Favorite Punk Band/Songs...

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Aug 29, 2015
So there's a colorful thread about peoples favorite metal song...

Post your favorite metal songs here... | The MMA Community Forum

So I figured I would start something similar but for a genre that is much closer to my heart, Punk Rock. Of course everyone has different tastes for any genre so I know we won't all agree but maybe someone will like something you do, but they just don't know it yet.

I'll kick it off with a few of my favorite punk bands of all time...

Operation Ivy - Unity

The ska band to end all other ska bands. I never got into ska because, well, there's OpIvy...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7-zRWai5yY

Toy Dolls - Dig That Groove Baby

While never reaching mass appeal or the credit they really deserver, Olga and his crew has created a brand of punk that is both silly and hard hitting. Amazing guitarist too, so if you like this you should check out their other stuff...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw60q0wEt6g

NOFX - We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows

Lots of kids into punk rock don't like NOFX, saying they grew out of them in the 7th grade etc etc, but they've been around for more than 30 years and still pumping out amazing music that hasn't strayed from the true approach. S&M, Drugs, lots of rock -n- roll...what more can you ask for?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1POOuPPbCws

At any rate, these are just a few songs that I listen to on the regular...what about everyone else?


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I hung out with the punk/skater crew in high school but never really liked the genre of music to be honest. Not sure why, but it just didn't resonate with me. There is one particular album I grew to love though...

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I love the fast, aggressive music, but too often I hate the actual message/lyrics.

Same deal with Rage. Grew up with RATM, love the music, hate the politics. I'm torn.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
anyone know of a punk song that starts off with a cowbell? sounds like the damned or the addicts. old school. heard on complete control radio but never found out who it was...


Oct 20, 2015
I really love Discharge, Brother Inferior, Cocksparrer, Detestation.
My favorite band ever is Propagandhi

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
This song blew me away the first time I heard it and I was addicted to the album "666 Motor Inn" for a long time.

And here's another from that same album.

Satanic Surfers' drummer Rodrigo for a while pulled double duties as lead singer/drummer which is pretty impressive.
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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Good Riddance is one of my all time favourites (they're partly responsible for my vegetarian lifestyle).
I had one hell of a time trying to get a hold of a split album they did that had this track on it, so my friend burned me a copy. It was probably my most played song on Winamp for awhile.


Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Easily my favourite NOFX song.

Clocking in at just over 18 minutes this song is epic!
My friends used to say "it's impressive but they just edit it all together. It's not really a full song."

Years later they saw them live and they played "The Decline" in its entirety.

Not a full song my ass!
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