Ex Oklahoma cop Daniel Holtzclaw gets 263 years for raping multiple black women

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First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
I posted on this when the verdict was announced. The race of the victims was significant because Holtzclaw deliberately targeted low or no income black women with histories of drug use because he felt the prospects of getting caught were substantially lower. It also was relevant because of how Oklahoma PD responded initially to several complainants allegations. Most disturbing was that he was a formal suspect, but was not removed from active duty and raped his final victim while under investigation.
The sick fuck actually had a legit point though. Targeting low income ladies with troubled pasts definitely would've helped him stay under the radar longer. If he were to rape one richy rich girl it would've been splashed all over the local news and he probably wouldn't have been able to have multiple victims. Seems less about the skin color and more about realistic understanding of how the system works. Glad the fuck is caught and hope he gets to see what it's like to be on the receiving end now.


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
The race and socioeconomic status of all the women targeted is the same, across multiple victims, right? We don't know for certain (because we're not useless fucking deviants) if that commonality is rooted in opportunity or fetish. My guess is both, because power is so inextricably involved in rape. But whatever lens we use to interpret that data, or whatever broader social conclusions we want to draw from it, it is certainly significant.

Anyway, fuck that guy's worthless life. When I'm dictator, I'm going to feed him to my pet panther. Or maybe serial rapists get the cobra room, I haven't worked the details out with the palace architect yet.