Fertitta confirms McGregor was guaranteed $10 million

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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
This was a great public relations move by the UFC to release his proposed pay. Now people are thinking "how could Conor not fight for that kind of money." The UFC is trying to remove the blame that may be put on them about fighters pay and the way they treat
My thoughts exactly. Very smart move. You guarantee anything after the fact.

Also, did I misread the article (probably) because what I took from it was Big John said that Fertitta mentioned the $10 million.


Top dog isn't my desire, it's just my design.
Apr 19, 2016
Shrewd? Sly? There really are so many words that I can't be bothered to think of that would so easily apply to this, none of them positive.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i love how the Conor talk is dying down and about dead. Its time to move on, I find it funny how he is not wanting the fight back on even not at 200, this to me is because its a stall tactic to keep the belt. Imagine if he lost the belt? Im afraid he cant handle a regular loss this might send him over edge.


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Why is there this misconception that Dana is holding up the fight or making the decisions. It's hard to call the shots when he only owns 10% of the company. This has to be all Fertitas Billion doing all the talking.

Dana White Net Worth
Seriously.... I have long said that Dana is the "bad cop" sock puppet for Frank (who is VERY involved but quiet) and Lorenzo...

And here's my Dana picture I like to post...


Posting Machina
Feb 8, 2016
Seriously.... I have long said that Dana is the "bad cop" sock puppet for Frank (who is VERY involved but quiet) and Lorenzo...

And here's my Dana picture I like to post...
True, if you look at Twitter you will see a lot of casuals thinking it's Dana doing this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
I don't really have a dog in this fight. I just want to see the fight!

And, I think Dana should shut the fuck up and let the fighters fight.
IF Dana put Conner back on the card after missing the media stuff and everything that happened could you imagine the crap that would be written/said ? Think back to Nick Diaz getting kicked off with the GSP fight for missing the media. Now Conner misses, disses, says he's retiring and then says he's back on UFC 200. Really the UFC had no choice, EVERYBODY would be shouting "Conner Favortism", "Double Standards" and anything else you can think of. I'm a Conner Fan but this time he screwed up and gave the UFC no choice. DO you think the UFC is happy they're going to be leaving a projected 45 million behind, that's some big pile of money not to cash in on.


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
Congrats on missing my point.
My point was to point out that everyone else gets a pay cut coming off a loss.
Next up; your response will be "McGregor isn't everyone else."
Feel free to guess my response...
wait let me shoot my self in the head ..