General Epstein "commits suicide"

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
It would be impossible right?
NBA is completely on the level and has never had any fuckery afoot...U ever watched the officiating?

I wouldn't bet on it being fixed myself...but I leave that door open.


Deleted member 1

MK Ultra sounds as crazy as you get and yet it's true
I decided to look this example up. Maybe some of the druggies were spending years telling the world and no one would listen?? Government and media suppressing the story in cahoots as I am lead to believe is a more common than not occurrence...

How as MK Ultra exposed?

Government looked into itself...
Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford's United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States
In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKUltra which led to Senate hearings later that year

Because investigative journalist from the MSM...
In December 1974, The New York Times alleged that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s.[67] That report prompted investigations by the U.S. Congress, in the form of the Church Committee, and by a commission known as the Rockefeller Commission that looked into the illegal domestic activities of the CIA, the FBI, and intelligence-related agencies of the military

I'm just saying. When Epstein kills himself, and the FBI, NYT, and Congress go to look into it, that's pretty par for the course and has a track record of being a validated set of eyes and process.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Please show me where people theorized these things were going on, a large public denial was taking place, and then those conspiring were exposed by those theorizing it.

Again, CT has a poor track record of theorizing and being right about...well anything.
I hear ya and I respect your Pinions.

Gonna have to agree to disagree.

“Listen to everyone, read everything; believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own right!”
- Bill Cooper

FYI Bill was in Intelligence and predicted many events before they occurred.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Why is it still open? What data supports it? When will you close that door?
I don't feel the need to pretend I know anything is right or wrong 100%

Doesn't affect my local daily life...just a story.

I liked the Bulls anyways.

Jordan has some tasty hypothesis if you are into that stuff...his gambling, his father, his "1st retirement" etc...I also leave the door open on those because I don't have do decide or take a side


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Both those commissions swung the intel community the other way and did a lot of damage. It also had a part in 9/11 intel not being shared. Dems gonna dem.

Deleted member 1

“Listen to everyone, read everything; believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own right!”
- Bill Cooper
Again, it is hubris to believe you can prove everything in your own right. You and I (or at least I) don't have the knowledge to understand every single subject in the world, nor the time if you have the intelligence I am missing for such a mission. Bill sounds nice...he also sounds like an unrealistic cliche.

I can't even read the raw data proving climate change. I tried. I've got a few science degrees. I still can't go through it with any level of critical eye. I have to trust the executive summary from the experts.

I can't be sure I have a working knowledge of bullet dynamics or astrophysics. How can I prove the moon landing on my own? Or JFK second shooter? It's actually impossible. But I can use critical thinking, which I am pretty good at, to listen to experts that have a consensus.

Even if you can understand how we got to the moon. The possibility and probability that it happened still isn't good enough for Bill. He suggest you need to fly to the moon yourself to find evidence of the landing. Must prove it personally. And then 7 billion other people should do the same?
Even if I film the remnants of the rover on the surface, Bill suggest the other 7 billion shouldn't take my word for it.

This seems an exhausting and unrealistic view of the world and how to examine events.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
If anyone doesn’t know who Cooper was please read up on him. It will tell all you need to know about the people that hold him in high esteem. His supporters will tell you he later explained his mental breakdowns with reality. But but it’s the aliens . . .

If you know anyone that’s been to a “psychic” and they tell you how they got everything right and they happen to have a recording of the session. The client wants to believe so they twist vagueness into dead hits. You will find the same with Cooper. Oh the Jews had him killed too.

I’m not trained to know if it’s a lack of intelligence, mental illness or possibly a combination that drives others to follow obvious mentally ill people. They might actually be correct about a handful of things but supporters dismiss the 1000’s they were dead wrong about. That’s worshipping not critical thought.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Again, it is hubris to believe you can prove everything in your own right. You and I (or at least I) don't have the knowledge to understand every single subject in the world, nor the time if you have the intelligence I am missing for such a mission. Bill sounds nice...he also sounds like an unrealistic cliche.

I can't even read the raw data proving climate change. I tried. I've got a few science degrees. I still can't go through it with any level of critical eye. I have to trust the executive summary from the experts.

I can't be sure I have a working knowledge of bullet dynamics or astrophysics. How can I prove the moon landing on my own? Or JFK second shooter? It's actually impossible. But I can use critical thinking, which I am pretty good at, to listen to experts that have a consensus.

Even if you can understand how we got to the moon. The possibility and probability that it happened still isn't good enough for Bill. He suggest you need to fly to the moon yourself to find evidence of the landing. Must prove it personally. And then 7 billion other people should do the same?
Even if I film the remnants of the rover on the surface, Bill suggest the other 7 billion shouldn't take my word for it.

This seems an exhausting and unrealistic view of the world and how to examine events.
I see that perspective and I agree with some of it.

It is not exhausting if you don't have to be 100% sure of anything not in your local environment...I understand that is an uneasy perspective for some.

I can give a percentage of how much I believe or do not believe in any hypothesis...Personally I am fine with not knowing the answer or verifying it myself.

I have no problem with people being 100% sure/convinced of things.

I lead a Healthy, Happy, Friendly life and that mindset works for me.

PS I apologize to you for the "Fuck off with that shit" post yesterday, it was a bit strong and out of character when I re-read it last night after somebody rated it...Most of it was fine but I do think I overreacted to you false quoting me, even though I admitted it triggered me in the spoiler tag...I try to stay away from insults as much as I can...sorry mate

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
If anyone doesn’t know who Cooper was please read up on him. It will tell all you need to know about the people that hold him in high esteem. His supporters will tell you he later explained his mental breakdowns with reality. But but it’s the aliens . . .

If you know anyone that’s been to a “psychic” and they tell you how they got everything right and they happen to have a recording of the session. The client wants to believe so they twist vagueness into dead hits. You will find the same with Cooper. Oh the Jews had him killed too.

I’m not trained to know if it’s a lack of intelligence, mental illness or possibly a combination that drives others to follow obvious mentally ill people. They might actually be correct about a handful of things but supporters dismiss the 1000’s they were dead wrong about. That’s worshipping not critical thought.
Bill wasn't a perfect person and he wasn't 100% accurate.

His values and a lot of his content holds true and many his predictions are still coming to fruition.

I take it all with a grain of salt.

I like that quote...I am not worshipping anybody I have never met in person personally...In fact I don't think I have worshipped anybody in person either unless it was a beautiful woman who had me temporarily pussy whipped...and that goes away the moment you nut LOL

Deleted member 1

even though I admitted it triggered me in the spoiler tag.

...sorry mate
Didn't even faze me. But thanks.

So I've clicked all your links about CIA this and that. In everyone of them, government has investigated itself and exposed these behaviors. Often this occurs with the help of the MSM, notably the NYT.
How does that jive with the constant assumption that government is lying to you about most things and same with MSM...often colluding together? It appears quite clearly that the MSM and Government do a better job than other systems in exposing corrupt and bad behavior. Why are they the enemy in the CT world with such a great track record of evidence gathering? Why do people trust FOIA requests if the government can just send fake evidence?


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Just curious. Has anyone known someone an acquaintance even a friend that you had a falling out with and no longer associate with. Trump banned the guy from his club 15 years ago for doing exactly what he is accused of. Why is that not mentioned after quoting him?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Didn't even faze me. But thanks.

So I've clicked all your links about CIA this and that. In everyone of them, government has investigated itself and exposed these behaviors. Often this occurs with the help of the MSM, notably the NYT.
How does that jive with the constant assumption that government is lying to you about most things and same with MSM...often colluding together? It appears quite clearly that the MSM and Government do a better job than other systems in exposing corrupt and bad behavior. Why are they the enemy in the CT world with such a great track record of evidence gathering? Why do people trust FOIA requests if the government can just send fake evidence?
I can't stick up for MSM myself or spend time debating anybody who is, seems kinda pointless to me.
Same goes for the general term "government"...Some real legit patriots in Govt. and some Legit Slimebags/Corruption IMO
I don't have any constant assumptions.

did you read the northwoods PDF pages 7-11? JFK tossed that shit out and was in a coffin a lil while after.
Not many coming out unredacted anymore...JFK files are mostly black blocks and basically unreadable

MSM does break some stories and uncover some legit shit, but IMO it is also filled with bias and divide and conquer based content....AKA russian collusion etc... etc... etc...

Take care man...Gotta go do a few jobs...enjoy this amazing late summer sunday