to silence his words that was connecting with the kids.

Killed him and replaced him with a Clone that was much more obedient.

This was the interview when he opened up and started dropping truth.

Here is the Clones first appearance.

Comment from Youtube:

kelly logan 3 months ago
"that's why I said, I don't know who this is. Those who know Dave are well aware of what happened to him during the final season of the Chappelle's show...the threats he received, the pressure to change his show content from the Hollywood Black Elite wasn't simply a joke or a 'conspiracy.' Dave was being visited by strange men showing up at his farm....odd little packages showed up on his doorstep...threatening phone calls in the middle of the night...all because Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan were aligned against Dave's anti-African American content. His life was being threatened. If you know the signs of the FreeMasonic Craft, the symbolism being displayed by this new Dave Chappelle is blatant and obvious. Not to mention he seems to have gained about 50 pounds of pure muscle and about three inches in height. His face is different and his general demeanor, according to his closest friends has completely changed and many of his friends are the ones espousing that this 'person' is NOT Dave Chappelle."
I Speak the Truth my TMMAC brothers! I speak to you tonight!!!

The real Dave Chappelle was down to Earth and loved everyone, he was getting fed up with Hollywood and what they were trying to tell him to do. Dave was at an all time high when he was on fire with The Chappelle show on Comedy Central, but he walked away from it all because he felt like he was losing who he was and didn't want to sell his soul.

During that time Dave stated multiple times he was not interested in signing that huge contract offered because it came at a price ...

While Dave tried to find a peace of mind by retreating to his farm is when the Hollywood hitman came in and took him out.

Hollywood was able to clone Dave Chappelle and program him accordingly.

This is why now we see the "Cloned" Dave pumping up that bullshit Black Vs. White angle, or Whites are the Devil type shit ....the real Dave never would have played that angle.

Hollywood and the Elite "Gooberment" -- need these celebrities to help divide the nation and keep the people fighting amongst themselves while behind the scenes they snatch away your freedoms.


Called it back in 2017...
