General Gene Hackman rip

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2024
Pretty rare for a guy to punch his own ticket after making it long in life. Not rare at all for a major shock to kill an old guy.

Autopsy will reveal much, seems like they've confidently ruled out CO poisoning, but Autopsy will tell that story too.

Weird case.
The elderly have the highest suicide rate out of all age groups. Bear knows.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
That pathologist Michael Biden was on the news earlier. Based on what has been released and ruled out:
- Double Suicide or murder suicide
- Double murder, likely via poisoning
- One had a medical event and while trying to help had a fatal event of their own.
- There was an actual gas leak of some form that killed them which was resolved/fixed in the 9 days they were dead.

I think he carpet bombed all the possibilities except aliens.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
That pathologist Michael Biden was on the news earlier. Based on what has been released and ruled out:
- Double Suicide or murder suicide
- Double murder, likely via poisoning
- One had a medical event and while trying to help had a fatal event of their own.
- There was an actual gas leak of some form that killed them which was resolved/fixed in the 9 days they were dead.

I think he carpet bombed all the possibilities except aliens.
clear as mud