General Fantastic Four first steps

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
Yeah. That sucks. One suggestion, stop beating us over the head with the we will work as one, we are family bullshit. It's cheesy and lame AF.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Blows me away that the MCU got ot so right for so long, then decided to get DEI & fuck everything up.
I maintain globalist interests pay studios off on the back end.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
All the politics and shit you might hate about Marvel or any of the actors or whatever the fuck aside...

I think that looks good actually. On wikipedia it says it takes place in a retro-future earth sort of like the 60s, I think that fits with this comic team perfectly as pretty much everyone sees it as an old school comic, which it is, but you know what I am getting at.

All the actors look good for the part. My only complains is I think Thing should have a pretty deep voice, idk, that seemed odd, but that actor is great so lets see what he does with it.

I dont think this will restore the MCU to its former glory but it looks worth checking out to me for sure. I predict a B level MCU movie out of it. Its not going to be Endgame, its not going to be Eternals.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
Yeah. That sucks. One suggestion, stop beating us over the head with the we will work as one, we are family bullshit. It's cheesy and lame AF.
Well, I mean ....they are literally a family. Related. Not Vin Diesel family. Danny Tanner family is what we are working with here. You know what Im saying.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
Well, I mean ....they are literally a family. Related. Not Vin Diesel family. Danny Tanner family is what we are working with here. You know what Im saying.
I know they're a family. Well at least three of them. But I don't need cheesy we can do it if we stay together. C'mon guys, they can't beat us if we work together! GTFO here with that


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
The first Richard Reed from that goofy movie was excellent casting. Actually, most of those besides Alba(who was smoking hot so no complaints) were great choices. Comish dude had the spot on accent. A better writer/director would of had a better chance.

Pascal is a FLAME-INGO.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
I agree Thing's voice is terrible. His face is close but misses somehow. I think his face is too small. The big helmet like brow is a must, but they need to fill out the face more. That is nitpicking , though. Invisible Woman should be hotter. And I'm just plain sick of Pedro Pascal
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I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
The first Richard Reed from that goofy movie was excellent casting. Actually, most of those besides Alba(who was smoking hot so no complaints) were great choices. Comish dude had the spot on accent. A better writer/director would of had a better chance.

Pascal is a FLAME-INGO.
Agree with all this, did we just become friends again!


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I maintain globalist interests pay studios off on the back end.
This is a definite possiblity. Hollywood & politics is actually *way* more intertwined than the average person realizes.

I watched a docu about Kim Dotcom - the absolutely debaucherous guy that started & grew megaupload back in the day. Dude made a gazillion dollars.

Anyway, this was the early to mid 2000s when napster, peer-to-peer, etc was really hot. Video was next and megaupload was the first real big, successful way to share huge files. It was responsible for movies getting shared left & right. And the govt didn't give a shit.

Then Hollywood decided they were losing too much money to piracy and, as the story goes, basically threatened Obama that if he didn't go after this shit & hard, they were gonna pull all their lobbying $$$.

Suddenly, online piracy became one of the US govt's main concerns overnight.

So to think the globalist cabal & such are in bed with Hollywood in some fashion isn't at all out of the realm of possibility.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
This is a definite possiblity. Hollywood & politics is actually *way* more intertwined than the average person realizes.

I watched a docu about Kim Dotcom - the absolutely debaucherous guy that started & grew megaupload back in the day. Dude made a gazillion dollars.

Anyway, this was the early to mid 2000s when napster, peer-to-peer, etc was really hot. Video was next and megaupload was the first real big, successful way to share huge files. It was responsible for movies getting shared left & right. And the govt didn't give a shit.

Then Hollywood decided they were losing too much money to piracy and, as the story goes, basically threatened Obama that if he didn't go after this shit & hard, they were gonna pull all their lobbying $$$.

Suddenly, online piracy became one of the US govt's main concerns overnight.

So to think the globalist cabal & such are in bed with Hollywood in some fashion isn't at all out of the realm of possibility.
Jewllywood is nothing but earth's propaganda central hub.
When we hear "____ is a bad actor" coming out of DC, that's exactly what they mean.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
This is a definite possiblity. Hollywood & politics is actually *way* more intertwined than the average person realizes.

I watched a docu about Kim Dotcom - the absolutely debaucherous guy that started & grew megaupload back in the day. Dude made a gazillion dollars.

Anyway, this was the early to mid 2000s when napster, peer-to-peer, etc was really hot. Video was next and megaupload was the first real big, successful way to share huge files. It was responsible for movies getting shared left & right. And the govt didn't give a shit.

Then Hollywood decided they were losing too much money to piracy and, as the story goes, basically threatened Obama that if he didn't go after this shit & hard, they were gonna pull all their lobbying $$$.

Suddenly, online piracy became one of the US govt's main concerns overnight.

So to think the globalist cabal & such are in bed with Hollywood in some fashion isn't at all out of the realm of possibility.
100 percent this


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
One thing they have to nail is Things fighting. He is supposed to be just under Hulk in terms of strength but is the more technical fighter. If they have him out there starching bad guys with good boxing choreography, I'm in.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2021
Ok. I guess it's time to show my nerdiness. Like all characters, Things strength level fluctuated over the years. When they first started it was much lower, but it traditionally became class 85. That's lower than a calm Hulk at class 100 (usually, his strength changed a bunch too). Thing would use his toughness, and boxing skills, to hang with the Hulk until Hulk's strength increases through anger would eventually become too much.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
Ok. I guess it's time to show my nerdiness. Like all characters, Things strength level fluctuated over the years. When they first started it was much lower, but it traditionally became class 85. That's lower than a calm Hulk at class 100 (usually, his strength changed a bunch too). Thing would use his toughness, and boxing skills, to hang with the Hulk until Hulk's strength increases through anger would eventually become too much.
True. Also the MCU over and under levels all these heroes as the script requires, so who knows. I just hope they make him hulk-like in strength and has hands. Do that and Im happy.

I also think they should have went with Jim from The Office for Reed, but whatever. Pedro is a good actor, he will do fine I am sure.