VID Georges St. Pierre Says Reebok Might Keep Him Out of The UFC But Not MMA

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Not crazy...I just dont see it happening. The news he's making is about his issues with the UFC, which makes me think he's never returning :(
Yea he doesnt seem all to thrilled with the zuffc lately, i dont see him returning especially if his contract allows wearing of other sponsors that would really chap the UFC ass and they would only shelf him like so many others

member 3289

I was at GSP Koscheck II and my only real memories of the fight are:
  • wow so many jabs and missed overhand rights
  • lol look @ koscheks eye on big screen!
  • haha tom is peeing in his cup and he just poured it down the bleachers/stands. tom you crazy
It definitely was not the most exiting.
Lol Tom cray cray