VID Don Lemon and CNN put on blast

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15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Notice any difference in how they speak?
and BLM considers one of those guys an 'Uncle Tom', hahaha...

There should be a rule, no calling someone that type of name if they can whip your ass with one hand, real basic rule the hood needs to adopt


Nov 15, 2015
You didn't debunk shit. Your "debunking" is in the form of an edited video. I'm the furthest thing from emotional, I've backed all my opinion with evidence and fact, you've backed your BS with a cnn video. A video that the DOJ report proves that the voices attributed to who CNN claims is saying what is BULLSHIT.

If you don't want to be accused of fabricating bullshit, then don't. It's that simple. You can go off on me all you want, it doesn't change facts of the case and that we clearly have a differing opinion on it. I'm secure enough in my thoughts and opinions that I promise, I "won't go off" on you if you call me or imply anything, I'm a big boy.
See... all that cursing is emotional.
Hard to have a discussion with that kind of emotional outburst, so ... I won't.
Have a good day, sir.

And watch the video I posted. lol


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
See... all that cursing is emotional.
Hard to have a discussion with that kind of emotional outburst, so ... I won't.
Have a good day, sir.

And watch the video I posted. lol
I've watched that vid many times, long before you posted it even. It's full of many un-truth's and if you'd like me to point them out specifically, I'd be glad to. *Hint #1 at :08 "They are about 50 feet away" lol ok, actually about 450 ft according to crime scene measurements.

Cursing is not emotional, It's how I talk in general in an atmosphere amongst friends...this forum is a lax place to have these discussions imo. I didn't curse you, I used the word bullshit to describe the false representation of the facts. I never accused you of lying as you accused me, I honestly feel you just don't know the facts of the case and therefore are incapable of lying since that would require you to know the case and yet willfully still defend your stance. I'm sorry I triggered you by cursing it wasn't directed at you as a person. I understand you wanting to move on from our convo, there's nothing left to discuss imo.

Good day to you as well sir.


Apr 18, 2015
Don Lemon is a race baiting piece of shit. Sits there on the CNN set, predominantly owned and managed by white people...drawing his fat paycheck from white, corporate America, while he tries to stir up hate among the black race so they'll go do some more dumb shit & he'll have his next story to report on. Fuck this guy and anyone that takes a word that he says seriously.
No black person takes Don Lemon seriously. In fact, he's one of the most hated people in the black community. See the #donlemonon trend on twitter some time ago for most people's feelings on him.

The wording of your post is somewhat troubling though. What should or shouldn't he do because his paycheck is cut by white people? What "dumb sh*t" are black people doing that Lemon inspires us to do more of?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
What should or shouldn't he do because his paycheck is cut by white people? In my opinion, he's sold out to CNN's agenda of race baiting & creating the news, versus reporting on it.

What "dumb sh*t" are black people doing that Lemon inspires us to do more of? Violence against their own people, violence against police, or whoever. May seem like I'm singling a race out here, but it's not the case. Every race has more than their fair share of criminals, dumbasses, and easily manipulated sheep. Mine included. This thread just happens to be about Don Lemon & his bullshit, which isn't helping the African American community at all. He doesn't give a fuck about African Americans. The more news they make by committing crimes, protests becoming violent, etc...the more it fuels his real agenda.


Apr 18, 2015
Wild @Wild I agree with your characterization of Lemon, but people do stupid things all the time. If any black person on earth does such a thing and says they were inspired by Don Lemon or his coverage, I'd like to meet them.

Black people are not commiting crimes at any higher rate than they have at any time. In fact, black crime is at a historic low and has seen the most dramatic drop of all races and ethnic groups over the past few decades. Whether the media is covering it more or less is another matter.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Wild @Wild I agree with your characterization of Lemon, but people do stupid things all the time. If any black person on earth does such a thing and says they were inspired by Don Lemon or his coverage, I'd like to meet them.

IMO, it's more about him pushing an agenda that breeds hate. His agenda is not one of peace among your fellow man. It's quite the opposite. This goes back to my characterization of him being a sell out. The more drama, violence, blacks or whoever...the better for Don Lemon. He (and people like throw plenty of white news anchors in there) makes me sick.

Black people are not commiting crimes at any higher rate than they have at any time. In fact, black crime is at a historic low and has seen the most dramatic drop of all races and ethnic groups over the past few decades. Whether the media is covering it more or less is another matter.

I wish Don Lemon would report on this, and while he's doing so, talk about how the relationship between African-Americans and the police is improving as well (if it is).