Fight in gym goes too far

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Elbows and soccer kick after the guy was verbally tapping. That's messed up. No need to assault the guy after you've already proved yourself. Wont' be surprised if Neer gets charged for this.


Jan 28, 2015
YOu know what i loved it. I dont feel bad for the black guy at all. He talked a lot of shit and he got his fucking ass kicked, yup that is right. Im sick of all these fucking fake tough guys that walk around all the time, and a good ass kicking is exactly what they deserve, in fact they shouldve let him whoop him some more.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Pitbull3744;n28034 said:
YOu know what i loved it. I dont feel bad for the black guy at all. He talked a lot of shit and he got his fucking ass kicked, yup that is right. Im sick of all these fucking fake tough guys that walk around all the time, and a good ass kicking is exactly what they deserve, in fact they shouldve let him whoop him some more.

He's back trolling Neer on Facebook, so you may get your wish.


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
Pitbull3744;n28034 said:
YOu know what i loved it. I dont feel bad for the black guy at all. He talked a lot of shit and he got his fucking ass kicked, yup that is right. Im sick of all these fucking fake tough guys that walk around all the time, and a good ass kicking is exactly what they deserve, in fact they shouldve let him whoop him some more.
Agree with this kind of now after finding out the guy is STILL TALKING SHIT. Unbelievable how you can continue to talk shit after getting tuned up that bad. Supposedly the guy was a trained boxer and is like 6'6" and 270

Hard to tell how big he is from the video with him in the fetal position.

The kick was too much though and posting the video online was pretty fucking stupid.


Jan 28, 2015
I Wild Each It;n28036 said:
He's back trolling Neer on Facebook, so you may get your wish.
I just looked and didnt see it but good i hope he does get his ass kicked again.

Shy Guy

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I was a bit torn on this last night but fuck it, If I were in Neer's shoes and some dude showed up at my gym to fight, I would put it on him.

The guy talked shit and asked for an ass whooping and he got it. Fuck em.

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Jan 28, 2015
teamquestnorth;n28037 said:
Agree with this kind of now after finding out the guy is*STILL TALKING SHIT. Unbelievable how you can continue to talk shit after getting tuned up that bad. Supposedly the guy was a trained boxer and is like 6'6" and 270

Hard to tell how big he is from the video with him in the fetal position.

The kick was too much though and posting the video online was pretty fucking stupid.
Fuck that the kick was perfect i wouldve stomped on his head so many times it wouldve been illegal.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
can anyone post screen shots of the shit talking. I'm not a facebooker.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Yea couldnt see it on middle easy..can't believe people who get destroyed still talk shit..I've met a few in my i wanna see this shit


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Ewww..them elbows were nasty...must have watched Mir and BigFoot lol..Mir and Neer the hellbows to fear!


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
There are big differences in a fighter and a martial artist...a fighter does it cause that's usually all they've ever known like myself i grew up in a ROUGH childhood...A martial artist usually is trained in disciplines that teach honor and respect..Neer is a fighter period...I'm not saying it's right or wrong in what he did... but if a big fucker kept harassing me and came to my training area i would crush him too...that last kick was unnecessary but when you've grown up fighting in the cage and street your emotions get the best of u and u can do things out of doubt Neer grew tired of this punk ass bully...who we all know if he beat neer up he would post the vid talking shit discrediting fighters..hell he still talking shit after his understand why neer wrecked his punk ass just glad he picked fight With Neer and not some other civilian..hell who knows how many people this fucking punk has hurt..if he would pick a fight with Neer can you imagine what he does to normal people?

Shy Guy

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
DiazIsDeepInside MyTatteredArsehole;28111 said:
There are big differences in a fighter and a martial artist...a fighter does it cause that's usually all they've ever known like myself i grew up in a ROUGH childhood...A martial artist usually is trained in disciplines that teach honor and respect..Neer is a fighter period...I'm not saying it's right or wrong in what he did... but if a big fucker kept harassing me and came to my training area i would crush him too...that last kick was unnecessary but when you've grown up fighting in the cage and street your emotions get the best of u and u can do things out of doubt Neer grew tired of this punk ass bully...who we all know if he beat neer up he would post the vid talking shit discrediting fighters..hell he still talking shit after his understand why neer wrecked his punk ass just glad he picked fight With Neer and not some other civilian..hell who knows how many people this fucking punk has hurt..if he would pick a fight with Neer can you imagine what he does to normal people?
Good post. I agree.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Thats so fucking brutal..watched it multiple times...dude is lucky people pulled him off..josh is lucky too cuz i don't think he would have stopped, he was in kill mode..not thinking I'm gonna kill this dude...but don't think I'm weird but whenever somebody crosses that line and you finally get your hands on them its almost euphoric when you start hitting somebody...i know that sounds messed up but i can't explain it in no other's not the same when in me there are lot of murdersers out there or have the ability to kill but have the mental capacity not to do where a person who has totally lost it and no longer thinks rationally and goes through with it...when you start beating on a human who has evoked that type of emotion out if you it becomes VERY dangerous when you possess the skills and weapons such as neer.. Think about it, that dude was30 seconds from death or severe brain trauma If he wasn't pulled off..Scary scary stuff


i think it would jeopardize his fight license


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Morph you could be right..unless he gets in legal you'll idk if they will...kimbo nvr had trouble lol..times are changing though


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Btw how do we get out guard that are under our title to go up..i just noticed they ask are at 2..does changing it avatars have something to do with this?

Deleted member 1

DiazIsDeepInside MyTatteredArsehole;n28163 said:
Btw how do we get out guard that are under our title to go up..i just noticed they ask are at 2..does changing it avatars have something to do with this?


I'm tweaking it. You still got your rep. I'll actually be adjusting it again tonight (been sick).
all the new members got maxed out. Trying to fix that. It'll be back up soon, but maybe not maxed all the way so fast.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
No worries splinty...I'm toobam sick as hell